
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · ファンタジー
51 Chs

assassin's training

While Medusa and Deimos were getting to know each other; the tormentor was moving back to the jail cells.

Hearing the steps both Deimos and medusa stiffened.

"Oh no" whispers Deimos.

"Quickly hide under the bed" said Medusa.

Deimos quickly hide under the table.

There was a white cloth on the wooden operating table.

Obscuring him from tormentors view.

Tormentor was in a great mood, he had just writen and send a letter per dove.

He made his way back to Medusa's cell.

When he walked inside, the atmosphere was a bit off.

It felt les still and dead.

Like life has been blown into the space around.

Tormentor didn't like this feeling one bit but ignored it.

He began to speak, a fatal flaw of him.

He loved telling his prisoners about their situation, and what he was going to do.

Just to see their despair.

"You know Medusa, your mother loved you dearly"

"She was extremely happy when we bought you, hoping you would have a better life than her".

"But I just couldn't stop myself, from telling her what we were going to do to you"

"It has become a very bad habit of mine"

"Then I told her we would inject you with poison and wipe your intelligence; to make you a weapon".

"Haha you should have seen her face"

"She fought till the end to protect you, but in the end she gave her last breath".

"We only needed to pay the pimp 200 drachmas for her death".

"Damaging merchandise he called it"

"You would not know; but that is the least amount a slave goes for".

It cost Medusa's every last bit of willpower to not kill the tormentor now.

But if she did that, her new friend would be in danger.

And how was she to escape after killing the tormentor.

She didn't even know how to move without legs.

So she acted like she didn't understand him; like the beast he tried to create.

But her long and sharp nails had already gone straight trough the table.

Trying to keep herself calm.

Deimos; underneath the table was seething!

His bloodline cried out in defiance.

How dared this lowly creature, look down on his friend.

Be it his optimised Garan genes or his new origin snake bloodline.

He hated being looked down on and if someone looked down on the people he considers his friends.

It meant they looked down on him.

"Patience" Deimos "patience".

He said to himself.

After giving Medusa another bowl of Deimos blood and saliva; Mentor left the cell.

Deimos moved from under the table.

"Medusa are you alright"? He asked.

"No" she awnsers.

And started crying.

Deimos moved to open the straps binding her to the table.

After she was free she fell into Deimos.

Giving him a tight hug.

Deimos didn't know how to comfort someone.

So he just sat down and hugged her back.

So the evening went by, with the soft sobbing of a heartbroken child.

And the solace voice of another.

After crying her heart out medusa fell asleep.

Deimos didn't move he just let her sleep.

When she woke up again, soft sunshine was coming trough the cell's window.

Deimos was asleep against the wall medusa's head lay on his shoulder.

"Deimos wake up, you need to go".

" If they look for you but your not in your room, they will search for you".

Deimos was a grumpy kid in the morning.

His face looked cute wile he was frowning.

Medusa giggled at this.

"Yes I should go" said Deimos.

He stood up and walked out of the cell.

Most cells were not locked after the brainwashing.

You could call it confidence in their brainwashing; or arrogance.

Either way Deimos made his way back to his room.

While he walked trough the cave a assassin came to him.

"Apprentice Deimos the tormentor asks for you".

"I understand" said Deimos

"For the glory of Persia" the assassin said

"For the glory of Persia" reacted Deimos.

He decided, he would take their techniques and methods before destroying this organisation.

Deimos came to tormentors office.

It was littered with letters and on a board blueprints for a metal boat were written down.

But Deimos was too young to understand them.

Master Serbian was In the room too.

"Tormentor, master Serbian" Deimos acknowledges.

"Deimos your here; good".

Mentor walks up to him, before patting him on the shoulder.

Deimos was now almost as tall, as the old men.

Over a month he would turn four, and his growth didn't look like it would slow down.

He was already 1,6m tall and mentor was only 1,65m tall.

But Deimos looked really weird, because while he was this tall he still looked like a three year old.

Meaning, his head and body were totally out of proportion.

Mentor walked back to his seat.

Deimos you will be trained by master Serbian the next few years.

"As you command tormentor" reacted Deimos.

So the first day of training began.

He was told to take up a sword.

Deimos was taught the basic stances of swordsmanship.

After that, repeated stabbing slashing and hacking.

Afterwards he went on to train with a hidden blade.

Deimos was immediately fascinated by the little weapon.

It worked with a mechanic spring, afterwards the blade gets locked.

Deimos learned, sneaking stalking fighting and gathering information.

After the lessons with master Serbian, he sneaks back to Medusa's cell.

She was treated as their secret weapon.

And most of the low level assassin's didn't even know she existed.

After talking and resting together.

A new day begun and he moved to the training ground again.

He was trained in every possible weapon, and hand to hand combat too.

He was even trained, to incorporate his toxic body fluids in fights.

Like smearing his blood on his blade.

Or biting someone when close.

Deimos began to love training and fighting.

He looked forward to training every day, and talked about what he learned to Medusa at night.

This way two years passed.

Until this morning he got a message

[System update]