
A strange place like 'HELL'

It's on you , How you see the world. it's hell if you see as. and it is heaven if you see as

Arshlan_khan · ファンタジー
10 Chs

ch2#3.) A light

Now, whenever I want to see my father

Instead of crying. I go to the park on the

Mountain "MAZE" near that cave.

IT'S the place I used to go with my father.

But as my father said , I have never been

In the cave.

But , today I made an argument with "HINA".

The fault was not mine. Iwas just making her aware of her boyfriend. He isn't not a

good guy.

But she said, you are saying this because you love me and can't bear the

That I am with another man.

Yeah! She said true that I have feelings for her. But I want to see her happy. If it's me or someone else.

Let go of it,





But I don't know why I just want to enter the cave.






And I did so,





And at the end of the cave I found a strange light coming from no where.

Its colour is changing second to second.

Black , white and purple also.

I put my hand in it,

But I am afraid as I see that My hand instead of crossing the light getting disappeared into it .






More I go, More I disappear from this world.



As I am afraid I got out of the cave and went to my house.



I kept thinking about it. Was the light shifting me into a new world. Or it's the tunnel or loop between two different places or worlds.