
A Tale of Thousand Stars - by Bacteria

A volunteer teacher dies in a tragic accident, in which her heart is transplanted to Tian. Through a series of diary entries Tian learns about her life; her secrets and interests. Including her promise to military officer Phupha, about counting a thousand stars with him. Tian then decides to follow in her footsteps and complete her dream. With Tian a new volunteer teacher, he attempts to befriend Phupha. Yet, Phupha gives off a cold exterior. Slowly the two grow close, but Tian's heart beats fast around the military officer. As he starts to fall for him, much like its previous owner did. But with the area being war-ridden and dangerous, can they keep their thousand-star promise?

lanwuxians · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 14 : Peek A Boo, Cockey A Hoo

The children flew the kite back and forth to make it rise, even if some of them wind up collapsing but they take their place and play with their friends. For the first time, the deep blue sky over Phabandao is filled with colourful artificial kites, as if calling out small planes that sink and float in the fluffy white clouds to play.

"Giant bird! The plane!" shouted the hill tribe children, using a mixture of old and new words and then together they ran after the plane in excitement.

"Don't go too far…", the teacher shouts to his pupils, because he doesn't have much energy left to catch up. He looked up with his hand up to shield his eyes and saw a plane flying in tandem with a flock of small kites, which, despite the thousands of feet difference in altitude, made for an unforgettable sight.

"Is that a military plane?" Tian asked Captain Phupha, though still surprised, as it doesn't look like a fighter jet and kept flying very slowly and calmly.

The officer smiled slightly with a warm glint in his eye, "If you want to know, it won't be more than two or three hours from now before you can see it for yourself."

Before Tian could ask further questions, the giant bird flew over the cliff and the children all came running back.

Eventually they walked back to school together, just in time for the cool weather drop. Tian gave them homework to recite the ten English words written on the board and said they have a writing test tomorrow, then sent all the students home.

He then collected the extra equipment and put it in a bag, for next time, then turned to look at the pile of kites the children had helped each other make, some parts were broken or missing but in good condition. Tian turns around, looks around the classroom made of dull coloured bamboo veneer and decides to sit down cross-legged, while quietly starting to cut paper to repair the wind kites etc.

The pale golden light of the sun began to fade until the Captain Phupha, who had separated to talk to the village Bianglae Khama, returned to the school with concern, as the long-awaited volunteer teacher had not yet arrived home.

He saw a shadow moving around the classroom and intended to call him but what he was doing made him speechless.

Tian climbed on the table, in order to tie the twine to the bamboo beam. All the winds and other things the children had made, including birds and paper aeroplanes, were pierced and hung from the ceiling and door and window frames. When the wind blows, the objects can be seen swaying like mobile phones.

Phupha approached and said, "You call this art?"

The questioned man turned and raised his eyebrows in surprise, at the sight of the young officer but soon regained his normal content forbidden by the second pass only. He jumped down from the desk he had climbed on and then came out to look at his results from outside through the large window opening.

A smile spreads across his smooth, beautiful face, a very sad happiness.

"This is my memory."

Just a few words, made Captain Phupha realise the inescapable, he forced himself to move hard, even though his chest was completely numb.

"Then I'll show you another fond memory--" and with that, the tall figure turned around and led him out without looking back until the new teacher had to chase after him, even if he was still confused himself.

On the edge of a cliff not far from the school, the two young figures stood side by side, a strong wind picked up the smell of the damp soil, causing Tian to pick his nose and sneeze several times.

"Look--" Phupha pointed to the other side in the distance but not so far as to be out of sight.

When high above, the earth and sky are visible. In the beginning of the darkening sky but there is another area that looks darker and greyer than the rest, if you look closely, you can see a curtain of water spread out, a natural wonder that is as amazing and beautiful as ever.

"Would you say it's not generally raining in the sky?"

Phupha looked up slightly, "You asked me about the plane during the day."

"What does that have to do with the rain there?

"That is the plane that makes the 'Chinchilla man-made rain', in winter, the drought problem in the Northern Province is often worse than usual, because many forests have been secretly cut down. In order for the people to have drinking water and to use it, including to prevent forest fires, His Majesty the King initiated this project." Phupha said without turning to meet his eyes at all.

"I would like to tell you that even if the sky is not generally raining, His Majesty's heart is never dry of wine. And if one day you must leave this place, I want you to remember all these wonderful things."

At this point, Tian did not even listen to a word, because he was completely caught by the bronze, angular face in front of him.

His sharp eyes shone with the strong determination to defend their country to the death, reminiscent of the stolen photograph of Torfan's teacher that had prompted him to come to life in the first place.

Tian, from the distant world of work, took a deep breath, as if he has made a decisive decision, he does not care which direction his relationship with Captain Phupha will take.

Just don't get any closer but don't go any further than that.

For every second we spend together in the future to be a fond memory forever.

More than two months after Tian Sopasitsakul, the youngest son of a former army commander, became a volunteer teacher in this Akha village, life was good and the simple maths he used to teach his children to parents who did not have the opportunity to learn was effective.

By noticing the anomalous scale figures, all the farmers were able to be less exploited by the middlemen and later even if they were taken advantage of by deliberate deductions but on the whole, it was considered a better life.

As for his life now, he is used to the daily grind as a routine, he walked up the hill to school, instead of jogging on the treadmill to build up his strength, eats home-made simple meals, instead of eating in fancy restaurants and, before going to bed, listens to the chirping of stuffed mice and cicadas to lull him to sleep, instead of music in bars.

The rejection of his new body parts is diminishing every day, except when he gets close to the tall officer, he gets heart palpitations, something he really can't control, the immunity pills he brought with him and thought would last until the New Year are probably just about gone but if he goes to a doctor in Bangkok, he'll probably get caught by his mother and definitely doesn't expect to come back here.

Tian put the pen on the table, after sending the students home today, because the weather was good, he came alone to patrol the village until late afternoon. Tian let out a long sigh and stared out at the view.

Does he have a month left?

Tian stretched his arms to get rid of his tiredness, then got up and walked in the cool breeze. It was now the end of November and the temperature in the mountains had dropped further, so much so that he had to keep his down jacket on. As he looked up at the sky, the sun was beginning to sink, he saw two familiar small planes flying overhead in pairs. Bianglae Khama said, because the skies were clear and not cloudy, it was appropriate to create artificial rain in Chinchilla recently.

These royal planes will fly into the sky, spraying fine powdered sodium chloride in a clear sky with moderate air humidity, 7,000 feet is an altitude at which artificial weather conditions can be influenced and can produce a large number of clouds.

After these clouds have formed to 10,000 feet, the aircraft will fly up and sprinkle calcium chloride to keep the clouds in place.

And the final step is to attack these clouds with two aircraft, one of which sprinkles sodium chloride on top of the clouds, while the other sprinkles urea powder at an angle of 45 degrees. Then, depending on the size of the clouds, the rain clouds, which carry a lot of water, land more or less on the ground.

Tian walked for a while, breathing in the cool air and then came back to pack his things for the dormitory. He nodded to the two scouts he had never seen before, apologising for keeping them waiting so long. For if everyone hadn't come back, the officers who had come to guard the perimeter of the school would not have been able to do so either.

Fortunately, at dinner, Bianglae Khama's wife shared food with him. Even though it was a simple, cold and tasteless dish, it was still most delicious and he rushed to fire up the water for a bath before the weather became even colder.

The slender figure in the T-shirt pyjamas and jodhpurs, wrapped in a soft quilt. He supports his body while lying prone with his hands, tirelessly opening Torfan's manual diary with his broad hands.

At some point he falls asleep unconsciously but wakes up again, because his nose is blocked, he cannot breathe. This symptom often occurs in allergic reactions, Tian changes his position from lying to sitting, trying to breathe more freely but when he breathes again, the smoke pours out of his nose until his nasal passages sting hotly.

Where was the fire? He rushed out of the room and saw nothing unusual around him but when he looked to the horizon, he saw a cloud of white smoke rising.

It could be a hill fire... Tian thought optimistically but his brow was furrowed, for he knew that such a cause of trouble could not have happened.

Fires can only burn forests if they are dry deciduous forests that accumulate and rub against dry leaves until a chemical reaction occurs. But most of the area was only vegetable fields, so this assumption must therefore no longer be true.

Soon, he heard the loud sound of pounding metal throughout the village. The sleeping villagers began to wake up, shouting loudly.

Something is really wrong! Tian hurriedly grabbed a torch, put on his slippers and immediately ran to meet the others.

He swoops down and grabs the mat and blanket from the hut with the others Bianglae Khama, - "Uncle Village Chief, what's going on?" Bianglae turned around and was shocked to see the volunteer teacher, his face was full of worry, his lips opened and closed several times and then said. "There's a fire on the cliff."

"On the cliff? What's over there." thought Tian in wonder but then kept silent, only for a moment, his long, thin eyes widened in extreme panic. He suddenly ran out, not bothering to stop the shouts of the villagers and went to help put out the fire, the villagers had to run in confusion to help Tian.

He rushed forward with all his might to the school on the cliff, followed by a group of Akha youths. The smell of smoke intensified the closer he got and it made his heart feel as if it was burning.

The sight of the small wooden school blown up in front of him, brought his legs to a sudden halt, Tian's mind went blank, it was as if someone had erased all his memories.

Fond memories of the children here, of the blackboard where he had started writing with chalk until he had mastered it, of the textbooks in his locker, of paper birds and model aeroplanes... Everything was burning in the fire.

Suddenly, a cool damp breeze blew the remains of a white wind into his lap, unlike the chaos of the villagers and patrol officers who had helped put out the fire with their mats and clothes, he bent down and slowly lifted it, the lines of the red magic pen were still visible on it.

The wind kite face he had drawn for the man with his own hands, it was burning, it was all burnt, there was nothing left!

His slender hand clutches the shredded paper in his hand, then rushes past everyone around him who is on fire until he reaches the front. Tian raised his arms to shield himself from the heat and the black smoke and everything inside was slowly consumed by the blazing flames until it turned completely red. Schoolchildren's handmade wind kites shoots burn to ashes, leaving the teacher unable to restrain her emotions.

As the thin figure was about to run into the school, because he thinks there are places where the fire has not yet spread, he is suddenly caught in time by a strong arm, just before the black bamboo beam, which is now charred, falls.

"What are you doing?!" Phupha shouted to the man struggling fiercely in his embrace.

"What's in there is still burning, I'm going to get it out!"

"Do you want to be burnt to death? The beams are about to collapse!" He tried to swing his shouting body away from the danger.

"Why don't you use water? There's a fire, you can put it out with your clothes and a mat! Tian stomped up and down in a fierce struggle but could not free himself from the bonds of his waist.

His heart was as hot as fire, like a great ball of fire that was burning before him and his delicate fingers squeezed and grasped the strong arms that were tightly wrapped around his waist to vent his anger.

He shouted loudly and clearly, as a desperate man could do in this hour of need, let go of me, I'm going to fetch water! Don't do it if you don't do it, this is my school, my memories!!!!

Even if they don't understand it, when the villagers who came to help put out the fire saw the madness of the volunteer teacher who had lost his valuables, they could barely hold back their tears. The flames from the wood and paper blazed until they had to stop trying and then watched as a wall of the school collapsed.

Tian screamed until his throat burned with pain, his mouth and nose inhaled the smoke, causing his body, which was not as strong as a normal human being to collapse in total exhaustion from the strong arms that encircled him, he pounded his fists on the ground in pain, there was nothing to do but wait and watch it collapse, "Water!" As long as there was water, Tian mused, even though he knew the nearest water source was too far away to reach, he really couldn't give in to this cruel fate.

The volunteer teacher's eyes felt hot, all the regret runs in the corners of his eyes until they are wet but the drops of water that hit the frequency of his face do not come from his own eyes. The coolness that spreads over the burning skin, makes Tian look up into the darkening sky.

Before he could calm down, the wind was blowing like a storm around him to the point where he had to raise his hands to shield his face.

The fire was fierce but it was no match for the rain that was pouring down like a leak in the sky. For about fifteen minutes or so, everyone stood helplessly by the ruins of the school, except for the rain that fell from heaven to help save the ruins that the bad guys had secretly destroyed.

Soon, the plump clouds carrying the water to the right place slowly dissipated, leaving only the rain on the ground. The villagers who had recovered from their shock rushed to help put out the few remaining fires in the ruins of the wooden frame.

Tian hurriedly wiped the wet water from his face, then scrambled up to reach his school, which was almost reduced to a tree stump. He pushed through the wood, which had been burnt to almost ashes to see what was left and more than half of the wooden cupboard containing textbooks and school supplies from the donors was damaged.

The slender figure kneels down and picked up the tribal boy's workbook, which is protected by a sturdy wooden cabinet, not much damage has been done, he picked up coloured pencils and fragments of wind that can still be seen, including aeroplanes and paper birds, although only ashes remain.

How nice to gather all the memories and keep them like this, Tian disturbed everything, clutching them to his chest like a madman. Until his eyes accidentally found a piece of paper, the edges of which were slightly burnt but the picture on it was still intact.

Perhaps it is only because of the power of the fire that His Majesty is still feared.

His Majesty's will has never dried up.

The talk of the King's soldiers from a short time ago echoed in his mind over and over again. Tian dropped everything he was holding, the calendar with His Majesty's portrait, which he had hung on the cabinet with nails, on his knees to support himself.

Artificial Rain, His Majesty's royal initiative does not only help to combat drought for the poor, it also helps to heal the hearts of those who have never yet realised the grace of His Majesty.

Scuffed hands raised to chest, the force of the whimper makes the whole body tremble. Tian slowly raised his head, looking at the drops of rain scattered on his cheeks and spoke the words that he never thought would come out of his mouth in his life.

"Long live my king."

Even though the sound was soft, it stopped all movement around them, the villagers helping to dismantle the broken and fallen wooden frame looked at the volunteer teacher sitting on the floor amidst the charred remains of the desks and suddenly, people knelt down and shouted "Long live the King." in Thai and dialect followed.

A continuous deafening wave of loyalty reverberated across the towering cliffs.

They knew that 'miracles' were never real but it was the King's Royal Initiative that made this coincidence happen.

The Akha kneel on the ground, raising their hands above their heads in a salute to the sky, which continues to pour drops of water and are overwhelmed with gratitude, even the male officers burst into tears.

The artificial rain from the sky began to diminish until there was only a thin layer of mist. Phabandao villagers and volunteer teachers helped lift the desks that can be repaired, Tian lifts his black soot-stained hands to wipe the droplets from his face until the wiped area is completely drab and he stared painfully at the rotting stuff on the floor.

What had his pupils done wrong to set the school on fire? But then so suddenly, no... These kids didn't do anything, he did.

Damn, Siasakda! Tian gritted his teeth in anger, then out of the corner of his eye he saw a group of troops in green uniforms that looked like soldiers but with different hats and badges, if he guessed, it would be border police.

Uncle Bianglae had told him, the village was in the protected area of the Phirapun military operations base but if it was a matter of keeping the people peaceful, they would go out with the Border Patrol, like this case of private arson and the officers could also undertake to coordinate the hunt for the culprits.

All progress was made very quickly, the pursuit of the culprits was carried out by means of a carpeting method until three villagers were found, they had disappeared from the nearby village in the evening and returned in the middle of the night. After a search, it was found that the gas canisters and dirty clothes of the men had been hastily buried near the house, this time in anticipation of receiving a fee from an influential person to set the fire.

The police officer who was guarding the suspect came in and reported the results of the preliminary interrogation to Captain Phupha but then all the officers shouted in shock, when they saw a young man running like the wind, swinging his leg at the nearest criminal until the criminal's face flew up into the air.

As the righteous volunteer teacher turned to attack the man kneeling next to him, right in front of the officer with the rank of captain, Tian tried to jump up on his legs until his body was in the air, hoping to catch the arsonist by the neck but he was carried away and retreated.

"Let go of me, I'll kill him!" Tian shouted in utter terror.

"You'll go to jail for hurting people, not as a victim, you'll definitely be dragged off to jail with them."

Phupha calmed the troubled young master in his arms, he looked down at the man who was still breathing heavily, his skin felt unusually warm and as he was about to ask, the thin body suddenly collapsed first.

Phupha turned the weakly squinting Tian around, he put the back of his hand to his smooth forehead and shook his head helplessly.

"Feverish, troublemaker…", a low voice whispers in his ear easing Tian's drowsy consciousness and then falls into complete darkness.

Captain Phupha took a moment to direct his men, before he left the scene with the troubled young master. He drove back quickly to the base of operations in a military jeep, in order to take the man huddled in his seat with him to see Dr. Nam for medical attention.

The two soldiers guarding the front of the camp saw a flashing light coming in and make a show of stopping but they raise their hands awkwardly, as the jeep didn't even slow down, the nursing department, notified by radio communication, rush to open the door, put on a blanket and carry the patient on a stretcher and take him immediately to the treatment room.

Phupha waited in his chair, gazing at the slow curtain that blocks the consultation bed where his doctor friend has been inside for some time, wiping his wet hair and body with a towel that someone has found until he saw a tall figure in a camouflage uniform with a white armband and the Red Cross emblem come out.

Phupha jumped up quickly and asked straight away, "How is he?"

"The fever is not very high, a little pneumonia, give him medicine and rest for a few days and he will be fine. I gave him a fever reducer and an anti-inflammatory medicine but Dr Wasan's face looked a bit uneasy, then pulled his best friend away from the bed and whispered: "I saw the marks of his chest surgery."

"Is this the right place?" Phupha pointed to the centre of his chest.

Wasan was silent for a moment and then nodded, "The vertical scar is long, from my experience, I can say with certainty, it must be about the 'heart' surgery."

Their eyes meet as if to communicate in silence, finally, the doctor lets out a long sigh, "OK, I'll pretend I didn't know I didn't see it, you can do it yourself but now think of a patient who needs to be dried and changed, will the captain let the nurse do it or will he do it himself?"

The man being teased glared at him and said, "I'm taking him to bed."

As soon as he saw his stubborn friend bend down to pick up the sleeping figure's knees with his hands and carry him, Wasan smiled slyly, "Take him to his future home."

Phupha turned around, telepathically signalling a stay of execution and rushed the frail patient out. The base of operations is not small, nor is it large, there is only one battalion of officers on the site, the patrol radius is 30 kilometres, most of the workplaces are constructed from makeshift canvas tents, as for the commissioned officers' quarters, they are built from timber, the houses look stronger and more private.

Phupha slowly placed the man in his arms on a collapsible canvas cot, in order to dispose of the other man's wet body afterwards and took him to bed on the mattress. He disappears inside and pulls out a new towel and clothes and as he pulls the T-shirt off the unconscious sleeping body, the silky white skin exposed in the light causes his large hands to pause.

Phupha could not restrain his eyes from looking deeper into his chest, there is a distinctive light brown spot on Tian's chest. He swallowed his sticky saliva with difficulty, trying to focus on the ceiling and then pulled the wet shirt over the patient's head, then took a towel to dry the water from the entire slender back until he returned to the front again.

The scar in the middle of the chest is nearly 25 cm long, causing the officer to fail stopping looking at it. The dark eyebrows puffed up nervously, as far as he knew, the man was not very strong, had been ill for many years and was now getting better as he recuperated but if the weekly caller was not willing to say that the illness was "heart." related.

Otherwise, one might be able to take better care of him. Rough fingers gently smoothed out the damp hair covering his smooth forehead with concern, Phupha let out a long breath, while hastily dressing Tian in dry clothes, he looked down with a heavy heart at the football shorts clinging to the patient's bulge, pulled a large towel over them, then reached down and pulled out both underwear and trousers.

Phupha finally lifted Tian's body and carried him to bed on a thick mattress and tucking him in, Phupha looked at Tian, drowsy from the effects of the antipyretic with his face resting on the pillow, looking well and reassured and thinks it's time to deal with his wet body.

Captain Phupha, who had left his job to be dealt with by the deputy squadron, disappeared behind the house that had been extended into a bathroom in order to wash his body and then came back in fresh clothes, at 11pm the power had gone out to the generators in part of the military quarters, causing the light bulbs to go out.

The owner of the house walked around the mattress, lit the gas lamp and then dims it to a dim light. He sat down next to the patient sleeping on the bed, then lifted the back of his hand and touched his forehead and cheek, in order to check his body temperature, fortunately, it was no warmer.

Phupha looked thoughtfully at the man who has grabbed his mattress to sleep on and gets up to go to sleep on the cot at the front of the room but a slender hand first clutches the hem of his T-shirt.

Silky smooth face red with fever, almost half buried in the pillow. Pale lips speak softly in sleep, so much so that Phupha has to lean his head closer to listen.

"Mama…?" Captain Phupha suddenly stops, smiled lovingly and whispers softly: "Can I not be Mama?" I want to be someone else.

It was like a groan in response, making the officer's smile even wider.

Even knowing that it really didn't mean anything when trying to remove his grip on the hem of his trousers, Tian's fingers showed no sign of letting go, Phupha breathed a helpless sigh.

"Sleeping and you are still strong."

Finally, when he didn't know what to do, he just had to lie precariously on the edge of the mattress and a moment later, Phupha felt the touch of something close to his back, he didn't have to turn around to see, he knew who it was There were only two people in the room.

The officer lets the person who has invaded his bed rest his head on his back, he closes his eyes again, the expression on his face is happier than on any other night.

Just wants time to stop for a second... The slender body lying under the covers began to move, the strong sunlight from the open window, caused the long eyebrows to furrow in annoyance, Tian rolled lazily under the covers but when he sat up, his head hurt as if someone had hit him with a hammer.

The fragrant smell of rice on the breeze, a stomach growling in protest after more than ten hours on an empty stomach.

Tian turns his head and looks around the room, realising that this is not his house and is immediately suspicious, his whole body jumps when he hears the heavy creaking of footsteps on the wooden floor approaching.

The door opened to reveal the face of the man lying in bed, Captain Phupha, in his green camouflage uniform, came to him with his usual bowl of hot porridge.

"Good to be awake, I've had the kitchen cook you some light food, have a bite to eat, so you can get on with your medication. He dragged a low wooden table onto the thick mattress and placed the bowl on it.

Tian opened his mouth, trying to make a hoarse sound "I am thirsty--" he puts his hand on his neck, telling the other person that he has no voice because his throat is sore.

Phupha nodded and poured the water from the bucket into a stainless steel glass for Tian. "Drink slowly, you'll choke."

The patient took the glass with trembling hands and lowered his head to drink. He rolls the back of his hand over his forehead to take his temperature, Tian's eyes, red with fever, looks into the calm face of the young officer and asks in a faint voice.

"Is this your house?"

"Yes, you are in the area ruled by the Phraphirun operational base unit…" and he kindly gave more information about the location.

"The school…"

Phupha shook his head, because he knew what was being asked, "It was almost completely burnt down, it couldn't be repaired, now soldiers and villagers are now helping to gather useful items to put in the Bianglae Khama house."

His already red eyes were now even redder and a few clear teardrops were emerging, "It was because of me, right?" This is definitely the revenge of the bastard Siasakda for inciting the villagers to gather around against them.

Phupha looked at Tian's handsome face in silence but then he lifted his hand and placed it on his head covered in soft hair.

"You are not wrong, no one blames you for being wrong, this is not a mistake but it is a lesson."

The low tone of a gentle but stern lecture made it easy for the tears to flow. Tian cannot control this low mood, as someone once said, when our bodies are sick, our spirits become weak too.

Phupha pulls his hand back before he can wipe away the tears of the young master in question until he goes beyond normal behaviour, he looks at Tian with his hand in his red eyes and regrets that he cannot express more concern than this.

"Eat your food, it'll get cold."

Tian nodded, while sniffling and saying: "Thank you."

Even though it was said as a courtesy, it brought a light smile to the smooth, bronzed, angular face.

"Don't forget to take the medication I've provided, the doctor will drop by during the day to check your symptoms. If you get sticky in the meantime, you can start by wiping your bent joints with a water-soaked towel." He pointed to the basin with the towel in the corner of the room.

Drying off, the patient thinks these words over and over, then slowly looks down at the clothes he is wearing that don't look like his own, Hey! Don't tell me, last night!

Tian subconsciously holds the shirt between his chests, there is a surgical wound underneath the shirt, the heart beating inside it makes him feel very frightened, fearing that the other person will know the truth.

There is someone hiding here and the sharp pain in his chest seems to protest against this idea, making him realise that his immunisation pills are in his backpack suitcase in the teachers' dormitory.

"Captain, take me back to the village to rest, my clothes are still there." said Tian in a hoarse voice, while watching the reaction of the taller figure with palpitations.

Phupha remained impassive, so much so that it was difficult to read his thoughts, he expanded his mouth in the direction of the wardrobe where the familiar coloured rucksack was leaning, "Don't worry, I've brought it this morning."

Phupha saw the patient's eyes widen, as if startled and he continued as if he hadn't seen it, "For safety, you'll be staying here for the time being until the investigation into the incident is over.

He stood up and walked towards the door, then before closing it, re-joined in a fierce voice. "Eat it, are you going to wait for it to poison you first?!"

Tian's body shuddered in total shock and then, unable to speak, he shot Phupha a vindictive

glare. The door closed, the man sitting on the mattress sighed heavily, while looking down and eating the thin rice that has started to get cold from hunger and then stuffs his bag with all the fever reducers and anti-inflammatory pills.

Tian staggered to the contents of his backpack and found the medicine tucked under his shirt as usual, the captain probably didn't notice, he thought to himself. No matter! Since he hadn't said anything yet, let's pretend nothing had happened.

But then he suddenly stopped, as if he had just thought of something more important. If it was the same person who had cleaned and changed him last night, what was worse than seeing the surgical wound was seeing... Tian looked down at his lower half in utter shock.

So Shameful!!! Oh my god, Daddy's little brother, the majestic dragon!!!
