
A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life... I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. =Update Schedule= Mon-Tue-Fri-Sat-Sun [2000+ words per chapter] Disclaimer: This is my first time writing an original story so be warned that there will be plenty of infodumps in the first dozen chapters because I didn't take this story seriously at that time, if I somehow finish this story, I will rewrite those chapters so it could become more reader-friendly.

DrDedot · ファンタジー
60 Chs

Adventurers vs Trolls

Revlo is currently walking along with the several adventurer groups that were heading towards the troll den.

The village chief was also among them, no one disagreed with the village chief tagging along because he was the strongest among the people here, even though the latter was not an adventurer.

Revlo has already proven his skills so no one made any objections with him tagging along either.

Metallic footsteps could be heard in the dense forest, even though such a large group of adventurers was passing through, the monsters didn't attack them probably because of the natural killing intent that the group emitted to deter them away.

Revlo was walking among them while chatting with Golg, for some reason the guy suddenly got close to him after their meeting.

Golg was a dwarf, one of the minor races but unlike the stereotypes that are associated with their race, Golg was tall as he towered over 2 meters tall and was not a blacksmith, hell, he hadn't even touched a single hammer in his whole life.

"Hahaha, are you seriously only 9 years old? You are not some geezer that reversed his age, looks, or anything like that?"

A burst of hearty laughter echoed in the forest, such an action would attract the attention of the various monsters here but Golg's behavior was carefree and relaxed.

"Hey, how did you do it? How did you manage to cancel my magic? Are you also a gravity magic user?"

Golg bombarded Revlo with endless questions, it was not surprising to say that he was interested in how Revlo was able to pull off such a feat, he was also curious about the boy himself.

The other adventurer group leaders were listening in on their conversation as well.

"I just did"

Revlo uttered as if it was a matter of fact, he didn't even turn his head to look at Golg but the latter didn't mind Revlo's cold attitude.

"Also, yeah you could say that I know some gravity magic" Revlo continued.

'Some' would be too humble, Revlo's proficiency in utilizing gravity magic is way superior compared to Golg, who specialized in said magic.

Golg stroked his beard at Revlo's answer, then turned his head to look at the horned bear walking alongside the latter and said.

"A beast tamer and a gravity magic-user? You are young too, I am speechless, how come I've never heard of such a genius or at least any rumors about you"

Golg inquired, with Revlo's age in proportion with his strength, it was certainly puzzling that he hadn't heard of a single rumor about him, Golg tried to recall and probe the memories stored in his brain about the talented and excellent young people in the continent that he knows about.

'Elvina, John Hancock, Ken Mason, Maria ... Melzard, Adam, Alice...'

'None of them matched with this kid's description'

"It hasn't been that long since I've gone out, I've lived far out in the mountains after all"

Revlo said, putting a stop to Golg's pondering.

"I see"

Golg said while narrowing his eyes.

"Hey, if you are going through the adventurer's qualification test, doesn't that mean people are watching us right about now?"

Golg suddenly had a realization as he looked upwards.

Golg didn't wait for a reply as he already gave a bright smile to no one in particular.

"Oh man, I guess we better impress the audience with our performance, this is a chance for everyone to see how awesome we are, don't you think so boys?"

Golg said as he looked behind him, his gaze swept through the people of his group.


A dozen or so adventurers cheered, all of them were part of the adventurer group that Golg formed.

"Hey we better show 'em what we got as well, don't fall behind this loudmouth's group of barbarians"

One of the leaders yelled and looked at his group of adventurers as well.

The rest of the leaders followed suit and also encouraged their members, a large series of cheers echoed in the dense forest.

They will have to face a small army of trolls soon but none of them were anxious nor worried at all, one look on their faces and you could tell that they were filled with confidence and with their respective leaders encouraging them, their morale and bloodlust were raised to an entirely new level.

Revlo sighed and shook his head at this.

He glanced at the only group leader that didn't encourage her members, the only leader who was a woman, Revlo noticed that he didn't manage to hear her talk at least once, she was the only first-class expert among the adventurers here.

With the exception of the village chief who was a super first-class expert, that woman was undoubtedly the strongest champion present.

'A blazeborn, one of the minor races, a race that commands fire and lives in volcanoes'

Revlo said in his mind.

The woman had red and orange skin and dark red hair, she looked to be in her 20s while wearing a black leather outfit.

Golg noticed where Revlo was looking and said in low voice.

"Her name is Carla, also known as the Blaze Witch, don't mind her, she is always like this, though I don't recommend trying to get close to her, like other blazeborns, she has a short temper, I was really surprised that she accepted this mission since I heard that her group doesn't like going on missions with others"

Revlo nodded and put any necessary thoughts out of his mind and continued to walk forward.

They continued their journey until one of the group leaders raised his left hand and everyone suddenly came to a halt.

He belonged to the angel race so his magical senses are more acute than the others here.

"We're here" he said.

With just those words, everyone's faces suddenly turned serious, of course, they were still somewhat relaxed.

"Everyone get into position, we'll surround the entire den to make sure not a single troll escapes"

"In the meantime, the main attackers, come with me, and let's attack the troll den together, we have the element of surprise here, so let's sweep 'em and get paid"

The group leaders gave their command to their respective groups and cooperated, there was no disharmony between them, they were dealing with trolls after all, even if they were only intermediate-rank monsters, no one can deny that they are much more troublesome to deal with compared to other intermediate-rank monsters.

The only ones who were out of touch were Carla's group which earned the dissatisfaction of the others but they had no time to argue with each other and proceeded with the operation.

"Oh, holy one...."

"When the light shines upon us...."

"In the name of...."

"Give me the courage to face my foes so that I ....."

Various chants could be heard as those words escaped from the mouths of the mages.

They were either chanting buff magic or attack magic while others were preparing defense magic.

Some were brandishing their blades and polished their weapons, the entire group was divided into two, one half for the invaders while the other half would stay behind and prevent the trolls from escaping.

The ones on the front lines were the group leaders, Revlo turned his head to look at them and saw that they made their preparations as well.

Revlo put his left hand on Browny's stomach and chanted.

"Physical Enhancement, Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Stamina"

Revlo applied some physical boosts on himself and Browny.

"Magic Power Increase"

Revlo also applied some buff magic that boosts his magic attacks as well.

"All done" he said.

He inspected his body and after he confirmed that he was in full fighting condition, he raised his head only to see that everyone was looking at him, even Carla's group was not an exception.

Confused, Revlo asked them.


Golg who standing just a couple of feet away twitched his eyes in irritation.

"What do you mean what? You can do instant chanting and multi-casting as well? Are you only 9 years old and not just some old dude pretending to be young?"

In response, Revlo rolled his eyes.

"Why would I go through the trouble in doing that?"

'He doesn't sound like he is lying'

Golg thought as he analyzed Revlo's face.

'If he is telling the truth then doesn't it mean that he is a genius that should be on par with the 7 Ursa Stars and the 5 commanders?'

He shook his head a second later and denied the claim.

'No way, those fellas are complete monsters'

Looking at Revlo who unsheathed his sword, Golg and the others had an interesting thought.

'After this is mission is over, we have to invite him to join our adventurer's group'

'In any case, let's see what he is capable of'

There was no detriment in making Revlo join their faction so it was not that surreal that they would want to recruit a young genius like Revlo.

Revlo could read their thoughts just by looking at their expressions but just chose to ignore them.

'It's not like I'll be staying here anyway'

After some preparations, the leaders began charging forward.

They could see a stray troll that is separated from the rest, the monster was surprised by their sudden appearance and was frightened.

Golg grinned at the troll's predicament and gripped his axe tightly and swung it towards the troll.

The troll blocked the attack with his wooden club, but It got sliced in half a second later.

The troll gritted its teeth, this was its first time leaving the den and now the first thing it encountered was a bunch of strong adventurers that are out for its blood, it suddenly felt like it was the unluckiest creature alive.

The troll looked around and saw that it was surrounded by the adventurers, its thoughts were filled with the idea to retreat and alert the others of intruders.

It didn't even hesitate to turn its body and began to run as fast as it could.

Seeing the troll running away, Golg looked behind him and yelled.

"Mack, now!"

Mack, one of the mages, nodded and said.


"Now this guy won't be able to move for a couple of seconds"

Since the mages already chanted beforehand, then all they needed was to say the activation word for the magic to be immediately casted.

The retreating troll suddenly felt like its movements got restricted like its entire body was bound tightly by a thick rope, its leg twitched in a last-ditch attempt to move but it was useless.

The troll panicked and screamed, hoping to receive help from the other trolls, but unfortunately for it, Golg was already right behind him and chopped its head off clean.

Green blood gushed out of its neck like a fountain as its headless body plopped on the ground with a loud thud.

"Krakkkkkkkk" The troll screamed.

But despite getting decapitated, the troll was still alive.

"Tenacious bastards" Golg cursed.

"Hupp" Golg raised his axe.

He stabbed the chest of the monster, where its magic core was located.


Just like that, its magic core shattered into a million pieces.

"Trolls have troublesome regenerative abilities, so it is better to kill them in one go" Golg said with a triumphant smile.

"Hmph, show off" The other group leaders snorted derisively and continued to run forward.

One particular angel, who is also a group leader snorted derisively at Golg, dwarves and angels didn't enjoy a good relationship, that is why the two just ignored each other's existence.

The desperate scream of the troll was not in vain, the den was not far from where it died, so the other trolls were alerted and quickly grabbed their weapons.


The forest was immediately filled with the grief-stricken battle cries of the trolls, it was so loud that all of the adventurers including the village chief had to cover their ears if they don't want their eardrums to be ruptured.

"They are so goddamn loud"

One of the group leaders said with irritation.

"Let's go"

They looked ahead and saw a small army of trolls, numbered around 30 or so, running towards them with rage-filled faces.

"Status Down"

A bunch of mages said as their palms glowed in a gray color. Afterward, the trolls themselves also glowed with the same color, they immediately felt some discomfort as their movements suddenly slowed down.

'Status Down' is a curse spell that weakens the target, be it their magic, strength, speed, or pretty much anything, the effects of the spell depends on one's proficiency and how much mana they channeled into the spell, but its downside is that this curse magic could easily be undone if one had the sufficient knowledge of this spell or if the opponent's mana reserves and champion rank is higher than the caster.

Since all the mages that casted this curse magic were all intermediate ranks just like those trolls, the trolls were unable to resist as their movements turned sluggish and their strength dwindled.

The inevitable clash between the adventurers and the trolls commenced, sparks from weapons clashing were flying around and magic attacks were thrown everywhere.