
A Summoner In Post-apocalyptic World

In the wake of a cataclysmic event that reshaped the world, humanity was reborn amidst ruins and chaos. Among the remnants of civilization emerged a new era where the onset of puberty marked the awakening of extraordinary powers and abilities in individuals. In this post-apocalyptic landscape, where survival hung by a fragile thread, a teenager named Ryland Vorheus struggled to find his place. At the age of sixteen, Ryland toiled away in the depths of a desolate mine shaft, his life defined by the monotonous rhythm of labor. Yet, unlike his peers who had already discovered their unique abilities, Ryland remained in the shadows of uncertainty, his latent power eluding him. One fateful day, while venturing deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of the mine, Ryland stumbled upon a colony of vampiric bats lurking within the darkness. In the harrowing encounter that ensued, he unwittingly triggered a dormant ability within himself—a power to summon and forge contracts with creatures dwelling in the shadows. Amidst the chaos, Ryland found himself standing at the precipice of a newfound destiny. With each creature he encountered and bound to his will, he unearthed the potential to shape his own fate and defy the odds stacked against him. As rumors of his newfound abilities spread, Ryland became a beacon of hope amidst the despair that gripped the post-apocalyptic world. Yet, with newfound power came unforeseen challenges and adversaries lurking in the shadows, eager to exploit his abilities for their own sinister purposes. Guided by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to unravel the mysteries of his own existence, Ryland embarked on a perilous journey across the ravaged landscape, forging alliances and confronting ancient evils that threatened to plunge the world into darkness once more. Along the way, he encountered a motley crew of companions—each with their own secrets and burdens to bear. Together, they navigated treacherous terrain and faced insurmountable odds, drawing strength from their shared resolve to defy fate and carve a path towards redemption. As Ryland delved deeper into the heart of darkness, he soon realized that the true measure of his strength lay not in the power he wielded, but in the bonds forged amidst adversity and the courage to confront the shadows that lurked within. In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, Ryland's journey would become a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity—a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows, where alliances were forged, sacrifices made, and destinies rewritten in the sands of time.

Raje_Nage · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter 8: Father and General

Alan shook his head, a hint of frustration in his expression. "Even to this day, I still can't figure out where that 'place where Earth bleeds black' is," he admitted. "The clairvoyant told Xavier to only bring his trusted comrades to go and defeat that sinister beings."

He paused, a somber look crossing his features. "Unfortunately for me, because of my injury during the war, I was excluded from that mission," Alan continued. "I was frustrated. I don't know if it was God's will or what, but Xavier and the other generals had kids that they needed to care for. Me being left out meant I was the most trusted person they could leave their kids with."

Alan glanced at O'kuyo, a mix of emotions evident in his gaze. O'kuyo, clearly taken aback, looked to Alan for clarification. Alan nodded solemnly. "Yes, O'kuyo. You're the son of one of Xavier's generals," he confirmed.

O'kuyo's emotions were evident as he absorbed this information, and Ryland offered him a comforting pat on the back. O'kuyo then asked the inevitable question, "Who is this general that is my father?"

Alan proceeded to enlighten them about the generals of Xavier's army. "The first general of Xavier's Army is the General of Arms, Caer 'Stormblade' Khozali," he began, describing Caer's formidable power. O'kuyo eagerly asked if Caer was his father, but Alan shook his head regretfully.

He continued, "The second general is Lucas Emberstorm, the General of the Elements." Alan explained Lucas's unique ability to control five types of elements, leaving Lambda in shock. "5 Elements?? Nowadays to even hear people claim to see someone having dual element is already really rare," said Lambda, "and this guy had 5 elements? Oh God..."

O'kuyo's hand shot up again, and he anxiously inquired if Lucas was his father, but Alan once again answered in the negative.

Just as Alan was about to proceed, O'kuyo interjected with a pointed question, asking if Alan was his father with a hint of ridicule in his tone. Alan's expression darkened, and he tersely replied that he would explain further as the story progressed.

As O'kuyo began to pray with his eyes closed, Ryland leaned in and whispered, "What are you praying for?"

O'kuyo's reply was barely audible, "I pray that I'm not the son of that senile old bastard."

Alan, not missing a beat, retorted, "I can hear that, you know," followed by a colorful expletive directed at O'kuyo. Lambda and Ryland couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the exchange.

Once the laughter subsided, Alan resumed his narrative, introducing the third general, Ursula "Ravenshot" Fletcher. "She was a General of Precision," Alan explained, "known for her unparalleled skill in sniper precision shooting and for leading troops of New Humans adept at ranged combat."

All eyes turned to O'kuyo, expecting him to inquire further, but he remained silent, continuing his prayers with his eyes closed.

Undeterred, Alan proceeded to describe the fourth general, the enigmatic General of Shadows, renowned as a master of assassination and spycraft. "And the most handsome and good-looking among the five generals," Alan added with a grin, referring to himself as Alan "Shadowstrike" Vorheus.

Lambda, Ryland, and even O'kuyo couldn't help but smirk at the jest. "Don't joke right now, old man," Ryland chided with a playful tone.

"Yeah," Lambda chimed in, "and the reason you're the master who stays in the shadows is because your face is too ugly to be shown in public."

Alan coughed as if struck by a knife, acknowledging the jest with a resigned sigh. "I understand I'm in the hot seat right now, so I'll let that insult pass," he remarked before moving on to the fifth general.

Alan called O'kuyo's attention specifically for this part, announcing, "The General of Science, the genius, the scientist, the scholar, and also O'kuyo's father, Nolan 'Moonwatch' Kalitesi."

O'kuyo raised his head, disbelief evident in his expression. "Are you serious?" he questioned, his voice trembling with emotion.

Alan nodded solemnly. "Yes, I'm serious. Nolan Kalitesi was your father," he confirmed.

O'kuyo's eyes welled up with tears as he recalled the books about the movement of stars written by Nolan Kalitesi. Ryland reached out to comfort his friend, offering a reassuring pat on the back as O'kuyo struggled to contain his emotions.

Ryland leaned in close to O'kuyo, his voice barely above a whisper. "We've both been cheated by that old man," he muttered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's team up and give him a good beating."

A smile crept across Lambda's face as he watched the exchange between Ryland and O'kuyo. However, before they could carry out their playful threat, Alan swiftly approached, enveloping them both in a tight embrace.

"Hold on there, you two," Alan interjected, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I love you both like my own blood. You've never been outsiders to me."

He held them close, his tone earnest as he pleaded, "Please forgive me for keeping this from you for so long."

They three hugs each other for a while. Then, wiping small tears in his eyes, O'kuyo asked Alan, "If we were handed to you, why did you pick me from the orphanage when I was already 6 years old? And why did you have Ryland since he was a baby?"

Alan sighed, his expression turning somber. "Do you remember how long you stayed in that orphanage?"

O'kuyo nodded. "Just about 6 months," he replied.

Alan nodded in confirmation. "Yes, your father's people at the labs wouldn't let me take you before you were 6 years old."

O'kuyo eyes widened as if remembering something. "Oh, yes. The Lab!"

Alan nodded solemnly. "That's right, O'kuyo. Your father's people at the labs wanted to ensure that you were fully prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. Your father had left some body enhancement program that specially made for you and his people are committed to ensure you got those enhancements right and without any negative aide effects. And as for why I chose to bring you home at 6 years old, well, that's when they finally allowed it. "

O'kuyo took a moment to process this information, his mind reeling with newfound understanding. "So, all this time... I've been living with enhancements... and I never even knew?"

Alan placed a comforting hand on O'kuyo's shoulder. "That's right, my boy. You realize that you never got a flu when growing up, right? I think that are some of the effects. But remember, those enhancements don't define who you are. You're still the same O'kuyo I've come to love like my own son."

Ryland chimed in, offering his support. "Yeah, O'kuyo. You're still the same guy who's always had my back, no matter what."

With a mixture of emotions swirling within him, O'kuyo nodded, a sense of acceptance settling over him. "Thanks, guys... I guess there's still a lot for me to learn about myself."

O'kuyo then turned to Alan, a questioning look in his eyes. "But why did you keep this from me? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Alan's expression softened, and he sighed. "I wanted to protect you, O'kuyo. I didn't want you to feel burdened by this knowledge or treated differently because of it. But I realize now that keeping it from you was a mistake."

O'kuyo nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I get it, Alan... but from now on, I want to know everything. No more secrets."

Alan smiled warmly at O'kuyo's determination. "Of course, my boy. From now on, we'll face everything together, as a family."