
silica's dragon experiences( Side story)

In a world that magic and mythical creatures existed; some were feared, hated, loved, and others on mutual terms to co-exist. Dragons were a race feared by humans. The human population was united under a queen that feared none, was wise, compassionate, and beautiful. She cared for her people regardless of their species. Of course that included dragons. Not everyone felt that way. They bullied the weak, to the strong, they segregated. The queen's military respected the queen to no end. So they protected her and her kingdom to the best of their ability. Of course, they couldn't do it all. So there were adventurers of all strengths. From hunting simple rabbits to eliminating evil with strength that only her majesty's top generals could deal with it as if it were nothing. In the middle of the spectral whispering forest lay a dragon. With each breath, magical power was keeping the forest at an equilibrium. The guild ignorant of this sent top adventurers to slay the dragon. One of the men was one-eighth dragon, giving him the ability to transform into one to attempt to go toe to toe or at least distract the mighty dragon Kalendor enough for his allies to attack him. I as a Hashira, can only give you support as I will commission you and those under you to save Kalendor and the forest. If that adventurer survives it is fine by me. If he dies then so be it. Heartless as it may be, it was their negligence that they will be collateral damage.