
A Slave's day

Michael rubs his eyes as light enters his little quarters. He starts his day the same he did the last three years. With a simple chore, preparing his clothes for the morning. He looks behind him, the books he bought with the little allowance he was given. Though with it, came a lot of shocking facts. Apparently, they use English everywhere. The Magna Imperium, the one which I descended from seem to be the reason it even happened.

A human-dominated empire, that took over the world and stepped on the other races with unyielding force was destroyed by the said other races. Michael rolls his eyes as he buttons his inner shirt, he sarcastically thought 'How shocking, an empire destroyed from the anger of its oppressed citizen.' He looks to the mirror and jokingly thought, 'Well its great that I at least got my handsome looks'

He then looks to the closet as he takes out the formal jacket for a butler. 'Then again, it isn't that shocking, if humans are technically forty percent of the world population.' He finishes his clothing as he looks to his collar, hiding it underneath his uniform. 'If only my stupid ancestors weren't dumb enough to anger the other sixty percent of their citizens, even if you divide that to the number of races that's still dumb as fuck.'

"Stupid" He mutters to himself as he leaves the room, a bit irritated at his ancestor's choices. He looks around once to see his fellow servants, 'Well technically I'm not a servant, but oh well.' He looks to all the servants as he walks, all of which are humans 'Now because of all my stupid ancestors, humanity became second class citizens. because no kingdom is ruled by humans' He depressingly thought

He walks to the duke's office, to probably take on any of his orders or chores. as he walks he looks around to at least enjoy the view of the palace, 'I can at least enjoy this magnificent view, a view I think could give Versailles a run for its money.' A view displaying VIncent's immense wealth and influence.

'At least I can live decently even as a slave' He sighs to himself, the duke seems to be grooming him as his head servant. 'Well if your servant is a slave obligated to follow with a money-making eye, then there isn't much more you could ask for.' He stands in front of the door looking at its simple design, checking his uniform to please Duke Vincent and his attention to detail. He then wistfully thought 'Well, here goes another day. Let's hope Duke Vincent isn't visited by his shitty family like last time.'

"Why hello there, HUMAN." The obnoxious voice stops Michael as he reaches for the door. Michael depressingly thought 'Fuck me then' before he bows and curtly spoke to the red-skinned young man "Sir Viller, a good morning to you." Michael gestures to the door "Shall I present you in?" Viller scoffs as he pushes Michael away, looking down at him as he spoke "I'd rather you don't speak my name at all, human."

'Well, there's the overt prejudice. As expected of Sir Viller. He never fails to destroy my day' Michael thought as he bows his head and reply, "As you wish." Viller only looks in disdain as he walks inside Vincent's office. Viller shouts "Uncle! It is quite nice to see you. Have you thought of what I said?" Vincent looks up from his work to notice Viller smiling in greeting and Michael standing by the door.

Vincent sighs as he looks to Viller and frowns as he massages his forehead in annoyance, "Viller, how many times do I have to tell you." Vincent glares to Viller making him step back, he spoke with force "I will not support the Rividers on their pathetic attempt on the throne."

Viller dismissively waves his hand, dismissing his uncle's anger. "Uncle, that is ridiculous. The Rosalian court is dominated by Rividers." Viller continues as he gestures around the room, "And with our wealth, the succession is a secured affair." Vincent raises his hand, stopping him from continuing, "Viller I have made my decision."

Viller dramatically replied "But uncle, this is the moment our family has been waiting for. The Dunsten family will now rise to the ranks of Grand Duke!" Viller opens his arms "Owning a fourth of the Rosalian Kingdom." Vincent slams his fist to his table and shouts in anger, "And burn Rosalia in the process." Viller tries to speak but Vincent points outside and shout, "Leave! I will not talk about this again!"

Viller glares at his uncles and shouts "Uncle! You're making a mistake!", a glint of madness present in his eyes' He walks back outside only giving Michael a passing glare as he stood unexpressive. Once Viller leaves Michael rolls his eyes at his pathetic attempt of intimidation. Vincent then gestures for Michael, who immediately went to him taking the tray left there before.

Vincent looks to the door and melancholy spoke, "What have I done to deserve such a family." Michael remains silent standing by his side, Vincent looks to him "How about you Michael what's your opinion on this matter" Michael subserviently spoke, "This lowly one isn't worthy of commenting on such an affair."

Vincent laughs, "How about we assume you are worthy, Yes? What would be your opinion then?" Michael stops in thought before he spoke, "The current situation favours the second prince, as stated by sir Viller." Vincent nods and gestures to Michael to continue, "But the first prince is still the legitimate heir, It would be best if you show support for both sides."

Vincent raises an eyebrow, "Show support? Won't it be best to stay neutral instead?" Michael bows his head as he spoke, "If you remain neutral, you'll lose either way. Since most men see those not with them to be against them" Vincent nods in understanding and proceed to question Michael, "I see, then what would you do?"

Michael stands straight and looks to the door before he spoke, "I shall send sir Viller as a medium of support while continuing to appear as a neutral party whose sole wish is to see the nation under its legitimate ruler."

Vincent stops in thought as he nods, "The first prince will see you as an ally, while The second prince will see you as his spy." Vincent laughs as he claps, looking impressed "Quite a good plan," He looks to Michael, a child of ten, capable of making plans he never thought of. He smiles at the boy who remains expressionless and he shakes his head pity "It is unfortunate that you weren't born in my family."