
Travel through the Night

Michael Magna, Month 11, Day 10, Year A.F 652.

The soft tapping coming from Madelaine was a nuisance, certainly in something as constricting as a carriage the noise is unwelcomed.

Despite that, I'd rather not poke the tiger glaring at me.

She taps her foot harder and I look away, before her temper gets the better of her and she takes my chin and pulls it to her face.

"Do you know what you did?" She spoke in a menacing voice, one of which I meekly nod.

"Look, I'm sorry that I just gave you guys a week of preparation, its just that I wanted it to be as discrete as possible and any leaks would have blown it all over."

She slams her hand at the side. "Do you know how much ruckus that would have caused!?"

She glares at me, "The amount of supplies and personnel we had to evacuate was enough of a cause for suspicion."

I inch away from her fuming expression directed at me. "Look, I mean it all went fine, Right?"

"Because Mary came at just the right time to remove everything that was left!"

A lean back with a wince, "Yeah, sorry."

Her face reddens in anger, but before she could go on another noisy rant. The carriage stops from a shout. I look out to see the night sky as Mary walks up to our carriage.

"What happened?" I ask her as she held up a torch. Her face lit up, showing a disgruntled expression.

"Prince Lenard has asked for us to stop."

"What?" I look at her in confusion. Why would he want to stop? The more time we spend outside an ally castle, the more risky it becomes.

"Fine, tell send out scouts and make sure we arent being followed."

She opens the carriage and urges me to make space. "Ive done it before coming, just wanted to inform you."

I scoot away, giving her space to take a seat as she leans back to give out a tired sigh.

She looks around. "So, what happened to you guys?"

Madelaine crosses her arms, her expression disgruntled at the reminder.

Damn, here we go again.

"Good of you to remind me, I was just ranting at this dumbass who evacuated his properties at a time where security was at its highest and in such a short timeframe, we almost didnt make it."

I raise my arms in defence, "Look, I admit I did wrong in doing so, but are my apologies not enough?"

"No." She crosses her arm in disgruntlement as she looks outside. The torches of soldiers lighting up the view.

Mary watches it all with amusement as she takes off her armor.

She spoke with a small smile "Just forgive him, we'll hit him together when he makes this kind of blunder again."

"I'll take that instead, please?"

Madelaine looks at me and sigh, "FIne, id rather not sleep, agitated like this."

That's great, I didn't really want the rest of the hour trip to be about discussing my less than desirable blunders. Then again, I could always learn more from this.

I look to Mary, who was wiping the sweat and dirt from her arms after she stored her armor at her ring.

"So, what was the reason for stopping?"

Madelaine looks to us, curious about it as well.

Mary looks up from arms and spoke, "Princess Eribeth was feeling ill, so his highness decided to rest for a while."

Madelaine raises an eyebrow, "That sounds stupid."

"It is, but ive sent scouts around and Prince Lenard seems to be aware that there is no enemies in our vicinity."

The words make me think, until I exclaim in realization. Bishop Orvin's concentration over the stones I scattered, immediately dismantling them quickly.

"That's probably because of Bishop Orvin."

The two women look at me in question and I replied to them, "Remember how I almost died two years ago?"

The two women glare at me and I recoil a bit, as it reminded me of the tongue lashing that followed my more than risky plan.

"Bishop Orvin could scan his surroundings for magic."

The two girls raise their eyebrows in shock, Mary then whispered as she gets closer, "Then how has he not noticed the artifacts on our fingers."

I smile as I spoke to them my deduction, "That's because, he cant pinpoint it as accurately as an eye."

Their looks of confusion was all that I needed as I continued, "Think about it. Everyone around this carriage has swords filled with magic. If he can sense the feeling of magic around us, the amount of swords will blur the magic we have on our fingers."

Mary and Madelaine took this fact as they remain deep in thought.

It all makes sense, doesn't it? The barrages of fireballs he sent towards the stones was of considerable radius, much more than what was necessary.

Something I noticed that has considerably lessened his supply of magic and made him vulnerable after.

Well, if he ever becomes a problem, I could probably wake up the magic I put upon him. But I'd rather not do that now, especially when he has ingratiated himself unto Prince Lenard.

Speaking of Prince Lenard, Im sure with the recent events, I could at least ask for a city charter.

Then, with a city charter, I could take in refuges from the chaos and use the extensive grain supply I have bought to feed them and consequently build a power base to start from.

I'll probably have half a year before both sides start planting their grains and the war winds down to a lull as winter arrives in full force.

Maybe then I can start making moves, or maybe I could move when they're both exhausted? No, no that won't get me the support I need.

I should instead use what-

A tap from the shoulders takes me off of my thoughts, "Hey, so how do we proceed from here?"

"What?" I look to the two of them, looking at me for guidance.

Madelaine massages her forehead as she mutters, "You weren't even listening, were you?"

I rub the back of my head with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, can you say it again for me?"

She reddens a bit before continuing, "We were talking about how we could hide the magic you have scattered on your equipments."

I tap my chin in thought before I spoke, "We don't have to do anything, since we have not operated them in a week the equipments will remain undetected."

Mary taps he sheath at the carriage, sound proofing it. "But what do we do about him? He is obviously working for Prince Lenard and with the show of magic he did just before. He is a high grade military threat against you."

I look to them in confusion, "Who?" Until I realize what they meant, "Oh you mean, Bishop Orvin? Correct?"

The confusion I had stemmed from his description, I tend to forget him as a threat, perhaps because of his situation.

"He's fine, I already have him under control." I dismiss their concerns with a wave.

They look at me, "How exactly?"

"Have I not told you about that?"

They both shake their head and I hum.

"Hmm, then this is as good a time as ever. I defeated Bishop Orvin in battle. Then did an experimental magic, which resulted in him being a sleeper agent doing my bidding."

"Why were only told about this now?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I didn't think it was that important."

Madelaine sighs in disappointment, "You have to tell us these things, so we can at least not waste time on planning contingencies."

"Okay, okay sheesh."

We end up in a lull as we stayed silent, I then look to Mary as I spoke, "So, how is your men's condition?"

Mary look up from her thought, "They are fine, though a bit tired."

"Maybe, because they had to haul up few equipments in a hurry before going into battle."

Ignoring her clear jab, I instead started inspecting Mary, a fact which made her embarassed "You seem to have changed quite a lot."

Madelaine looks to me before looking at Mary as well, "He's right, you look a lot taller than before. And you look like you built a bit more muscle."

I look down to see her arms and realize what she was wearing.

"The thin shirt, though, is revealing."

She reddens, "I haven't noticed, and I haven't had the chance to change, so I kinda took my time here as that chance."

I shrug with a small smile, "Eh, it alright for me."

A hand stops in front of my eyes. "Then how about you quit ogling her and stop being a pervert."

I redden, "I wasnt!"

"You sure as hell did! I should even kick you out."

"Dammit! Woman."

"I dont mind."

We both look to her in shock before she giggles in laughter at our reactions and we all laugh, having a chat as we wait for the carriage to move once more.