
A Tale of Transcendence - To Crown the New World!

(This fanfic is a rewrite of "Is it Wrong to Try to Climb to The Top From Danmachi? (AU)" caused by various reasons.) *** Since time immemorial, what man has longed for is supremacy. A hidden desire deeply engraved in the genes of all human beings. So what would happen if a young man with the potential to achieve such supremacy was thrown in the middle of a chessboard formed by some of the most powerful beings? What if such a young man embarked on an odyssey to the top, discovering hidden things about his origin as well as overcoming his past? What decisions would that young man make? What would be his craving that would paint the world? Who would he destroy and who would he save? All the answers to those questions are found in the words recorded in the chapters of this story. *** Warning: There will be OC characters in this story as well as the worlds will be AU since some things will be different from canon for different reasons. The worlds planned to be included for now are Danmachi, The Second Coming of Gluttony, Tower of God, Honkai Impact, Mondaiji Tachi, Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, Fate series, and Xenoblade Chronicles. This novel will have a harem Tag and will have smut/R-18 content throughout the story, however, there will be no yuri or any weird fetishes. Several characters in the story will have a different gender than the canon, either by personal choice or because they are from parallel universes. The past of certain characters changes from what it was in canon, either because it is a parallel universe or for other reasons. *** Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction and I do not hold anything of Danmachi or other stories in this fanfic other than my original plots, characters, and their backstories.

ZaelKliz · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

The mortal whose main sin was Ira (Wrath) smiles at the future filled with blessings

Narrator POV:

"¡Oh! As expected of "The One Who Was Promised", to think that he managed to enter Hestia's heart in such a short time!"

Standing on the roof of a building, Hermes only whistled in sincere admiration at the sight of the mortal holding hands with the virgin goddess throughout what could only be a date.

"Amongst everyone I have met over the years, there is no one who surpasses you in terms of conquering women…I, Hermes, declare you the strongest among womanizers!"

After all, walking like that, holding hands at all times, going to the famous flower shop, Dia Flora, walking through the commercial district, and even then going to that love square...

What could that be if not a date between that mortal and the goddess?

"Hermes-sama, could you explain more clearly to me why we are spying on the walk of a rookie and the goddess Hestia…?"

A turquoise-haired beauty pushed up her glasses, looking at the god with annoyance without hiding in her cyan eyes. The god turned around, not looking at the couple for a few moments.

"Isn't that obvious, my dear Asfi? I want to see for myself." The god smiled mysteriously at the bewildered woman. "If this young man has what this world needs so much right now."

With the sun illuminating his eyes that shone with a light beyond mortals, Hermes no longer looked like the usual joker but more like a god beyond mortals.

"Yes...whatever you say, Hermes-sama." Asfi sighed rubbing her forehead tiredly, not being able to take seriously the god she caught an hour ago in the middle of the pleasure district.

"Come on, don't be like that, Asfi, it's not like anyone can see where we are." Hermes looked with satisfaction at the useful magic cloak that provided invisibility created by his captain.

"And I'm glad about that... I don't want our Familia's reputation to get even worse when they treat us like voyeurs..." Asfi sighed again in resignation for her annoying god.


Asfi felt her hair stand on end when a wind passed by them, she took her god and quickly backed away unconsciously without caring about his surprise.

"Wow, Asfi!... I didn't know you liked to play like this..."

Hermes joked as he stood up, turning around when he saw that she didn't respond as usual to his jokes. Asfi only looked in a specific direction, Hermes followed her gaze...

And his own gaze met that of certain blue eyes like the deep sea that seemed to see him as a plague.


Standing in the middle of the street below, the young man in question stared at the positions where Hermes and Asfi were hiding. As if that magical item didn't matter at all to his sight.


After a moment, those blue eyes under a hood stopped looking at them as the owner finally turned his head and continued walking with the goddess bewildered by his stop.

"Asfi... Do you think he could see us up here in front of him?"

Hermes looked at the cloak on himself with doubt before looking at his captain, the creator of magical items, the famous Perseus.

"No, no, no, please Hermes-sama... What makes you think that? Is it by chance that he looked directly at us? Or perhaps it is the murderous intent that the young man sent us?..."

Asfi wiped away her sweat and looked at him blankly causing the god to scratch his cheek when he realized what he said.

"It is impossible that that newcomer is just a rookie..."

"... How interesting... really quite interesting..."

Hermes covered his face with his hat as he lowered it, revealing only an indescribable smile. "I get the message, I will not continue to disturb the romance of a couple on their date."

Asfi felt chills as she looked at her god in that peculiar state of him.

"But... I will still closely observe all your next actions, Bearer of the Hestia Familia crest, Mikhael."


"What happened?" Hestia asked in bewilderment as she saw him suddenly stop in the middle of the street and look at something.

Not being the target, she did not feel the subtle 'wind' sent there.

"Nothing, just two annoying flies that caught my attention." Mikhael shook his head and turned, squeezing the goddess' hand before walking with her again towards the next place.

A few last rays of sunlight from the sun, which was now setting in the west, illuminated the labyrinth city that was preparing to welcome the night and those returning from the dungeon.

Over the course of the date, the couple visited quite a few important or popular places in the city under the guidance of the goddess who had in her possession a booklet that had a useful map.

Curiously, the title of the booklet was covered by ink. But, if Mikhael could see what it said there before, he would see something like "Best Places to Go on a First Date."

So, putting aside the shyness or proactivity of the goddess. What was the reason they were holding hands? The answer went back to right at the beginning of the date itself.

"It's completely reasonable for a goddess to hold her captain's hand to prevent him from getting lost in the crowd, right?" Hestia "explained" seeing the young man's gaze on the union of their hands, but she blushed deeply at his answer.

"That's true, it's only natural for a goddess to want to take care of her child, it's a very necessary precaution." Mikhael nodded, interlacing his fingers with hers. "It can't be helped, can it? Since there are so many people around here."

"You're absolutely right, as expected of my dear son!" Hestia nodded repeatedly at that "reasonable argument." She smiled with great satisfaction as she imagined Freya watching them.

So the date continued until they reached that legendary and popular place, where even the sword princess went regularly...the famous...jagamarukun stand?

Now seriously, who had come up with that name?


"My, my, if it isn't little Hestia..." Hestia saw how her boss's eyes lit up with interest as she saw her hand linked to her child's. "Along with a special companion I would say."

She felt a little embarrassed, however, she didn't plan to let go of his hand at all. Not only because that shameless Freya was perhaps looking at that with envy, but because she wanted to continue feeling the sensation of his hand longer.

"Really, Oba-san, I've told you many times that I'm really a goddess who has lived a great number of years!" Hestia pouted. Athough she clarified that matter, she still treated her like a little girl. "And he is the first child of my Familia."

Hestia raised her head proudly upon seeing the surprise in her boss's eyes but almost tripped upon hearing her response. "Finally there was a gullible person who was fooled by your words?"

"W-what do you mean with fooled?! Mikhael joined knowing everything!" Hestia puffed out her cheeks like a puffer fish upon seeing the lack of trust her boss really had in her according to her words.

"And yet he wanted to stay with me to develop our Familia, what do you think of that? What do you think, huh?"

"Poor thing... he must have some kind of mental illness..."

"Huh?! Is my image so unreliable in your eyes?!"

The goddess and the old lady continued to argue like this, so much so that at one point they heard giggles from the goddess' side. Looking at the source, they saw the young man holding his stomach as he laughed.

"Hahahaha." Mikhael finally stopped laughing as he took a deep breath, then wiped away a tear.

"You two really do look like family, more accurately, a mother and daughter arguing."

"Oh? I don't think I can have a daughter that lazy at work." The shop owner raised an eyebrow from behind the counter. "But according to your words, wouldn't you be my son-in-law?"

Hestia could forgive being called lazy, and she almost felt tears coming down her face at the discreet thumbs up her boss sent her after the question for the young man.

"I would be honored, I wouldn't mind taking on that role if Hestia wanted me to in the future." Amidst the shop owner's nod of approval, Hestia lowered her head, it seemed like smoke was coming out of her head at that truth of him.

"Good boy, I thought you were a fool who was tricked but you're actually after our little Hestia..." The shop owner suddenly became serious before softening her expression again. "Good luck with that, boy, I'm relieved that there's someone by her side now."

'Really, was it necessary to say things like that...?' Hestia bit her lip, she would always be grateful to that woman who helped her even when she made a lot of mistakes at work. 'I don't want to get emotional and start crying in the middle of the date'

"Well, it seems like you're having a very nice evening together." Seeming to notice this or not, the owner clapped her hands before taking out two bags from the counter. "Have something to fill your stomach and enjoy, don't worry, it's on the house for today."

The owner seemed to have that consideration given the possible economic state of the Familia as well as the fact that they were on a date where they would spend money at some point.

Mikhael, however, discreetly looked at the sign with the prices before taking out some money from his cloak. "I'm afraid that with just that my gluttonous goddess won't be satisfied."

"I know from experience cooking for her, so please give me two more and keep the change that's left." Mikhael went and left the money on the stand, not wanting to listen to a refusal.

"Good boy..." The owner looked at the money enough for five jagamarukuns and smacked her lips in amazement. "Take good care of her...if I hear that you made her cry, I'll come beat you up."

"If such a day comes, I'll gladly accept what I will deserve then."

The owner looked at the young man for a moment before nodding in approval again, looking more and more satisfied the more she saw him, almost as if she were his real mother-in-law.

Hestia still had her head down, feeling that her face was too hot from the words of her cheeky child who was not at all shy about expressing his interest in his goddess.

"Boy, I'm a little curious, how about you let me see you?"

Looking up, Hestia watched complacently as the shop owner's gaze went from interest to stupefaction when the young man momentarily lowered the hood that covered his face to avoid too much trouble for them for now.

"...I think I understand now why you hide like that...if the Amazons, no, surely there would even be goddesses who would chase you on seeing you, hell, if I were young I would try too..."

The shop owner came out of her stupor when she saw the face of the goddess that seemed to say "You see all that? That's mine" shaking her head as if to get out of a spell or something.

"Well, boy, be careful about showing your appearance without the necessary strength or support, there is no shortage of bad people in Orario."

She warned sincerely with some concern, to which the young man nodded in response, taking the 4 jagamarukuns.

Unknown to the three, there was someone else who saw his appearance, it was a certain sword princess who was enjoying her daily jagamarukun, which fell to the ground because of the young man.

"Anyway, I wish you a good evening, little Hestia and..."


"Little Mikhael."

After bidding farewell to the owner who continued with her work, Hestia glanced at those bags of jagamarukun from time to time until Mikhael gave her one in the third time.

"You have to try this, Mika, it's the most food delicious in Orario!" Hestia bit into the jagamarukun in her hand as she urged him on.

She looked at him in satisfaction as he raised his eyebrows in some surprise. "How about it? This is quite delicious, isn't it?"

Mikhael seemed to savor it before giving his honest opinion. "It's unexpectedly delicious, but it's too oily to eat too much of it, plus I can probably make a better one myself anytime."

He was really too honest sometimes, no, more than honesty, it was that his pride didn't see the need to lie. It wasn't like Hestia could tell him anything, he was telling the truth. She was still mouth-watering from the taste of his food even now.

"Anyway, you can tell how much effort that lady puts into each one, plus, I think it would be interesting to go work at the jagamarukun stand with you one day, Hestia."

Hestia imagined that for a moment, and found that she not-so-unexpectedly liked the idea, so writing that down for the future, she continued eating her delicious jagamarukun.


Finishing her second Jagamarukun as they walked around the market, the gluttonous goddess discreetly glanced at the young man's hand, who took her hand again upon feeling that.

"Hehehe" Hestia laughed lightly as she felt him intertwine his fingers with hers, it couldn't be helped, they didn't want to get lost in the crowd, right? At least that was the excuse.

"Where are we going now, My goddess?"

Hestia smiled mysteriously with a place he would like in her mind. "Now we will go to..."



The thunderous noises of a commentator speaking through a magic item made by Perseus resonated in a certain place, the screams, wails, and cheers of a crowd present there.


In the middle of the arena of that place, surrounded by stands full of people who cheered his name, a young man stood proudly with his hands raised and a confident smile in front of everyone.


Mikhael looked at the frenzy of the people, involuntarily a bit affected by the atmosphere of the place where Hestia had finally taken him. Later he would thank the goddess, she really knew him well by now.

"What do you think of the coliseum, Mika?"

Hearing Hestia's question, who also had some excitement on his cute face, Mikhael smiled sincerely as he answered her. "It's impressive, I'll have to thank my guide later for taking me to a place so suitable for me."

Hestia just shook her head as if to say it was nothing, but still maintained a complacent smile at the answer. "I know that are you interested in these kinds of things like combats."

"Wow, it's really Hestia!"

Mikhael was thinking about the current champion's match, it had been enlightening as to where he was in the Orario food chain right now, when someone approached.

"Oh, Takemikazuchi? It's been a while since I saw you!" Hestia turned around looking at the god, who looked like a man with black hair and eyes. Strangely, he wore a hairstyle that seemed to come straight out of old Japanese history.

"Hahaha, the lower world really does make you aware of the passing of time, Oh? Is he the first child in your Familia? Congratulations."

Takemikazuchi smiled sincerely as he congratulated the goddess, extending a hand towards Mikhael in greeting.

Mikhael looked at the god who reminded him of a warrior version of Miach, inwardly amused as he extended his hand in return. "I heard that you helped my goddess sometimes just like god Miach, I sincerely thank you for all that."

"Not at all, it may not seem like it but Hestia was really influential in heaven with her natural social skills helping in mediating somewhat silly matters."


In the moment their hands touched, they both instinctively felt it thanks to their strengths in techniques. «The person in front of me is very outstanding in combat»

The one who could take down a high-ranking adventurer with just pure technique by sacrificing an arm met the one who trained, absorbed, and mastered every technique of the father of humanity.

"Wow..." Takemikazuchi looked in surprise at this mortal who was probably among the most skilled mortals he had ever seen, unable to feel it all because of his low power as a Lv.1.

"You are really strong for just a Lv.1 adventurer. For someone who trained his technique so much before leveling up, I sincerely give you my admiration, young man of the Hestia Familia."

Takemikazuchi smiled happily, glad that there were still children who emphasized technique and not just power.

"It's nothing, I had a great teacher." Hestia looked in surprise at one of the few moments of sincere humility from the young man. Curious about who this teacher was who trained him.

"Hohoho, talent and teaching are nothing without the due effort to take advantage of them, young man, you can be proud just as that teacher who taught such a student should be."

After Hestia had a moment to enjoy watching Mikhael look a bit embarrassed, Takemikazuchi sat down to chat with the young man about the coliseum in general.

"By the way, young man, what do you think about participating in the next tournament? This may be counterproductive for my children who will also participate to practice, but it will be fortuitous for them to broaden their views, what do you think, Hestia's firstborn?"

Mikhael nodded directly without needing to think about it, he had already planned to participate since he heard that the bastard below dedicated the victory to Freya who did he think he was? Besides, the monetary prize of the tournament would come in handy.

"That's good, as you can see, the current champion will still participate in the next tournament. It is a custom within the Freya Familia to send its members to test themselves here and dedicate the victory to the goddess Freya, you could have a tough fight with him."

Takemikazuchi watched with satisfaction as instead of fearing the Freya Familia or the champion, the young man smiled with enormous anticipation. If it weren't for the fact that he was already in Hestia's Familia, he would invite him to his Familia.

Hestia jumped from her seat in the stands suddenly due to an unpleasant chill running through her intuition. She looked suspiciously at the surroundings before calming down, but still alert.

"I sincerely believe that you have a great chance of winning young man, I will look forward to your results here soon." Takemikazuchi looked like the leader of a clan called "the technique clan" that wanted to defeat those of "power clan".

With the farewell and subsequent departure of the kind god who said that he was going to comfort one of his children who participated but was eliminated at the beginning, they were left alone there again.

"How much are sure are you that you can win, Mikal? Even if the money is welcomed, I don't want you to get hurt too much." Hestia frowned in concern for her reckless child, who shook his head with a very confident smile.

"Don't worry, Hestia, I'm going to win." Said that mortal whose second and third greatest sins were Superbia (Pride) and Luxuria (Lust) with a natural expression, as if he were just stating a fact that would surely happen later.

"After all, I am your captain, as long as I have this title on my head, I cannot allow myself to tarnish your name."

Hestia blushed. Did he have to flirt right then and there? But, she was certainly delighted with such devotion from her child.

"All right, then I will trust your words, my captain."


"Is this the pub you mentioned, Mika?" Hestia looked curiously at the pub called the Hostess of Fertility, where he brought her just for dinner, she had heard it was popular before.

Mikhael looked where the alter ego of his Vanadis was waiting for him, still not knowing what fear was, in fact, he was looking forward to what would happen between the women once he entered.

"Yes, it is."

Thus, with the duo entering that pub, that "battle" destined for three fronts consisting of two goddesses and a mortal, who would surprise Mikhael to the core, began.

The guardian of the divine flame Vs the goddess of beauty and love Vs a certain elf of justice.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ZaelKlizcreators' thoughts