
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

Mohammed_Jawad · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 10

The Super-Skrull Conspiracy

Kade slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the harsh glare of the sun. He felt warmth seeping into his body, rejuvenating him. The last thing he remembered was flying into the sun to purge the mutant-targeting virus from his system. He had expected to die but instead found himself very much alive. Not just alive, but stronger.

"The sun really saved me this time," he murmured to himself, feeling a surge of newfound strength coursing through his veins. He stood up, his senses immediately picking up a cry for help. Without hesitation, he soared back to Earth at incredible speed, breaking through the atmosphere in seconds.

Below him, he spotted a family trapped in a flipped car on a busy highway. He descended quickly, landing beside the vehicle. With a gentle but firm grip, he lifted the car back onto its wheels, tearing off the mangled door to free the trapped passengers.

"Are you all okay?" he asked, his voice calm and reassuring.

The family, still in shock, nodded. "Thank you, Superman," the father stammered, holding his children close.

Kade smiled. "Stay safe." He launched back into the sky, surveying the city below. Chaos reigned in the streets, with buildings damaged and smoke rising from several areas. His eyes narrowed as he tracked the source of the destruction, all signs pointing towards the Baxter Building.

Flying closer, he saw the unmistakable figure of a Super-Skrull scaling the side of the building, effortlessly fending off the Baxter Building's defenses. The creature was absorbing the attacks, its body glowing an ominous orange.

"This is not good," Kade muttered. He sped towards the building, his eyes glowing red as he unleashed a blast of heat vision at the Skrull. The creature roared, momentarily losing its grip on the building.

The Fantastic Four were already in action. Mr. Fantastic stretched out of a window, trying to bind the Skrull's limbs. "Kade! Good to see you," Reed called out, his voice strained with effort.

"Need a hand?" Kade replied, hovering beside him.

"We can always use the help," Reed grunted. "This one's tough."

Invisible Woman created a force field around the Skrull, trying to contain it. "This should hold it for a while," she said, her voice focused.

The Skrull snarled, its body igniting in flames as it broke free from the force field. "You think you can stop me?" it taunted, its voice deep and menacing.

"He's got the powers of the Fantastic Four," Kade realized, clenching his fists. "This is going to be tricky."

Human Torch flew by, unleashing a torrent of fire at the Skrull. "Burn, you ugly alien!"

The Skrull absorbed the flames, growing even stronger. "Is that all you've got?"

The Thing charged in, landing a powerful punch that sent the Skrull crashing into the building. "How about this, ya ugly mug?"

The Skrull staggered but quickly recovered, countering with a blast of energy. The Thing was thrown back, crashing into a parked car below.

Kade flew in, delivering a rapid series of punches. "We need to take it down before it causes more damage!"

The Skrull fought back fiercely, its limbs stretching and morphing to match Kade's blows. It was like fighting a mirror, each hit countered with equal force.

"We need to outsmart it," Reed shouted. "Kade, can you distract it? I have an idea."

Kade nodded, diving at the Skrull with renewed vigor. He grabbed the creature and flew it high into the sky, away from the city. "You're not going to hurt anyone else," he growled.

The Skrull writhed in his grip, shifting its form to try and break free. "You can't stop me, Superman. I will destroy you all!"

Kade tightened his hold, his eyes blazing. "We'll see about that."

Reed, now on the rooftop, signaled to the rest of the team. "Johnny, get ready to unleash everything you've got. Sue, prepare a containment field. Ben, be ready to hit it hard once it's weakened."

Johnny nodded, his body engulfed in flames. "On it, Reed!"

Sue focused, her force field shimmering in the air. "Ready when you are."

Ben cracked his knuckles, a determined look on his face. "Let's clobber this thing."

Kade brought the Skrull back down, slamming it into the rooftop. The Skrull roared in fury, but before it could react, Johnny unleashed a massive blast of fire. The Skrull absorbed the flames, glowing brighter and more unstable.

"Now, Sue!" Reed shouted.

Sue encased the Skrull in a powerful force field, containing the energy within. The Skrull thrashed and screamed, its form flickering as it struggled to break free.

"Ben, now!" Reed commanded.

The Thing charged in, delivering a devastating punch that shattered the force field and sent the Skrull flying. It crashed into the street below, its body smoking and flickering.

Kade landed beside it, ready to finish the fight. "Give up," he said sternly. "It's over."

The Skrull snarled, its form finally stabilizing. "This isn't the end, Superman. More are coming. Your world will fall."

Kade's eyes narrowed. "Not if we have anything to say about it."

The Skrull collapsed, unconscious. Kade looked up at the Fantastic Four, who were descending from the rooftop. "Thanks for the help," he said, a small smile on his face.

Reed nodded. "Thank you, Kade. We couldn't have done it without you."

Sue placed a hand on Kade's shoulder. "You did great. Welcome back."

Johnny grinned, extinguishing his flames. "Nice to see you, Superman. That was some impressive flying."

Ben clapped Kade on the back, nearly knocking him over. "You pack quite a punch, kid. Glad you're on our side."

Kade chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "It's good to be back."

As SHIELD agents arrived to take the Skrull into custody, Kade felt a surge of satisfaction. The city was safe, at least for now. He looked around at the team, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. They had faced a formidable enemy and come out victorious, and he knew that together, they could handle whatever came next.