
A Tale of Thorns and Roses

How would you feel if you were told that you had to break things off with your fiancé of two years and marry some other person to save your family? Sorrow? Despair? Pain? That was exactly how Jacob Bennett felt when his grandfather told him that he had to marry the heiress of Mono Group, Lima J. Henderson, in order to save the family and the family business, from bankruptcy. Being indulged all his life, Jacob had no perception of the concept of responsibility and is expected to become an adult all too soon. Lima on the other hand belonged to a species of women he had never seen before. And he didn’t like that. Or so he thought.

DaoistwAcNXV · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 4

It was Saturday.

Jacob was dressed for his 'break up' date in black slacks, a black t-shirt a deep green blazer and brown dress shoes. He really hadn't been looking forward to this. With one last sigh and a final once over at the mirror, he picked his car keys and headed out the door. On his way out, he saw his grandfather through the open library doors and peeked his head in.

"Hey. I'm going out."

Donald raised his head from the book he had been intently reading and saw his grandson dressed fancy at the door. "You look good. Where are you headed?"

"I'm going to do what you asked me to do."

"What did I ask you to do?"

With the thousandth sigh in the past two hours, Jacob answered, "I'm going to end things with Jessica."

"Dressed like that? You look like you're going for a wedding."

"She wants to go to some fancy restaurant. Figured I'll fulfill her wish before i break her heart."

"So like a last supper kind of thing?"

"Not funny old man. Are you really making jokes right now?" Jacob was already agitated. He didn't need extra annoyances, so he took the best line of action for this situation. "I'm out." And with that, he left the house.

Jacob parked his car in the parking lot of Jessica's apartment building and called her. After two rings she picked up. Like always. "Hey Jessica. I'm in the parking lot. Could you come down?"

"Awwn baby."

Jacob sighed again. That was her whining voice. He knew what was coming.

"Can't you come pick me up from the door instead? I want the full experience. Pleeeeease?"

"Yeah. I'll be up in a few." He had no other choice. So he walked into the building and headed for the elevators. He pushed the button for the 20th floor and when the elevator doors closed, he rested his head against one of the elevator doors and closed his eyes with another sigh. Was that a headache he felt coming on?

The elevator came to a halt at the 20th floor and Jacob stepped out and seemed to drag himself to Jessica's door. He had to ring the door bell three times before he got an answer. She had to know he was coming so what was with the delay?

"I'll be right there baby." Second later the door opened to reveal his soon to be ex fiancé. Jessica was a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed woman with a perfect hourglass figure. Jacob had loved to show her off to his friends and former classmates during reunions and get togethers. "Hey baby." She greeted him with a kiss and a hug which he half heartedly responded to.

"Hi. Are you ready?" He hoped she didn't notice a change in his behavior.

"Yeah baby. I've been waiting all week for this. Let's go." The couple headed to Jacob's car and drove out to the new restaurant with anticipation. For different reasons.

Jessica was on a roll. The past few months had been the best of her life. After Jacob took over his grand father's company seven months ago, her world became ten times better. No man had ever spent money on her, the way Jacob had done in those months. He bought and did everything she wanted. Even now, he had brought her to this beautiful restaurant after she just mentioned it once. She had him wrapped around her little finger and she wasn't letting go. She only needed to get him to propose seriously, hopefully with a bigger diamond ring and marry her as soon as possible.

Jacob felt very uncomfortable on the other side of the table even with the comfort of the plush chairs. The restaurant really was beautiful. It had high carved ceilings, punctuated by arches with grand chandeliers hanging low from them. The pillars were custom sculpted with cherubs and little angels and there were long red curtains with with gold trimmi.gs trimmings hanging down the walls. It gave a renaissance era palace vibe.

But at this time Jacob might as well have been in a haunted house. He could not appreciate the beauty of the place with what he had to do weighing on his mind. He was so lost in thought that he could not hear Jessica call out to him.

"Babe? Babe!" She had to raise her voice.

Joshua was jolted back to reality. He looked at his girlfriend who signaled to him that a waiter was at the table.

"What would you like to have sir?" The waiter, dressed in a crisp white shirt and monkey jacket, asked him.

Jacob quickly perused the menu. "Um, I'll have the escalivada first. Then for the entrée, a lasagna. I'll decide on dessert later."

"Alright sir. And for the lady?" The waiter asked as he turned towards Jessica.

"I'll have the same but for dessert I'll have a crème brulee. Also please get us a bottle of the 2007 Sassicaia."

"That'll do." And with a bow, the waiter left them.

After that, Jacob completely zoned out. Jessica could do just fine talking to herself. And like a breeze, their dinner service was over. The food had tasted like sand as far as he was concerned. It was time to talk.

"Jessica, could we go somewhere more private? I told earlier that we needed to talk." It was better to do this in private.

"Why? We can just talk here. It's okay." Jessica was elated. She knew what was coming. He was going to propose. Seriously this time. That was why he had been acting distracted and nervous all week. And he wanted to do it in private? Hell no. The people in this restaurant were going to witness her shining moment.

"I don't think so. Please lets do this outside."

"I insist."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes baby. Let's talk here." Her proposal was something to be publicized and not hidden.

"Okay. Um....." It was better to rip the band aid off. "I'm getting married."

"Well yeah, we're gonna get married. I know that."

"No Jessica. I'm getting married. Just me."

The smile that had been on Jessica's face the entire evening slowly faded as she wore a look of confusion. "I don't understand. What are you saying?"

"My grandfather arranged my wedding with someone else. And I can't ignore his order. We'll be getting married next month. I'm so sorry Jessica."

Jessica was still confused. She was at a loss. What was going on? "Jacob?..... Why?"

"I'm really sorry Jessica. Its to save the company."

"What do you mean to save the company? What's wrong with it? You're one of the biggest companies in the country so what are you talking about?"

Oh. Jessica didn't know. The fact that the company was going under had been hidden and was only known to a select few. Since she didn't know, he couldn't tell her.

"Uh.... my grand father wants to grow the company. A marriage is the best way to build bonds."

"Build bonds?" What the hell was Jacob saying? He was going to marry someone over company bonds? In the 21st century? "Who are you marrying? What fucking company is this?" Her voice seemed to be getting louder with each word she spoke.

"The first daughter of the CEO of Mono."

"Mono? Wow. So is this how the rich do gold digging?"

"Jessica! I won't have you insult my family?"

"What about me?!" The two were already turning heads in the restaurant. Some of the patrons were even stretching to get a glimpse of them. This was prime entertainment.

"What happens to me? After three years? We've been engaged for two years and you're just going to dump me?"

"I'm sorry Jessica. I have no other choice."

With that Jessica stood up. She took off her ring and was about to throw it at him but decided against it. "I'm going to sell this. Go to hell." And with those final words, she threw her glass of wine at Jacob, threw HIS glass of wine at him and then took the remaining content in the bottle as she walked out of the restaurant.

Jacob just sat on the chair with his eyes closed. His eyes stung. And he didn't want to open them and face all those people who were obviously watching him because the restaurant had gone deathly quiet. He stayed like that until a waiter walked up to him and handed him a towel. And the bill. He took the towel and gave his card to the waiter. He had known this would happen. that was why he had asked to have this discussion in private. But, knowing Jessica, this had actually gone well. The waiter brought Jacob his card and a receipt and he took them and did the walk of shame out the doors.