
A Tale of Thorns and Roses

How would you feel if you were told that you had to break things off with your fiancé of two years and marry some other person to save your family? Sorrow? Despair? Pain? That was exactly how Jacob Bennett felt when his grandfather told him that he had to marry the heiress of Mono Group, Lima J. Henderson, in order to save the family and the family business, from bankruptcy. Being indulged all his life, Jacob had no perception of the concept of responsibility and is expected to become an adult all too soon. Lima on the other hand belonged to a species of women he had never seen before. And he didn’t like that. Or so he thought.

DaoistwAcNXV · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 2

Mr. Donald King sat with his wife, Rebecca, and his trusted confidante, Walter in the living room of their grand mansion on the East End waiting for their first daughter, Lima, to return home from her meetings so that they could tell her the news that would change her life forever. Donald had not felt this nervous to face his daughter since the day he stood outside the theatre when she was born.

He and his wife had raised his daughter to be a strong independent woman, who feared nothing and no one. At a very young age she had started taking up responsibilities, first at home when she managed the mansion at the age of 17 while doing petty jobs at Mono, going to college while interning at the company, and then taking over operations of the business after she graduated and growing Mono to over ten times its value in just seven years. she had worked her way up to her current position and he felt a surge of pride just from thinking about it. They were excellent parents.

But, the thought crossed his head, dampening his mood and reminding him why he was nervous in the first place, maybe they had raised her too well. All she talked about, all she breathed about, the essence of her existence, was work. In all his years as a hustling entrepreneur, trying to grow his business from the ground, he had never worked even half as much as she did. And he was a hard worker. And for all he knew, she had never been in a relationship, so her marriage had been a pipe dream for Rebecca and himself. Until now.

"She's taking too long Donald. Call her assistant and find out if she's done with her meetings. How long should a video conference take?" Rebecca was growing more anxious the longer they waited. She had to admit that she was a little scared of her daughter. Lima was a force to be reckoned with when things didn't go her way.

"Today's the quarterly progress report from the subsidiaries so it will be a while. Be patient Rebecca. You're about to turn your daughter's life upside down. She'll be here when she's through." Donald held his wife's hands in his and squeezed them lightly. He knew exactly how she felt. Maybe this was a bad idea.

He was broken away from his line of thoughts when he heard the sound of closing doors from the great hall. She was here. well, too late to go back now.

As expected, their first daughter, and pride, walked into the living room, dressed to the nines in a tailored suit, with a tired expression on her face.

"Hey mom, hey dad. Hello Walter" Lima greeted her parents with a peck on each of their cheeks and slumped down on the closest couch and closed her eyes. She was exhausted. Endless meetings and projects needing approval had consumed her throughout the last month. She couldn't remember the last time she slept for six hours. It was best to just take advantage of her parents call and rest for a bit.

"You must be wondering why we called you here today." Donald began. his palms were a little sweaty and it seems his heart was beating faster. Were parents supposed to be scared this of their children?

"Hmmm." Lima could only hum in response. Her body was relaxing. Just a few more minutes like this and she'd be fast asleep.

"Well....um...". Donald found himself stammering. he felt the warm hands of his wife rub his back, and he steeled his resolve. It was better to rip the band aid off. "Your mother and I have arranged your marriage to the grandson of George Bennett, the chairman of Ben Incorporated. You will be marrying him next month so clear your schedule, and prepare yourself. Don't worry about the planning. your mother will take care of that." There. He had said it. He knew that following immediately after would be screams from his daughter. She couldn't keep her cool when she was mad.

To his dismay however, the silence that followed was louder than any screams he had ever heard from his daughter. She just sat there, sunken into the couch, with her eyes closed. Still. Had she not heard him? Was she asleep?!

His questions were answered when slowly, Lima opened her eyes and raised her head. Ever so slowly. Taking her sweet time. Donald and Rebecca found themselves straightening their backs. It was coming.

"Could you kindly repeat yourself?" His daughter asked with a stoic expression on her face.

"You didn't hear me the first time?" Donald was beginning to feel a bit of frustration. Had his effort been in vain?

"No, I heard you the first time. I just think my brain must have misinterpreted whatever you said to be news of an marriage. The exhaustion's getting to me. So do you mind saying that again for clarity?"

"You heard well. Your brain did not misinterpret anything. You're getting married next month."

"Why?" Lima had to ask. She still had not fully processed what she just heard.


"Why?..... Why arrange a marriage for me? Without even telling me. Do I seem uncapable to you? Have I ever made you feel that I was not responsible enough to make such decisions?" Lima had never felt so confused or hurt in her 28 years. What did her parents take her for?

"No baby, that's not it and you know it. You have proven yourself countless times to me and your father even when there is nothing to prove. We trust you with our whole lives and you're the only reason why your father could take such a long leave from work. its just that.... because of the responsibilities you have shouldered, we all know that the thought of relationships, or marriage for that matter are far from you. That is why your father and I have arranged this marriage for you. Don't take it wrongly alright?" Rebecca had to intervene. Her husband never knew how to word his statements properly. If she had been absent today, a family war may have broken out.

"Well I don't need it. you should cancel whatever agreement you have made with that family." And with that, Lima got up. She was done here. So much for a rest.

"I want to retire." Donald interjected and stopped his daughter in her tracks. "Its time. You have more than proven yourself over the past few years. But you know you cannot take the position of CEO without getting married. The board of directors will not allow it. Please Lima, this is for you."

There was a moment of silence as Lima stood, with her back to them. His daughter had never been so quiet after such revelations. This could go in any direction. After what seemed like forever, she finally answered.

"Fine. Do whatever you want."

That was his daughter's reply before she left the living room and walked out of the house. She obviously would not be spending the night here. But in all that only one thing came to Donald's mind as he looked to his wife and to Walter.

"That went well."