
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

Mohammed_Jawad · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 2

Rising Fame

Kade Anderson lounged on top of the Empire State Building, eyes closed, soaking up the sun. The warmth of the rays seeped into his skin, fueling his Kryptonian body. For a moment, everything was peaceful.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion shattered the tranquility. Kade's eyes snapped open, and he bolted upright. In the distance, a helicopter was engulfed in flames, plummeting towards the crowded streets below. He watched for a few seconds, expecting one of New York City's numerous heroes to intervene. But as the seconds ticked by and no one appeared, he realized he had to act.

(Damn it, where is everybody?) Kade thought, frustration gnawing at him.

With a sigh, he launched himself off the building, moving faster than a bullet. Within moments, he was under the helicopter, his hands gripping the fiery metal. The screams from inside the helicopter reached his ears, spurring him into action. He used his super breath to extinguish the flames, the fire dying out almost immediately. Carefully, he guided the helicopter to the ground, ensuring a soft landing in a nearby park.

As he set the helicopter down, a crowd gathered, their phones out, capturing every moment. He opened the helicopter doors, helping the occupants out, checking that they were unharmed.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" one of them exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

Kade gave a curt nod, not meeting their gazes. "Just doing what needed to be done. You're safe now."

Before anyone could ask more, he flew away, leaving the crowd in awe. He landed on a rooftop nearby, watching from a distance as emergency services arrived. (Guess I couldn't avoid the spotlight forever.)


Later that evening, Kade found himself perched on another rooftop, his eyes drawn to the giant TV screen in Times Square. He watched in surprise as the news report showed footage of him saving the helicopter. The reporters were excitedly discussing his actions, replaying the scene over and over.

"And there he is, folks! The mysterious new hero who saved the day! Who is he? Where did he come from? Some are calling him 'Superboy' due to his Superman pajama pants," one reporter said with a grin.

Kade groaned, rubbing his temples. (Superboy? Seriously? My pants clearly say Superman. Can't they read?) He watched as the broadcast continued, showing various commentators debating his identity and the potential implications of his appearance.

"Superboy?" he muttered under his breath. "I'm 17, not 12. And definitely not a boy."


The next day, Kade decided to take a walk through the city, hoping to blend in and avoid any further attention. But it wasn't long before people started recognizing him. Whispers followed him as he passed, and soon, a small crowd had gathered, cameras flashing, people shouting his name.

"Hey, it's Superboy!"

"Can I get a picture?"

"What's your real name?"

Kade tried to stay calm, but the attention was overwhelming. (This is why I stay under the radar.) He clenched his fists, ready to take off, when someone called out, "Hey, Superboy! Over here!"

That was the last straw. Kade launched himself into the air, soaring above the city until he found a quiet rooftop to land on. He sat down, trying to calm his racing thoughts. (Why can't they just leave me alone?)

As he sat there, lost in thought, a familiar voice called out, "Well, well, if it isn't Superboy."

Kade looked up to see Spider-Man perched on the edge of the roof, his mask hiding his grin but his tone playful. "You're making quite a name for yourself, kid."

Kade sighed, shaking his head. "Don't start with the 'kid' thing, Spidey. I'm 17. Practically a man."

Spider-Man laughed, swinging down to sit next to Kade. "I've been where you are. The media, the fans—it can be a lot to handle. But you'll get used to it."

Kade shrugged, still annoyed. "I didn't ask for this attention. I just wanted to help."

"I get it," Spider-Man said, nodding. "But sometimes being a hero means dealing with all this...extra stuff. And hey, 'Superboy' isn't that bad of a name. It's got a nice ring to it."

"Yeah, right," Kade muttered. "I'm not a boy."

Spider-Man chuckled. "Well, if it makes you feel better, they used to call me 'Spider-Kid' when I first started. You'll grow into it. Or out of it. Who knows?"

Kade couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks, Spidey. I guess I just need to get used to it."

Spider-Man clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit! And hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm around. We wall-crawlers gotta stick together."

Kade laughed, feeling a bit lighter. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

As Spider-Man swung away, Kade sat back, watching the city below. (Maybe I can get used to this after all. But one thing's for sure—they need to start calling me Superman.)

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kade took to the skies once more, ready to face whatever the world threw at him next.