
A Summoner In Post-apocalyptic World

In the wake of a cataclysmic event that reshaped the world, humanity was reborn amidst ruins and chaos. Among the remnants of civilization emerged a new era where the onset of puberty marked the awakening of extraordinary powers and abilities in individuals. In this post-apocalyptic landscape, where survival hung by a fragile thread, a teenager named Ryland Vorheus struggled to find his place. At the age of sixteen, Ryland toiled away in the depths of a desolate mine shaft, his life defined by the monotonous rhythm of labor. Yet, unlike his peers who had already discovered their unique abilities, Ryland remained in the shadows of uncertainty, his latent power eluding him. One fateful day, while venturing deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of the mine, Ryland stumbled upon a colony of vampiric bats lurking within the darkness. In the harrowing encounter that ensued, he unwittingly triggered a dormant ability within himself—a power to summon and forge contracts with creatures dwelling in the shadows. Amidst the chaos, Ryland found himself standing at the precipice of a newfound destiny. With each creature he encountered and bound to his will, he unearthed the potential to shape his own fate and defy the odds stacked against him. As rumors of his newfound abilities spread, Ryland became a beacon of hope amidst the despair that gripped the post-apocalyptic world. Yet, with newfound power came unforeseen challenges and adversaries lurking in the shadows, eager to exploit his abilities for their own sinister purposes. Guided by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to unravel the mysteries of his own existence, Ryland embarked on a perilous journey across the ravaged landscape, forging alliances and confronting ancient evils that threatened to plunge the world into darkness once more. Along the way, he encountered a motley crew of companions—each with their own secrets and burdens to bear. Together, they navigated treacherous terrain and faced insurmountable odds, drawing strength from their shared resolve to defy fate and carve a path towards redemption. As Ryland delved deeper into the heart of darkness, he soon realized that the true measure of his strength lay not in the power he wielded, but in the bonds forged amidst adversity and the courage to confront the shadows that lurked within. In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, Ryland's journey would become a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity—a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows, where alliances were forged, sacrifices made, and destinies rewritten in the sands of time.

Raje_Nage · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter 11: Erac Wilson

the morning sun cast a gentle glow on the Dragonheart residence, a modest yet comfortable abode that boasted three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a well-equipped kitchen. Adjacent to the house was a small compound where they cultivated their own vegetables. Seeds for these vegetables had become more accessible since the peace treaty between humans and New Humans had fostered open trade. Now, they could even find real meats like beef and mutton from cows and sheep at the market, a welcome change from the usual beast meat hunted by the New Humans.

As Ryland finished his morning routine and stepped out, he called out to White Boy, summoning the albino Dracula bat into the morning light. Alan raised an eyebrow, curious about Ryland's intentions.

Inside the kitchen, O'kuyo was busy preparing breakfast. He had crafted an omelette filled with perfectly diced vegetables, a task made effortless by his unique power of Blade Morphing. The colorful dish looked appetizing and smelled delicious.

Just as they were about to dig in, a knock echoed at the door. To their surprise, it was Mr. Lambda. O'kuyo welcomed him inside, and Alan extended an invitation for him to join them for breakfast. O'kuyo quickly prepared an additional serving for their unexpected guest.

"You're just checking up on us, aren't you?" Ryland teased Lambda, a playful smirk on his face. "Being single and all, nobody to cook for you at home?"

Lambda chuckled, "Well, you're not entirely wrong. The perks of living alone."

Ryland grinned cheekily, "And what about your girlfriend, the Battlemonger? Didn't bring her along?"

Lambda laughed heartily, "Left her back at the house. Didn't think she'd be up for a breakfast gathering."

The atmosphere was light and jovial, a perfect start to the morning, as they settled down to enjoy their meal together.

Alan, his eyes reflecting years of longing and hope, broke the silence that hung heavy in the room.

"It has been fifteen long years," Alan began, his voice steady yet filled with emotion. "I yearn to find Xavier's party, to uncover the truth about your parents and my dear friends. Are you willing to join me kids, to embark on this journey, to leave behind all that we have now? The road will be harsh and dangerous."

Ryland's eyes shimmered with excitement and determination. "The world beyond has always called out to me. I'm ready to answer that call."

O'kuyo's gaze was distant, memories of a past he barely knew flashing before his eyes. "I wish to understand my origins, to delve deeper into my past. I am with you."

"Wow, that's great for all of you. You are going on an adventure now. I wish you all luck. I'm going to miss you all, " said Lambda.

Suddenly, Lambda stand up and bow to Alan and the others, "I too wish to be a part of this journey," he declared, his eyes bright with anticipation. "I've spent years delving into mine shafts, yearning for the adventures of old. Please let me join you guys!"

Ryland laughed at his boss action. "Stop it Boss. Don't bow. I'm sure my Grandpa will gladly accept you joining us."

Alan nodded and smiled at Ryland. O'kuyo smiled and also nod in agreement.

"Besides, whose truck we're going to ride if not your smelly and runt truck?" added Ryland.

They all laughed. Lambda excitedly proposed, "Let us plan our departure, decide on our first destination!"

But their deliberations were interrupted by the unmistakable roar of engines, disrupting the morning calm.

Peering through the window, O'kuyo's face turned ashen. "We have unwelcome visitors," he whispered, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Sensing the tension, White Boy emitted a cautionary squeak before taking flight. Ryland, with a swift gesture, beckoned him back, securing the bat safely within the staff he cradled in his hand.

As they stepped outside, they were met with a menacing sight: a group of bikers and a truck, an ominous presence in their once peaceful compound. A biker, adorned in a spiky jacket, threw something at Lambda's feet. Lambda picked it up, recognizing Rocco and Juice's pickaxes with a sinking heart.

"This is Rocco's and Juice's pick axes..." said Lambda.

"Those two.. They were pretty strong when they beat the dracula bats before. How could...?" said Ryland.

"Erac Wilson wants to meet. Now!" the spiky-jacketed biker announced, his voice dripping with malice.

Upon hearing the name "Erac Wilson," both Lambda and Ryland clicked their tongues in frustration. Alan shook his head solemnly, while O'kuyo, puzzled by the reactions, inquired, "Who exactly is Erac Wilson?"

Ryland took a moment to explain, his voice tinged with caution, "Erac Wilson is a shadow that looms large over Minty Town's underworld. He operates outside the bounds of any faction, yet holds unparalleled control over the town's business and economy."

O'kuyo's brow furrowed in concern as he sought clarity, "But why would Erac Wilson summon Mr. Lambda?"

Lambda, taking a deep breath, revealed, "I've been in Erac Wilson's employ for the past two years, mining Mercurial exclusively for him. While other minerals find their way to the market, Mercurial remains solely for Erac Wilson's coffers."

Lambda place both Rocco's and Juice's pick axes on his side and said," It's a dangerous alliance, one I had hoped to stop soon. I don't know why he was so mad right now. It could be anything."

Ryland's fists clenched, his resolve hardening. "Hahaha. Guess our adventures start a little tad too early huh? Boss, we are bound by more than mere alliances. We will confront Erac Wilson and his treachery, together. If push come to shove, we can sell my Grandpa to him."

O'kuyo nodded, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. "I agree with that last part."

Lambda was confused by these kids sense of humor at an untimely manner.

"But seriously, we can't let him bully you like this. We're in this together now, and we'll figure out a way to handle Erac Wilson."

O'kuyo nodded in agreement, "No one messes with our gang," he declared.

Alan sighed, placing a reassuring hand on Lambda's shoulder. "We'll help you navigate this, but we need to be careful. Erac Wilson is not someone to be trifled with. And O'kuyo.. we are not a gang."

O'kuyo sighed.

Just then, the spiky-jacketed biker shouted again, "Are you coming or not? Boss doesn't like to be kept waiting!"