
This Compensation Is Too Much

Lindley stood outside the car. When Audrey walked into the building, he smiled and got into the car.

The adjutant reported the latest news to General Hemming.

"General Hemming, according to the latest news, recently ... someone wants to harm Ms. Audrey."

Lindley's smile instantly became dangerous and ruthless. "Who dares to hurt my granddaughter?"

"It is not clear yet. The other party bought the murderer through the underworld, and..."

"And what?"

"Ms. Audrey is in a relationship with Bryson from the Cordova family."

Lindley frowned. "Bryson from the Cordova family? I've seen him before. He's good-looking and a good boy."


"But what? Tell me everything directly. Don't hide anything."

"Because Ms. Audrey got to know Bryson as Miss Cordova, so ... Mrs. Cordova thought that Ms. Audrey had ulterior motives and did not approve of Ms. Audrey. She once refused Ms. Audrey to marry into the Cordova family."