
The Revenge Strike - Part 2

In response, those five hundred, in realizing that they could not win in an encirclement, had instead allowed themselves to be encircled. They dealt with the first pass, losing nearly a hundred men in the process, and now on the second pass, when the chariot men began to split apart, in the hopes of attacking both flanks simultaneously, the remaining soldiers were forced to bunch up together.

In truth, it was that left side that General Zilan had been more worried about. As far as he could tell, in leaving their infantry, the right side had already blundered their advantage. They'd given away half their force with nothing to get for it… Only, they hadn't. Somehow, that infantry, in their abandonment, had won out. They'd punched through the thin line with hardly any casualties to show for it, and now they were rounding on the chariotmen before they could turn.