

Ch 63

POV Makoto Shinji

With the Kaname-Kanade situation resolved the classroom situation returned to normal in jut a couple of days. The friends Kaname had started hanging out with her again, although there was a little bit of strain between them. Even if Kaname herself didn't blame them for not helping her the feelings of guilt would still remain. This is something they have to figure out between themselves over time.

"Makoto kun are you listening?"

My thoughts were broken by the words of the person sitting across me.

"Yeah, yeah. You were complaining about Kaname."

One thing I gained out of this drama was a new friend. Some days I had lunch with Arakawa in the empty clubroom instead with the others in class. It was a nice change of pace and I also got to hear about his situation with Kanade.

"That's right. You have to help me Makoto kun."