Lysander was slow to get up, he felt his bones rattling, protesting from him trying to get up. He glared at Hyakinthos, his vision was slightly blurry, and he could see red in his left eye.
He was bleeding from his forehead and was feeling quite dizzy. The hit took a lot out of him. Just goes to show just how much a level of disadvantage he has against Hyakinthos.
"Oh look, the rat is trying to get up." Hyakinthos mused with sadistic pleasure as he slowly walked towards Lysander. The former gladiator trying his best to get to his feet. "I got to say, I'm impressed... You can take a hit huh? How about another one." He smiled as he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Lysander with his hands in the air.
He backhanded him, sending him hurdling in the air. The former gladiator could feel his lips burst open from the hit. He landed on the ground and rolled multiple times, finally stopping when his body hit a large boulder near a tree.
Hyakinthos waited for him to move again, but was disappointed when the former gladiator stayed down on the ground. "What? That's it?" He sighed as he walked towards him. Grabbing him by the hair and raising him, the smile widened whecouldaw his bloody face. "Well, what do you know? Seems like everyone in that familia is trash. No wonder that girl went with you. I guess it's true what they say. Trash attracts trash."
"Yohsuwhtahktoomatchisu..." Lysander practically groaned, his words, inaudible. This made Hyakinthos laugh with sadistic pleasure.
"Did you say anything? I didn't catch that." He slapped him, making sure to hold back just a bit as blood splashed to the ground. He then pulled him near his ear, whispering with an amused tone. "Care to repeat that, trash?"
"Y-you talk... Too mu-much." Lysander's voice made Hyakinthos smile, he slowly lifted Lysander higher.
"A trash that could talk... How amusing." The captain of Apollo Familia unsheathed his sword and ran it through Lysander's chest. "Let's see you talk without a tongue... Maybe I'll show it to Gaé Bulg later. Or maybe it's just better to show him your head."
"F-fuck you." Lysander groans shakily, his voice is broken yet it carries his anger and defiance.
"Your head it is." Hyakinthos shrugs, he then throws Lysander up in the air, as he aims at his neck with his sword. "Die!"
As he was about to slash, Lysander's body suddenly vanished out of thin air. This made him stop in confusion.
He quickly looked around, trying to find where his target was. Only to feel a sudden sharp pain in his left abdomen.
His eyes widened as he stared down, seeing a dagger sticking through him. And a hand slowly materializes out of thin air.
He followed the hand and saw a hume-bunny looking at him angrily, it was Katty, her gaze was full of determination and fire, yet he could sense fear in those eyes of her's.
He quickly grabbed the arm and smiled, but his eyes were coldly looking at Katty. "What do we have here."
He tried to pull her close, but his balance was suddenly gone. He felt slightly dizzy.
"Poison... Enough to even incapacitate our captain." Katty spoke with a shaky voice. She forcefully pulled her hand off and kicked Hyakinthos making him fall to the ground.
Hyakinthos looked impressed, he gave Katty a look from head to toe. "Well, it seems like I was wrong." He muttered to himself. He moved his mana all around his body, slowly destroying the poison that was moving through his veins. "Looks like Heracles familia has some worthwhile members."
Katty felt the mana, her hair suddenly stood as her senses told her to run. And demi-humans, especially those who are beast people trust their instinct above all else.
Just as the poison was burned off from the inside of Hyakinthos, Katty hastily used her skill "stealth" to the max.
Hyakinthos quickly got up and moved his hand forward, the smile on his face grew larger. But as he was about to catch her, she vanished out of thin air, just like what happened to Lysander.
Hyakinthos hand's grabbed nothing, he looked around, trying to find where the hume-bunny ran off to. He puts his senses to the max, trying to sense where she is. But alas, he couldn't.
"Interesting..." He muttered as his eyes moved down towards the dagger. He grabbed it with his hand and pulled it out like it was nothing. He lifted it to see, that it was a high-quality dagger, and the poison on it was well-made. Enough to even incapacitate him who is a level 6. He chuckled as he threw the dagger on the ground. "Verry interesting indeed." He chuckled as the wounds slowly closed, with black fire appearing on it.
With that, he left, like he wasn't even there in the first place.
Katty panted as she fell to her knees. Her mind raced at the thought that she was almost captured. She coul d clearly remember Hyakinthos' hands inches away from her body. If he had just extended it a bit more, he would have touched her.
Especially since she could not move once she activated it.
Katty's "Stealth" skill is unique, it activates like magic but does not use mana. Another thing that makes it unique is that it has two activation effects.
The first is "mirage". This activation makes it harder for the opponent to see her, like a camouflage of some sort. You can still see a silhouette, and if you focus hard enough, you can see right through it. It was perfect for catching someone off guard, especially people who bring their guard down.
Much like what Hyakinthos did against Lysander. He brought his guard down.
"Mirage" even allows her to move, but it limits her, her movement has to be slow, snail's paced even. However, she found a loophole around the skill.
She can move quickly while still activating "mirage", but she has to already be moving fast.
For example, if she jumps or if someone throws her forward, it wouldn't count as her doing the moving. It is considered carried or forward momentum, something she did not do, or was cost by an outside factor.
She found a way to use that. Running at full speed and leaping forward, using her hume-bunny trait to her advantage, once she's in the air, she'll activate "mirage" giving the illusion that she was vanishing because of the camouflage and fast movement.
She could also use "Mirage" with other people, as long as she is in physical contact with them. But the downside is, that it becomes incredibly risky, since not only does she have to move slowly and carefully. The other party has to do the same.
The second activation is "True stealth". This activation makes her completely invisible, so much so that even August's mana dome couldn't perceive her, which she enjoys if she is being honest. It is as if she doesn't even exist.
But the drawback is, she can't move from her spot while this is activated. Even the slightest movement would cancel out the skill. she can still do minor things like raise her hand or turn her head. But the moment she lifts her foot off the ground, the skill would automatically deactivate.
The reason why this is a skill is because instead of mana, it costs the user stamina. So holding it for too long is out of the question. She would die of exhaustion if she did.
Like "Mirage", she can also use this skill for others, as long as she has contact with the person. That's how he was able to make Lysander vanish from Hyakinthos' sight.
Using Mirage to get closer while Hyakinthos was not paying attention to her, waiting for a chance to rescue Lysander out of his grasp.
As soon as he threw him in the air, she moved, cancelling Mirage and jumping with all her might, using her hume-bunny trait to the max, as soon as she jumped, she activated Mirage once again.
She quickly restrained Lysander, whispering to him not to move, as soon as they landed, she used "True stealth". And she was lucky, she landed right beside Hyakinthos, giving her the perfect opportunity to attack.
She should have aimed for the head, but alas, Hyakinthos was just too tall for her to reach. She had to jump if she wanted to do it. This would have cancelled out "true stealth", and she wasn't confident that she could move faster than a level 6 without her stealth. She learnt her lesson when she tried it out against August at his "Welcoming tradition". A level 6 can move faster than a level 2, even if they are caught off guard.
So she opted for a much neared target, his abdomen, using the dagger dipped with poison, she stabbed Hyakinthos with all she got. Shocked to learn that the man wasn't even using his mana to shield his body? He was that confident that no one could hurt him.
But you couldn't defend what you couldn't see, and Hyakinthos didn't see the attack coming. As soon as the blade made contact, the effects of "True stealth" was cancelled out.
"True stealth" is also instantaneous, even if someone was looking at her, once she activates it, she'll vanish completely.
This is the reason why she felt so much fear at that moment. Her skill was instantaneous, and the fact that someone was able to move just as quickly as her activating her skill made her feel uneasy. If she didn't follow her instinct, she would have been a goner by now.
It made her shudder, her face pale as she sat down on a tree. Her hands felt cold, she stared at them only to see them shaking uncontrollably.
"K-Katty." She snapped out of her thoughts as Lysander spoke who was beside her.
She shook her head and pushed the fear down, she turned to the side and quickly moved towards the heavily injured man. "Rest. You've been beaten badly."
"You look w-worse for ware as well." Lysander chuckled which made him wince in pain, he clutched his ribs and groaned.
"Maybe I should have let him cut your tongue off." She mumbled, making Lysander shudder.
Katty carefully removed Lysander's armor, she winced as she saw a brutal bruise on her abdomen. She was the familia's primary healer and medic, so she was used to seeing injuries. She did not wince because of the severity of the injury, she had seen worse.
She winced, because Lysander, who in the familia is known for the toughness of his body, was injured to this degree with only one hit from Hyakinthos.
'Three... No four broken ribs. There's also some tearing in his muscles.' she moved her hand gently on top of his abdomen. Her hand slowly moved towards his hands, making sure that she wasn't applying too much pressure on her touch, she didn't want him to suffer internal bleeding because she was rushing.
'Fracture wrist on his right, his elbow is also broken.' she clicked his tongue and grabbed her bag from her back, setting it down to the ground as she rummaged for supplies. 'I would say he's lucky, that bastard was holding back. If he had hit him for real, he would have died on the spot. But this doesn't change the fact that right now... We're down one man.'
"That bad huh?" Lysander spoke with a shaky voice, snapping Katty from her thoughts once again. The hume-bunny looked at him and smiled.
"I've seen worst. This is meh, nothing a good rest won't fix." She tried to play it cool, but Lysander saw right through it.
"Did anyone ever told you that you are a bad liar?" Lysander chuckled, and like earlier he winced at the pain. Earning a flick in his forehead from Katty. "Hey I'm already injured here."
"So stop squirming around. Geez." She glared at him while she grabbed two bottles of mid-grade potion and a roll of bandage. "Just relax, go to sleep for all I care. Drink this first." She shoved one of the bottle in his mouth, forcefully making him drink, while he poured the other one on his abdomen.
Lysander groaned as he spat the now empty bottle on the ground. He then looked at Katty with disbelief and frustratingly complaint. "Can you be a bit more gentle?"
"I am being gentle, now rest. It would take a while for the potion to take effect." She answered while tying the bandage on her abdomen.
"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend..." Lysander whispered to himself.
"What was that?" She spoke coldly, while smiled at him. But like her voice, her eyes were far from smiling.
"Nothing..." Lysander gulped as he shuddered. Right now, Katty looks even scarier than Hyakinthos ever did.
I'm back, and good news. My phone is finally fix. It only took what? A week and 3 days. (Yes I been counting since I really wanted to toss my old phone out the window at how shitty it is.)
For those who are wondering why I've been gone, I've left a comment on the previous chapter, explaining the details why I couldn't post at that moment under the username of aBooklover -My secondary account-
For those didn't read it, here's a quick summary. My phone fell, cracking my LCD, took it to the shop to have it fix. Had to used my old phone which sucks since I couldn't sign-in to google on that phone, so therefore I created a new account -FB- to still use this app.
And yes, I am writing on a phone.
Secondly, since I was bored and writing is my hobby and a way for me to relax, I wrote another fic on that account, which I will be transferring here on my main.
It's called Avatar: journey of Kai.
And don't worry, this is still my main project, so don't expect frequent update for that one. I'll update it if I'm bored, have extra free time or if I'm having a writers block for this one.
Chapter 133 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?
Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.
Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.
Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.