
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

Mohammed_Jawad · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 5

Kade Anderson soared above the city, the night air cool against his skin. He had spent the past few hours patrolling, his thoughts lingering on Emily and the conversation they had shared on the rooftop. Saving her had been a stark reminder that not every battle was physical; some wounds ran much deeper.

As he glided over the buildings, his keen eyes scanned the streets below. New York City never slept, and he was determined to be its guardian, whether that meant stopping a robbery or simply offering a kind word to someone in need.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice crackling in his ear. Spider-Man had given him a small earpiece for communication, which had proven to be quite useful.

"Kade, you there?" Spider-Man's voice came through, sounding slightly distorted by the wind.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up, Spidey?" Kade replied, adjusting his flight path to head towards the source of the signal.

"Got a bit of a situation downtown. Seems like a group of thugs is trying to break into a tech company. Could use a hand if you're not too busy."

"On my way," Kade responded, pushing himself to full speed. Within moments, he was above the designated area, looking down at the chaos below.

A group of masked men were attempting to force their way into a high-security building. The front door was reinforced, but it was clear they were making progress with some heavy-duty tools.

Kade landed silently behind them, his presence unnoticed until he cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, I believe visiting hours are over."

The men spun around, their eyes widening in shock. One of them, apparently the leader, stepped forward, brandishing a crowbar. "Stay out of this, kid. You don't know who you're messing with."

Kade smirked, folding his arms across his chest. "Actually, I think you're the ones who don't know who you're messing with."

Before the thug could react, Spider-Man swung in, his webs ensnaring two of the men and yanking them off their feet. "Hey, Kade! Thought I'd join the party," Spider-Man quipped, landing gracefully next to Kade.

"Glad you could make it," Kade replied, his eyes locked on the remaining thugs.

The leader growled, charging at Kade with the crowbar raised. Kade sidestepped easily, grabbing the man's wrist and twisting it, causing the crowbar to clatter to the ground.

"I really don't want to hurt you," Kade said calmly. "So how about you and your friends just give up?"

The thug winced in pain but managed to sneer. "You think you're so tough, huh? Let's see how tough you are when our boss shows up."

Kade's curiosity was piqued. "And who might that be?"

Before the thug could answer, a new voice boomed from behind them. "That would be me."

Kade turned to see a towering figure stepping out of the shadows. The man was massive, easily over six feet tall, with bulging muscles and a menacing scowl. He wore a high-tech suit that seemed to amplify his already formidable strength.

"Meet Crusher," the thug leader said with a smirk.

"Crusher, huh?" Spider-Man said, tilting his head. "Sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon villain."

Crusher's face twisted in anger. "You'll regret those words, web-slinger."

He charged at Spider-Man, who deftly dodged to the side, shooting webs to entangle Crusher's legs. But Crusher ripped through the webs with ease, his enhanced strength proving to be a challenge.

Kade moved quickly, intercepting Crusher with a powerful punch to the gut. To his surprise, Crusher barely flinched, instead grabbing Kade and throwing him into a nearby wall. The impact rattled Kade, but he quickly recovered, shaking off the debris.

"This guy's tougher than he looks," Kade muttered, flying back into the fray.

"Tell me about it," Spider-Man replied, launching himself at Crusher with a series of rapid kicks.

Crusher roared, swatting Spider-Man away like a fly. Kade used the distraction to land another punch, this time aiming for Crusher's jaw. The blow connected, sending Crusher stumbling back.

"Stay down," Kade warned, hovering in mid-air.

Crusher laughed, a deep, guttural sound. "You think you can stop me? I'm just getting started."

He activated a device on his wrist, and suddenly his suit glowed with a faint blue light. His muscles seemed to swell even more, and he moved with alarming speed, slamming into Kade and sending him crashing into the ground.

Kade groaned, feeling the first real pangs of pain he had experienced in this world. (What the hell is this guy made of?)

Spider-Man landed next to him, offering a hand. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Kade said, accepting the help. "Just didn't expect him to be this strong."

"We need to take him down together," Spider-Man suggested, glancing at Crusher, who was advancing on them. "I'll distract him, you go for the knockout."

Kade nodded, grateful for the plan. Spider-Man leaped into action, flipping and weaving around Crusher, landing quick strikes and keeping the brute off-balance.

Kade focused, channeling all his strength. He waited for the right moment, then flew at Crusher with incredible speed, landing a devastating punch to the side of his head. Crusher staggered, his suit flickering as if it was struggling to keep up with the damage.

Seeing an opening, Kade didn't let up. He unleashed a flurry of punches, each one aimed with precision. Finally, with a powerful uppercut, he sent Crusher flying into the air. The villain landed hard, his suit sparking and then going dark.

Crusher lay still, groaning in pain. Kade and Spider-Man stood over him, breathing heavily.

"Nice work," Spider-Man said, giving Kade a thumbs-up. "Teamwork makes the dream work, right?"

Kade managed a tired smile. "Yeah, something like that."

As the police arrived to secure the scene and take the thugs into custody, Kade and Spider-Man took a moment to catch their breath.

"Any idea who this guy was working for?" Kade asked, looking down at the unconscious Crusher.

Spider-Man shook his head. "No clue, but we'll figure it out. There's always a bigger fish in these situations."

Kade nodded, his mind already racing with questions. (Whoever this 'boss' is, they're not going to stop here. I need to be ready.)


The next day, Kade found himself once again patrolling the city. The previous night's battle had left him sore but determined. He knew there was always more to do, more people to help.

As he flew over the rooftops, he noticed a small group of teenagers gathered on a building's edge. Something about their demeanor caught his attention, and he decided to investigate.

Landing softly on the rooftop, he approached the group. "Hey, everything okay up here?"

The teenagers turned to him, surprise evident on their faces. One of them, a girl with dark hair and tear-streaked cheeks, stepped forward. "It's none of your business."

Kade raised his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm not here to cause trouble. Just want to make sure everyone's safe."

The girl glared at him. "You're that 'Superboy' everyone's talking about, right? Think you can just swoop in and fix everything?"

Kade sighed, lowering his hands. "Look, I know I can't fix everything, but I can try to help. What's going on?"

The girl's defiance wavered, and she glanced at her friends. One of them, a boy with a bruised eye, spoke up. "We're just...dealing with some stuff. School's been rough."

Kade nodded, taking a seat on the edge of the rooftop. "I get that. School can be a tough place. You mind if I sit with you for a bit?"

The group exchanged looks, then shrugged. The girl sat down next to Kade, her expression softening. "I'm Hannah. These are my friends, Jake, Liz, and Tommy."

"Nice to meet you all," Kade said, giving them a warm smile. "What's been going on at school?"

Hannah hesitated, then began to speak. "It's been a lot of things. Bullying, mostly. Some of us got into fights defending each other, and it just keeps getting worse. And now..."

Liz, a petite girl with a shy demeanor, chimed in. "And now people are spreading rumors about us online. Saying horrible things. It feels like there's no escape."

Kade's heart ached for them. (This sounds all too familiar.) "I'm really sorry you're going through this. But there are ways to fight back, to get help. You don't have to face this alone."

Jake, the boy with the bruised eye, looked skeptical. "Help from who? The teachers don't do anything, and our parents don't get it."

"There are people who understand," Kade said firmly. "Counselors, organizations that specialize in dealing with bullying and harassment. Even the police can help if things get out of hand. The important thing is not to give up."

Tommy, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "But it's so hard. Every day feels like a battle. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it."

Kade placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "I know it's tough. I've seen what bullying can do, how it can make you feel like you're all alone. But I promise you, it's worth it. You have so much ahead of you, so many possibilities. Don't let the bullies take that away from you."

Hannah wiped a tear from her eye. "But what if things don't get better?"

"They will," Kade said with conviction. "It might take time, and it might be hard, but things can and will get better. And I'll be here to help you however I can."

The group fell silent, each of them lost in their own thoughts. After a while, Liz spoke up again. "What should we do?"

"First, we need to talk to someone who can help," Kade said. "I know a few people who can get the ball rolling. Then, we need to stand together and support each other. Bullies thrive on isolating their victims. If you stick together, you're stronger."

Jake nodded slowly. "Okay. We can try that."

Kade smiled, feeling a sense of hope. "Good. And remember, you're not alone. You have each other, and now you have me."

They spent the next hour talking, sharing their experiences and fears. Kade listened intently, offering advice and support. By the time they parted ways, the teenagers seemed a little lighter, a little more hopeful.

Kade watched them leave, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. (This is what it's all about. Making a difference, one person at a time.)

As he took to the skies once more, he couldn't help but think of his own journey. He had come from another world, given incredible powers, and thrust into a universe filled with heroes and villains. But it was moments like these—saving a life, offering a kind word, making a connection—that truly defined him.

Flying over the city, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. There would always be battles to fight, both big and small. And he was ready for whatever came next.


Later that evening, Kade found himself on top of the Empire State Building, his favorite spot to reflect and recharge. The city sprawled out below him, a sea of lights and life.

He lay down, looking up at the stars. The events of the past few days played through his mind, a whirlwind of action and emotion. He had faced formidable foes, helped those in need, and reaffirmed his commitment to being a force for good in this world.

As he closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the city lull him into a state of relaxation, he knew that there would always be challenges ahead. But for now, he could take a moment to rest, to recharge under the stars.

He was Kade Anderson, a man out of time and place, with the power to move mountains and the heart to change lives. And he was ready for whatever came next.