
A Thornful Rose

Arzel got locked into a novel after he committed suicide, what's worse was that he was the villain and he had to make the main character suffer so that he can die and live another life. "I can just make Hiro kill me without him hating me." How was he supposed to do that, you ask? Simply because a tragic event will occur where Hiro won't have the slightest bit of rationality and sanity for a short period of time. Arzel can just provoke Hiro to kill him and it's done. ______________________ "Mm..." Hiro hugged Arzel and cuddled him at the bed. "What are you doing, Hiro?" "Hm? Big brother seems sad so i want to comfort him." "I know but..." Why do you have to do it in such an intimate way?! _______________ Hello! I'm currently writing this for fun. Here are a few disclaimer's though: • I'm still a teenager so please be kind and just say CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. • I will only update on Saturday's at 6:00 PM but it can also be late because i am busy with school. • This is BL, and there may be "Unholy" things, please diseegard that i am only a teenager. That is all, happy reading! 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

Repsev10 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Hero's Journey

"..." A person was on top of a rooftop with reddened eyes having clearly cried.

'It's cold.'

"I wish i could've been a better person." Arzel Padelarian, a person who killed 5 people, wanted. He had soft features, blue eyes, and long white hair, something so rare that only 1 person can have it.

"I didn't want them to be killed, they killed my parents! I grew up in an orphanage." He was explaining to someone.

"I understand." A figure clad in black said as if comforting him.


"...So don't do it, please."

Arzel smiled, he knew that he was precious to this person. But his life had no purpose anymore, he couldn't possibly live as a wanted person.

"Arzel, i love you. Don't do it, please!" The individual was begging for Arzel to stop.

"I'm sorry." Arzel proceeded to end his life.


"Huh? What is this?" Arzel looked around and saw a hand that was not his, it was slender and beautiful.

[ System start... ]

[ Welcome to the world of 'The Hero's Journey'. You have been selected to become a character in it. Please act accordingly to the character you are going to be. ]

"Oh, what if i don't want to?"

[ ...What? ]

"I don't want to."

The system analyzed Arzel's memory.

[ If you do what the system says, you can live another life with your parents and the boy that said he loved you, in exchange, you have to become the villain in "The Hero's Journey', the novel you read before you died for 8 years. ]


[ Just say yes. ]


[ Why?! You are the only one compatible with the owner's body! ]

"I just want to die, you know?"

[ But your soul is going to break apart into small little fragments and you may have to live eternally if you don't accept, host. Compared to eternal years, wouldn't it be better for you to just do it? ]

"Yes, but on one condition."

[ ... ]

"I decline, then."

[ Wait, no! What is it? ]

"I don't want to not be able to walk anymore."

[ Host will not be able to see if he wants the ability to walk. It is an exchange. ]

Arzel didn't ask for anything else, after all, he had an eidetic memory.

"Let me summarize it up, i'm the older brother of the main protagonist and i'm supposed to torment him and he kills me, but i was adopted while he isn't."

[ Yes, Arzel Theras X. Von De Abel is an adopted child, he is currently 13 years old while Hiro is 10 years old. Arzel reminded Hiran Xeras Von De Abel of his beloved wife, Azelle Amara Xarzon Von De Abel, which is Hiro's mother. Hiran didn't love Hiro because Azelle died when she gave birth to him. Thus, loving Arzel instead of Hiro. Arzel being adopted is hidden from everyone except Hiran, and Hiro. Hiro loved Arzel as a child but at 16, he understood that his brother doesn't love him. ]

"This is in a historical-fantasy setting, right?"

[ 'The Hero's Journey' is a historical-fantasy setting where there are Warriors, Healers, Mages, War-mages, Swordmage, and Assassins. They are granted a title based on their rank which is, G-ranked, F-ranked, E-ranked, D-ranked, C-ranked, B-ranked, A-ranked, S-ranked, SS-ranked, SSS-ranked, and finally, EX-ranked. EX-ranked is something that hasn't been achieved in 2 millenniums, but the protagonist, Hiro, will achieve it at the age of 25. ]

"...Nice." Arzel was complimenting the system and heard a knock on the door."

"Big brother, it's me." A handsome voice was heard from the door.

"Come in."

"Hiro, come here." Arzel said in a gentle face, and voice.

"Yes, brother." Hiro looked a bit hesitant, thinking Arzel would hit him again.

Arzel hugged him gently and said in an apologetic voice.

"I'm sorry, Hiro. This brother of yours was a jerk."

[ Host, what are you doing?! QAQ. ]

Hiro looked shocked, he was waiting for this moment his whole entire life, was he dreaming?

"It's okay, brother." Hiro cried in his brother's arms.

[ Host, cut it out! QAQ. ]

Arzel completely ignored the system.

"As my apology, i will give you mother's necklace. Please accept it."

Hiro was shocked, again. Because of his brother's inferiority complex towards him because he was not the real child, he wouldn't give his mother's necklace to him, saying that if he was adopted, he can atleast have Azelle's necklace. Also, he was blind.

"Really, big brother?"

[ Host! That necklace has a mana-increasing magic in it! It is extremely important for you! QAQ, what are you doing?! ]

"Yes, here it is." Although Arzel couldn't see, he can feel the surroundings, but he also had difficulty.

Arzel took out a necklace and handed it over to Hiro.

"Big brother, i have a gift for you." Hiro took something out of his pocket.

"Hiro, big brother can't see, but he can feel the surroundings. But i can't seem to be able to discern what that is?" Arzel was able to tell things apart because he did this when he was still on earth, but he didn't feel anything like that.

"It's a blindfold, i got it an enchantment so it wouldn't break." Hiro smiled.

"But doesn't that cost 1 gold?"

"I enchanted it on my own, so big brother wouldn't know what it was as a surprise."

'Judging from what he's saying, enchantments are a thing in this world and every enchantment has a different feel because of every entities unique soul.'

[ Correct, host. ]

"Really? Thank you, Hiro. Can you put it on me? What design is it?" Arzel smiled gently.

Hiro got up and tied it to Arzel's head. "It has hydrangea flowers on the side."

"Hiro, can i hold your face? I want to know how you look like."

Hiro put Arzel's hand on his face.

'This kid looks attractive as %*#@, i'm so jealous.'

[ He is the main character, host. Use some common sense. ]

"What color are your eyes, Hiro?"

"It looks like rubies."

"Your hair?"

"Jet-black, it's short."

"You'll grow up to be a fine young man."

"Thank you brother, you look so much more handsome then me, though."

"Come to think of it, i don't know what my face looks like. Can you tell me?"

"Um. Big brother has white hair with a tint of blue in it, his eyes looked brownish, you have a defined jawline, high-bridged nose, and pinkish lips. Big brother looks gorgeous."

"Thank you, Hiro."

"No problem, brother."

"Can i ask Hiro a favour?"

"What is it?"

"Can you accompany me? I have difficulty doing things because i'm blind. You just need to tell me what i'm looking at."

"No biggie, i'll do anything for brother!"

"Don't say that, if i ask you to kill someone don't do it."

"But you asked me to?"

"Ah, no, Hiro. That's murder, it's a bad thing to do."

"But father does it a lot."

"To whom?"

"The servants, because you were unsatisfied with them."

"Don't be like father, Hiro. You can only kill if a person irritates you." Arzel held Hiro's face tightly.

'This guy couldn't become irritated with anyone because of his kind heart in the novel.'

"Okay, brother."

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.

"Young master Arzel, young master Hiro, breakfast is ready."

"It's already 7:00 AM?"

"Let's go, Hiro." Arzel held Hiro's hand.


Hiran looked at the boys holding hands.

"Hiro, why are you holding Arzel's hand? It is inappropriate."

"We just reconciled with each other, father."

"I said, it is inappropriate, why are you two still holding hands?!" Hiran looked at them angrily and emitted his SS-ranked pressure.