
A Tale of Thorns and Roses

How would you feel if you were told that you had to break things off with your fiancé of two years and marry some other person to save your family? Sorrow? Despair? Pain? That was exactly how Jacob Bennett felt when his grandfather told him that he had to marry the heiress of Mono Group, Lima J. Henderson, in order to save the family and the family business, from bankruptcy. Being indulged all his life, Jacob had no perception of the concept of responsibility and is expected to become an adult all too soon. Lima on the other hand belonged to a species of women he had never seen before. And he didn’t like that. Or so he thought.

DaoistwAcNXV · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Lima held a private meeting in her office with her best friend and lawyer, Philip, and her personal assistant, Tony. The three always met twice a week after working hours or in the case of an emergency. Today was an emergency; sort of.

"Sorry about the impromptu meeting. Tony said he had some information for us. Go on Tony." Lima started.

"Yes Miss King. Last night, one of the directors, Mr. Miller was spotted with Congressman Johnson at a private restaurant. We have reasons to believe that the directors involved in this may be siphoning company money to fund his election campaigns." Tony said, as he brought out photographs taken of the men.

"Can't we expose them with this?" Lima asked. This seemed enough to confront them in front of the board.

"No. We know that they met and we know why but we have no evidence. Just as we know that they have been embezzling company money but have absolutely no evidence. If you confront them now, it would be your word against theirs and that wont end well for us." Philip answered. With his experience he knew that taking such a step would be like falling into one's own trap.

"Yes." Tony continued. "They have been careful not to leave any paper trail, so any clue we get ends up being a dead end. It's quite frustrating how clean their trails are."

"Its not them." Philip interjected. "Those old cronies have no way of cleaning their messes themselves. They have someone working for them. On the inside. I believe they have someone in the finance department but we have no way of knowing who exactly it is."

"There is a way." Lima said as she looked at Tony. "Have them followed. This will take some time but it's all we have. Follow everyone that can possibly have access to such information and the power to clear transactions. No one should be left out. It would be best to start from the bottom and work our way up."

Tony nodded in response as he sent out a message to his men to tail about fifteen different employees in the financial department including the chief financial officer.

"Moving on to more interesting things, Lima, how are the wedding preparations coming along?" And with that, Philip put an end to the previous discussion.

Lima made a very large sigh, leaning back into her office chair and closing her eyes before answering. "I'm not so sure. But the families will be meeting soon I think. When will that be Tony?"

"Friday at noon Miss King."

"Noon? Do they expect me to leave work for that? Who arranged the meeting?"

"Your father did. He said he wanted to match the old Mr. Bennett's schedule."

Lima groaned. This was getting more annoying by the day. But she couldn't refuse her father. But it still upset her. And what was more upsetting was her idiot of a best friend who couldn't stop laughing. "Can you shut up? You're getting on my last nerve."

"That's what friends are for darling. But on a serious note, do you even know your bridegroom?"

"Sort of. I know what he looks like if that's what you're asking, and I know the basics of his background. That's it. But there is something on my mind."

"What is it?" Philip asked.

"Something smells fishy. "Lima turned to her assistant. "Tony, I need you to find out why my father wants me to marry into this family in particular. Run checks on their company and get back to me. There has to be a reason why my father was particular about me marrying them."

"Yes Miss King."

"Them?" Philip asked. Was that a slip of tongue?

"Yes. Them. I know I'm not just marrying Jacob Bennett. I'm marrying his family, and possibly the company. That's why I need to know why, so I don't go into this unprepared. My father wants to paint them in a good light to me so he wont tell me if there's something wrong."

"Wise choice. Let me know what you find out."

"Will do."

It was Wednesday, just two days until they were meant to meet Miss King and her father. And if Jacob was being honest with himself, he was nervous. So he called his best friend over to their regular bar, after work hours, so he could vent.

"What is it Cobi. You called me out to the bar on a weekday and you haven't said anything since I got here. What is up with you? He asked his friend.

Jacob was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his best friend's voice. "Sorry about that. I think its just beginning to sink in that I'm getting marred soon."

"Did you look her up like i asked?" Mikael asked. The dumbass didn't know who he was getting married to so he told him to do research on her.



"She's pretty. She's very good with business. And she's powerful. I think I get why you said she was out of my league."

"Of course you'd get. You should understand better now when I say that you've hit the jackpot." At least Cobi had done his homework. This time.

"I don't like her though"

"What do you mean?" Mikael asked in confusion. He really couldn't predict or understand his best friend. What was his problem now?

"I can't put a finger on it, but something about her puts me off. And I haven't even met her." Jacob had been feeling this way ever since he had looked her up and it had never happened to him before.

"She's not your type." Mikael said, in reply to Jacob's dilemma.

"That's not true. You know I don't have a type, so that's not the issue."

"No Cobi. You have a type. Maybe not in regards to physical attributes because you've dated a spectrum of ladies, but you have a type. You don't like women who have an advantage over you. Women who are in a higher position than you are. Lima is a powerful lady, so she intimidates you. That's why you don't like her."

After hearing what Mikael said, Jacob was silent and began to think back. It could't be true. He had always prided himself of his open mindedness. "That doesn't make sense man."

"Remember Amelia? From college? You really liked her and were going to ask her out but then you found out that she was student body president and all of a sudden, you lost interest. Just because she was in a position of power. Look man, I'm your best friend. I've observed you and I know this to be true. However, I thought you knew."

"I didn't know. Shit. I can't believe this. Now that you've said it, I see it. So all these years, I've been some sort of misogynist or something?"

"Exactly. And if you feel bad about it, try to be open minded this time around. Contrary to what you've unconsciously been thinking, marrying a woman more powerful or richer than you can be a flex for a man. Alright? Just prepare for your date."

"It's a meeting of the families."

"It's still a date. With family."