
Little Fox- Part 1

It was not my first time in the pleasure quarters… I had to check for the little fox to see if she was there in the first place. As such, I shouldn't have been that surprised about its beauty. That wasn't the case. This place was, unironically, very aesthetically pleasing.

True to its other, tamer name: the red-light district. The entire area was dimly lit with beautiful ruby-red lights, and the stone-paved road was surprisingly clean. It mixed very well with the faint moonlight lighting up the night sky.

The brothels were more akin to the high-class stone-built establishments, instead of what you would have most likely assumed. Although there were some shady ones, such establishments were just hiding from the plain sight.

Prostitution was a very successful venture in Orario, especially among the adventurers. Life was short and they would rather enjoy it. Death was always just around the corner, waiting for you to make the slightest mistake.

Naturally, I agreed with that part. But why would I need to visit a prostitute when I can gather my own harem and love each one of them?

Exactly, there was no need.

The staff would sit in front of the shops and promote the shop. Somehow, none of them seemed to be against it. Well, the Amazoness seemed to enjoy it, even.

It was their mission in life to find a worthy male to 'harvest' his seeds, it was instinctual, or so I've been told. However, it was an undeniable fact that there were no 'Amazons.', the male version of the Amazoness, so the females have to 'improvise' if they want their race to live on. It just so happened that the 'sacrifice' was rather enjoyable.


"Looking for a good night?"

It was yet another group advertising the shop's services. I took no shame in admiring the view in front of me for the faintest of seconds before moving along my way.

Look, but don't touch.


I widened my eyes at the blond bastard. He was being a man of culture as usual. I laughed just imagining his ears getting blown off by, his captain, Asfi.

His presence was not entirely unexpected, but I was still surprised to find him here nonetheless. He unassumingly brushed past me, of course, he wouldn't recognise me. I was only a scrawny young man with an above-average face at this moment.

Nothing too conspicuous.

Two green eyes with different shades were locked into a stare. I was currently looking at the young girl behind the wooden bars, put up like some animal for all to gaze at. It was a lot worse than I thought… Even the older Haruhime was short, so an even younger one was tiny. It painted a pretty horrible picture, but I've seen worse. Heck, it was even while I was following the pathway.

Unlike the clean road and shiny roads, the crime festered in the alleyways. I even saw some thrown bodies there.

[Haruhime Sanjouno- Lv1]

She wasn't even an adventurer yet. No Falna was applied on her.

That would soon change.

I didn't pay attention to how my expression shifted while thinking about that.

Her eyes fluttered, and her body tensed at my extended gaze.

"How much for a night?" I casually asked her.

I hate to be an asshole, but I didn't need Haruhime, the noble sheltered princess. Likewise, I didn't need someone that would follow me like some sort of hero licking my boots.

'It was about damn time I started gathering some good subordinates.'

"I d-don't know…" she muttered, her head hung low. I could see her body shaking.

For some reason, I could see her relaxing after a few seconds of inner struggle.

I grimaced. She must have given up already…

"100 thousand Valis for the night… She's still green." A deep voice answered my inquiry in more detail.


HP : 210

MP : -


What I could only assume was the brothel's 'manager' informed me instead. She was a rather big-boned woman with gold chains around her neck. I couldn't clearly see her face due to the cloud of the white puff of smoke produced from the pipe she carried, but it must have been one only a mother could love. The baggy green 'dress' she wore didn't help her case.

"I can assure you of the quality." she quickly added in.

"Isn't that right, sweetie?" she 'smiled', and little Haruhime couldn't help but nod under her pressure.


She was about to continue on, but I shoved the entire 100 thousand Valis bag in her face to make her shut up.

"Here is the payment."

Naturally, she didn't take it as an insult, rather she rubbed her hands together and smiled. "You won't regret your decision."

The casual talk about selling the first time of an eleven-year-old was not something that I enjoyed. It was hypocritical of me to say that after my question, but I was only planning to slightly pressure her. I would rather not her stay the same after she was 'saved' by the little bunny. She wasn't saved, her 'ownership' just got tossed around.

"Here, one of our own will escort you while you wait in the room." the 'manager' smiled.

That was rather generous of her, there was no way I wouldn't catch the hidden meaning in the 'escort' part. I suppose 100 thousand Valis is indeed a large amount...

I declined that offer, however, "No need to. Just guide me there."

The slob seemed to take it in another meaning. She grinned pervertedly, "The customer must be excited…"

"She is the shop's gem, after all" she nodded wisely.

'You have no idea how much of a gem she is.'

Haruhime had potential — and a lot of it. Even disregarding the buff magic, she was still a beast-kin. A fox-kin at that, she was even from the far-east as well. I'm sure she has more to give out.

She also reminded me of a certain nine-tailed fox Yokai as well.

"Here you are."

It seems we have arrived. I entered the room, and it was strangely much bigger than what I could see from behind those bars.

To be honest, it wasn't bad at all. There were even some bookshelves on the sides of the bars. The window gave the perfect angle to gaze at the bright moon as well.

I went to the bookshelves and picked up some books... They were mostly coloured books.

A certain book caught my interest. Its corners appeared dull, surely indicating the wear down from the excessive use.

[Hero tales{Vol1}: Argonaut.]

I flipped through other books, and they were mostly myths and other heroic tales.

'She really loves those heroic tales, doesn't she?'

I bet she's still on that 'Hero in shining armour rescues the princess to save the day.' stuff. It's not that I blamed her, years of being essentially 'brainwashed' to be the perfect noblewoman ought to do that.


if you want to help me out or read advanced chaps, pt/MunirSM