
A thing called love

What will happen when a man who has forsaken his love, falls in love again? Hunted by his past, the man walks a journey devoid of love and care. Like a bird enclosed in cage, he holds the door out but locks himself, fear- he fears the haunting of the past.

Eren_Yeager_2555 · 現実
11 Chs

Threads entangled

Years spun by like threads on a loom. Puskar's shop became a landmark, a haven for storytelling and the art of mending. Maya, now a young woman with eyes that held the same warmth as his once did, had blossomed into a skilled weaver herself. She was his confidante, his student, and a constant reminder of the new life he'd built from the ashes of his old one.

One day, a traveling musician with eyes the color of the monsoon sky wandered into Puskar's shop. Her name was Amara, and her voice, as melodic as the sitar she carried, filled the space with stories woven from faraway lands. Puskar found himself drawn to her laughter, the way it echoed in the shop like a forgotten melody. He felt a flicker of something he hadn't dared to acknowledge in years - a spark of interest, a hesitant hope.

But the past, a stubborn knot in the fabric of his life, refused to loosen. Every time Amara's eyes lingered on him a little too long, every shared joke, every comfortable silence, Puskar would retreat. The fear of losing again, of having his heart ripped from his chest a second time, was a constant companion. He'd built a fortress around himself, woven from grief and self-preservation, and the thought of letting anyone in terrified him.

One evening, as the last embers of the setting sun painted the shop in warm hues, Amara sat beside Puskar, her fingers brushing against his as they admired a tapestry. "Your stories," she said, her voice soft, "they hold a depth that speaks of both joy and sorrow. Have you ever thought of weaving a new love story?

"Puskar felt his breath catch in his throat. The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. He looked at Amara, the warmth in her eyes a stark contrast to the icy wasteland his heart had become.

"Love," he said, his voice rough with disuse, "is a thread I no longer possess. It was lost in the storm that took everything else.

"Amara's smile softened. "Perhaps," she said gently, "a new thread can be spun. But only if you're willing to open the loom again.

"Puskar stared at her, the weight of her words settling on him. He looked around his shop, at the vibrant tapestries, each one a testament to his resilience. He looked at Maya, her smile radiating the joy he'd helped cultivate. Maybe, just maybe, there was a corner of his heart, a hidden spool, where a new thread of love could be spun.

He didn't know if it would be a tapestry woven with vibrant joy or one tinged with the bittersweet colors of his past. But one thing was certain: Puskar, the weaver of stories, was at a crossroads. Would he remain a prisoner of his past, or would he take a chance on a new love story, a story yet to be woven?