
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 3

"Where will you take me in the summer, Tamaki?" one of the girls him surrounding asked.

"Anywhere you want," he answered suavely.

"What is your favorite music Tamaki?"

"Whatever you favor."

"I baked a cake today. Would you please eat some?"

"If you feed me."

"Oh my, Tamaki-kun!"

Both girls looked across the room and spotted the twins entertained their guests. Haruhi watched with a slightly sickened appearance.

"Hikaru that's—!" Kaoru yelled to his twin, but he continued with his story.

"And he panicked and cried to me," Hikaru told his guests causing them to giggle.

"Hikaru, you are cruel!" Kaoru cried, "Saying that in front of everyone..."

"Kaoru, I am so sorry. You were just so cute at the time." Hikaru gently grasped his brother's chin and moved closer to his face.

"Hikaru…" Kaoru breathed with a slight blush on his face. The girls were squealing as they witnessed their display of 'brotherly love'.

Kyoya walked over to a disturbed Haruhi and Kagome as they watched their fellow club members in action.

"Don't look too surprised," Kyoya commented, "As you can see, our motto is to make use of our characteristics to answer our customer's needs. Tamaki is our best and most requested host."

"What? That guy is number one!" Kagome exclaimed unknowingly voicing Haruhi's thoughts.

"He is," Kyoya answered before turning to Haruhi wearing a smile that seemed a bit too friendly, "You will be taking care of the menial chores for our club. Run away if you want; however, I have an excellent police staff at home. By the way, do you have a passport? I wouldn't recommend leaving the country." Haruhi gulped before leaving for the market; the club needed more coffee for their guests.

Kagome turned to Kyoya wearing a frown. "You know I am Sesshomaru Tashio's heir, right?"

Kyoya looked over at Kagome with surprised look on his face but nodded.

"I don't appreciate how you're treating my friend. I am going to ask politely for you to back off!" Kagome growled, "My guardian wouldn't appreciate it."

"As you wish," he replied curtly. Kagome nodded and walked away from him. As she left, Kyoya jotted down a few notes in his notebook. Kagome Higurashi was a mystery indeed

Kagome had to turn away before, well before she fainted from shock. "Where are the others?" she wondered. According to her memory, there were two other members of this club. "Hey Honey, hey Mori," a guest greeted the hosts who walked in. Shifting her eyes over to the guests, she saw both hosts. One was Honey – Senpai, she actually recognized him from the combat training that Sesshomaru instructed. Mori was not that stuff either, she knew him because he hung out with Honey – Senpai all of the time.

Kagome proceeded over towards them. "Hi Honey, Hi Mori."

"Hmmm…" Mori answered by giving her a nuggie.

Kagome could not help but laugh as she swatted his hand away from her hair. "Stop that."

"Hi Kagome! We missed you at the last meeting. How is Sesshomaru?"

Kagome shrugged. "Fine I guess, but I did not know you guys were in a host club."

"Yeah, sorry."

Kagome smiled. Wonderful day. "I will be back, I have to make a quick phone call.

After she returned, Tamaki was saying something again. She did not care though.

"Aw man, I wish I could remember that word."

"What up?"

"I am trying to find a word that subscribes him."

"It may be unnecessary with your looks, but let me pass unto you my elegant techniques." Out of nowhere he pulled out a glass. "When you put down a glass cup, you must always use your pinky as a cushion first." He demonstrated by gently placing his pink on the table first. "That way there won't be a loud sound. Doesn't it look classer this way?"

"Troublesome?" Kagome offered.

"A gentleman should not make ungraceful sounds." He stated.

"A pain in the neck?" Haruhi suggested.

"And I love to see my reflection in the glass." He grinned.

"There's something that sits him perfectly…"

"And above all else Haruhi…A glance from a lower angle is very effective."

"Ah~! I got it!" Kagome gently pound her hand onto her other one, showing she finally found the word.

"Did your heart pump a little faster-"


Haruhi's eyes went big. "That's right!"

"Ah-!" All blood drained from his body as the look of horror showed on his face. He then appeared into the nearest corner and sulked.


The sounds of the twin's laughter fell into her ears and she watched as they appeared out of nowhere and patted haruhi and Kagome on the head in praise. "You two are heros after all." They spoke at the same time.

"I'm sorry." Haruhi apologized."Actually, I was very touched by your lesson."

"Then let me teach you more techniques!"

"Boss?" Hikaru questioned.

"Call me king!"

"Even if you taught him the basics of being a host-" Kaoru started to speak again, but Hikaru finished his sentence.

"He's not going to get very far with the ladies if he doesn't look the part, you know?" Hikaru then walked around Haruhi till he was standing in front of her. "He's not exactly host club material, but-" He then reached out and started to pull off her glasses. "Maybe if we took off his glasses it will help-" The twin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey, I need those!" She objected. "I use to have contacts but I lost them…"

Suddenly everyone was around them, and they all stared at her in disbelieve- A loud rumble made the whole room tremble in a small quake as Tamaki charged towards her. He then forcefully shoved the two stunned twins apart, making room for him to see.

"Hikaru, Kaoru!" He called for them.

"Got it!" They already understood what he wanted, and grabbed Haruhi arms, dragging her away.

"Hey-!" She tried to persist "What are you-!" Kagome went after them. two seconds later, they were thrown out with Kagome following them. A few minutes later, everyone was waiting inside the prep room, while Haruhi finished getting dressed behind a wall of curtains-

"Umm, Senpai?" Haruhi's unsure voice flowed from beyond the curtain.

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