
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 17

"Yes, you are a phony!" the girl yelled with sudden confidence. She pointed at him with a fierce look in her large brown eyes. "I can't believe you are the prince figure of this club! The prince figure does not go spreading his love around so readily! How can you be so stupid? It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist! Incompetent! Mediocre! The pits!"

Tamaki seemed to physically take all of these insults. By the time she was done yelling at him, Tamaki felt like he had been struck by lightning. He staggered slightly and then, slowly, he began to fall backwards.

"Oh, it's a new technique!" Hikaru noticed as Tamaki began to fall. The twins and Hunny watched him closely with awed looks on their faces. "One-man slow-motion!"

"By any chance, are you-?" Kyoya began to say before the girl tackled him, shocking him and the Host Club as the two nearly fell from the force of the tackle.

"Kyoya-sama! I've wanted to meet you! My own prince!" she cooed as she tightened her hold on him.

"Fiancée?" Hikaru asked the girl that was now sitting on a couch in the Third Music Room, disbelief clear on his and his brother's matching faces.

"Kyoya-senpai's?" Kaoru wondered, the twins looking at each other with wide eyes as they leaned over the couch opposite the girl that Kyoya was sitting on.

"Yes. My name is Hoshakuji Renge," the girl answered politely, smiling at all of them. "I will be transferring into Class 1-A tomorrow."

The Host Club turned when they heard a loud thump. They saw Tamaki sulking in his 'Corner of Woe,' mushrooms appearing all around him as he spun his finger on the floor.

"Look, he is mad," the twins commented. The two turned to each other and grinned wildly. "Tono is just mad that Mommy kept something from Daddy."

"Whatever," Kyoya muttered. He glanced up at the twins with a thin smile on his face that creeped the twins out. "Are you really trying to make this married couple thing stick?"

The twins shrugged in answer to their senpai, not trusting themselves to open their mouths without a squeak of fear coming from them.

"It was indeed love at first sight!" Renge called their attention back to her as she cooed at Kyoya. She had a dreamy expression on her face as she clutched her hands against her cheek. "The way you were adoring those flowers by yourself in the back courtyard, even when no one else was looking. And the way you kindly reached out to that injured little kitty!"

"Who are you talking about?" the twins wondered, both thoroughly confused by the girl's words about their cold-hearted senpai.

"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi asked.

"No! You can't fool these eyes!" Renge yelled at Haruhi. The twins started to run around in confusion from the words that did not match the Kyoya they knew and Haruhi looked at Renge as if she was insane. "He is someone who is kind to everyone, and yet does not seek to have anyone take notice of him. He loves solitude, but is quite lonesome. The one who looks just like the star of the currently popular love simulation game 'Uki-Doki Memorial,' Ichijo Miyabi-kun, and that's you!"

She pointed at the calm face of Kyoya, who just raised his hand to his chin and thought about her words. Suddenly, they heard laughter coming from Mori's general direction. Everyone turned towards him to see Kagome laughing her head off.

"Sh-She's an otaku!" Kagome gasped through her laughter and the Host Club sighed in relief, all of them fearing that she had gone mad. Soon the Host Club found themselves sitting together at a pair of couches as Renge ran around behind Kyoya with hearts in her eyes.

"I see now. You are infatuated with the character and are projecting the infatuation onto me, going so far as to delude yourself that we are engaged," Kyoya explained in a low murmur for the Host Club, though he was really trying to address Renge. "This Miyabi character probably wears glasses too, right?"

"Deluded, you say?" Tamaki asked from Kyoya's right side, pouting slightly as he looked at his best friend. "Then that story of her being your fiancée is-?"

"I don't ever remember acknowledging that," Kyoya answered simply. He shrugged and adjusted his glasses before he continued on. "For one thing, I've never even met her before today."

"According to my information," Renge said, "Kyoya-sama administers everything about this club."

"That's right," Honey answered from behind the couch, jumping up to lean over it and see everyone. "Kyo-chan is our director!"

"The director? That's perfect!" Renge cried, clasping her hands together with stars in her eyes. "I've always dreamed of being the drawing card of someone's business!"

"We don't need one, we are a host club after all," the twins noted, annoyance clear on their faces. Both clearly disliked the girl that would soon be joining their class, but were trying their best not to be cruel to a guest.

"I've made up my mind," Renge continued as if she didn't hear them. She stood up and moved so the entire Host Club was in her view before she pointed at them, oozing confidence as she grinned at them. "I'm going to be this host club's manager!"

"Is this really alright Kyoya?" Haruhi whispered into her senpai's ear, leaning down to talk to him.

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