
A Spark Half on Loan

Shockwave has fought in the darkness for eons. Longer, in fact, than many races have existed. He has outlasted even ideologies that lasted as long as some species' existence. Now, in the darkness of exile, what waits for him? Peace at last, or war? Freedom, or subjugation? (Set in the IDW comics, Fanfic/AO3 does weird sorting for TF)

Twisted_Fate_MK2 · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Of Maidens and Mecha - One


Official Supporters:

Fanatical Fucking Reader, ScrubLord Yoda

Obsessive Reader, the Lizard

Compulsive Reader, The Impossible Muffin

Adeptus Militaris, Wilger

Commissioner, Gib, Espa Cole, Death Daddy

If you want to be on the Supporter list, PM me for details or join our private server for details. Hope you enjoy reading my stories, please leave me a comment to let me know if you did, or where I can improve. Link here, where able to be seen : https://discord.gg/2UZncAm

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I have a kofi account now, too, under this name for those interested.

Beta(s) :


To be clear, and I try, but between Soundwave and Shockwave, I WILL mix up their names. They both start with 'S' and end in 'Wave'. Hell, they even share letters in between!

Pls forgive when this happens. XD


Yes, Airicon is not a canon name, as far as I know.

This group's name has an interesting source. You see… I made it the fuck up!

Unique group, unique name, lol. XD


Soundwave stepped off of the low Space-Bridge platform and shook his head to dispel the atypical fog of static that pulsed through his neural net. It was only a thin annoyance, barely even a buzz at the back of his mind, but it was there. He focused for several micr-cycles on the steady 'thump-thrum' of the rhythm he had chosen to put out through his audio systems and, as expected, the static charge faded away and his neural-net cleared. Which meant the interference had simply been due to poor tuning, or his stealth and shield systems interfering with the 'bridge somehow.

'Strange.' He noted to himself, 'Shockwave is usually far more precise. At least, in regards to mere mechanisms.'

When it came to proper planning, he was… Somewhat more chaotic, in spite of his logical stoicism. Usually merely posing experiments and adapting to them, rather than outright planning. Though, at times, he had proven more than capable of long range, multi-lateral thinking and planning before.

Was that what had been ongoing here? It would explain a number of things…

But leave others pointedly unanswered for.

He turned and raised his arm as a familiar psychic presence closed on him, and Laserbeak came to rest on his arm, wings folded tight against his side. Without prompting, he reported quietly, "Shockwave is within. Tending to the… Organic woman."


"He is removing her implan-arm and resterilizing her." Laserbeak said, "And testing the connection point for reasons for the failure."

"I see…" He had been working on that almost ceaselessly for just over a month. It had, in fact, been thirty six standard planetary rotations - five more, since Laserbeak had revealed himself to Shockwave. Naught but failures, thus far, as well.

And yet, he persisted. "Strange..."

"He also speaks to her."

"As you said." Soundwave countered, "In your report."

"Yes, but he does so by name." Laserbeak noted, "A fact I only recently noted."

"You did not notice it prior?"

"I did." He said, "But I presumed it was some form of designation. Given by Shockwave himself. Instead, it appears to be the organic's given name."

That was more than a little strange as well. Were she merely a project, he would not have seen a need to find out her true, given name and use it. Instead, he would have more likely merely taken her and assigned her a designation. Laserbeak had also reported that, when conscious, she had mentioned her daughters. And he had seemed… Apologetic, almost mournful, even, in some way, when he rendered her unconscious once more.

So strange… Even after observing him for so long, he still couldn't discern the ancient 'Bot's intentions.

Or motivations…

"He is at work." Soundwave finally murmured, lowering his arm as Laserbeak lifted off and moved to stand on his shoulder instead, comfortable in spite of the low thrum-thump of his music.

He found Shockwave in a large, just barely rectangular rather than square, room which matched Laserbeak's description more or less. Terminals lined one wall, broadcasting a dozen read-outs - vitals, genetic make-up of the woman, an analysis of various elements and their toxicity rates to her species, and more - while the walls to either side were split into more space to work on her treatment. One had been altered since Laserbeak's reporting, lined by shelves now covered in green, red, and blue vials filled by various organs. Spinal segments, eye-pairs, hands, stomachs, hearts and more. Others, wider and filled with simple Energon, were filled with cyber-organic melds of the same, linking to power units at the bases of their containers.

It was… An extensive array.

The other was split in half, with the closest being the simplest. A small manufactory and maintenance layout, with several sealed cylindrical containers. He could see through small view-ports on each, and scanned what he found. Bio-organic pseudos. Each with damaged components in need of mild repairs they were undergoing inside their cylinders. Beside this all was, of all things, a series of stacked terrariums. Each grew something different. Some grew simpler plants he recognized - permutations of corns, grain-plants, various roots - while others grew mushrooms, other roots, flowers, and more. Beside each was a computer console, embedded onto the wall, with readouts of each and a control system.

"I thought perhaps a balanced, organic nutritional intake would do good for her." His target spoke, standing at the end of the room, hunched over the care-systems there. "No change, however. She still rejects all attempts at implantation…"

"Yet you persist."

"I do."


"Why…?" Shockwave rumbled, before he pushed off the medical interface and turned. In the light of the terrariums, long shadows were cast across the 'Con. Shadows which obscured much, but could not obscure all. Could not hide the damage to his face-plating, around his optic, where rust had begun to corrode. Or the limp as the damaged knee tried and only partially succeeded to hold him up. Or the broken spines along his back…

He was damaged, and badly… As badly as Laserbeak had described.

Finally, he sighed and rumbled, "I am not sure, entirely. I cannot say why I push so hard. Only… That I feel pressed to do so."


"Indeed." Shockwave rumbled, turning back to the workbench beside the tower the woman was now housed in, her medical capsule set right in its middle and fronted by glass. Arms mounted all along the back tended to her, replacing hydro-bandages, running blood transfusing cables, and more.

As he approached, Soundwave made out more - he could see what little was left of a heart, in the center of her chest, with dozens of thin cables threading out of the metal frame that housed it now. Even that was being rejected, it seemed - numerous cables and sections of the frame were removed as he watched, replaced by fresh ones. A smaller pair, attached to the roof, descended mechanically to trim the edges of her hair and one spun to produce a small toothed brush which it ran through her hair.

This was more than an experiment…

"You… You actually care for her." He realized suddenly, turning as the damaged Cybertronian froze mid-task. "That is why you have pushed so hard. Why you are even now damaged and in need of basic maintenance. You care, and are pushing yourself far too hard due to it."

"I…" Shockwave shook his head, bent over a small bio-syn limb on the workbench. "I am fine."

"You are not."

"I am."

Suddenly, Soundwave lashed out, gently, and shoved the old scientist. It was a weak push, barely even that, but he staggered to the side and had to catch himself on the workbench as he sank to his knees. He dragged himself up and turned a hot, scarlet glare on Soundwave, who held his hands up in a show of peace.

"Mere illustration of my point." He pressed, "You are in need of maintenance. Soon, you will need as much as the organic does."



"Her name." He rumbled, returning to her work. "It is Summer Rose."

"Oh?" He hummed, bracing himself and adding off-handedly. "Odd. From your behavior, I would have thought her name was Ghira-"

Shockwave rounded on him suddenly and sharply, so much so that even Soundwave and Laserbeak were surprised. His cannon swept around towards his head, aiming to bludgeon him, and Soundwave ducked under the blow. As it passed, he snapped out a fist into the side of the old 'Con's knee. The blow caused it to give out, and as Shockwave fell, Soundwave rose and lunged, catching him across his shoulders. As he stood, he turned and hurled the other 'Bot down into the ground with tremendous, room-shaking force.

He landed on his back and groaned, but Soundwave took no risks, stepping on the elbow-joint of his cannon arm and sending Laserbeak circling overhead protectively.

"This planet has changed you." Soundwave rumbled quietly. "You were never so… Emotional, before."

"I was." He countered lowly, "Long before. But… Yes. It has changed me."

"I am not displeased by it." Soundwave admitted, stepping off the 'Bot and backing away while Laserbeak returned to his shoulder. As the damaged 'Bot rose, he added, "But I am displeased by your state. You are damaged. Extensively."

"I have been… Busy."

"So I can see." Shockwave stumbled and Soundwave leaned in to catch him and help him stand. Quietly, he added, "We will see to you first. Then we will work on repairing your Organic."


"Summer, then." He sighed, releasing the 'Bot and shaking his head. "But you will help no one when you can barely walk, your sensors are damaged, and your plating is rusting off."

"Very well, then." Shockwave rumbled, and somehow, even that sounded like a concession. Begrudging, and aggravated for it. But even so, the old scientist nodded. "Let us begin, then."


"I still can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me!" Yang crowed, scooping Ruby up just before she could bounce away and out of range. She pulled the small girl into her chest and squeezed so hard that Ruby's Aura even flared, just the slightest bit.

"Yaaaaang!" She whined and wriggled, tossing her head around and then headbutting the brawler when she only squeezed tighter.

"Gah!" Finally, Yang dropped her, and Ruby used her Semblance to flicker back and out of reach of the loose, lazy swing Yang tried to pay her back with. Ruby grinned, bending to the side and waving, and Yang stomped after her with a grin, rolling her neck to pop it. "Oh, using my own tricks against me, lil sis?"

"S'why you taught 'em to me!"

"No, I taught you those for boys." She laughed, wagging a finger at her, "Not big sister's affection! Now c'mere for noogie time!"

Suddenly, the holo-proector at the front of the transport chimed loudly and lit up as the windows darkened. Ruby's eyes lit up as the stern gaze of the blonde Headmistress of Beacon Academy materialized, followed quickly by the rest of her as the little holo-cubes making up the body of the image came together and then merged, their seams vanishing quickly. Finally, as its form finalized and solidified, she spoke.

"Good afternoon, to each and every one of you." She said, "As you all ought to already know, I am Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. You will soon be arriving at Beacon Academy and, for those lucky enough among you to pass tomorrow's Initiation, you will get used to both it and my own high expectations for you all. Rest well, eat well, and prepare well. Tomorrow, you will face the Grimm. Some of you may even fall to them."

"Ours is a world on the edge." She finished, "But I leave the rest to our newest professor. Professor Razorwing."

The holo-projection broke apart as the square particles that made up the woman came apart and then reformed, this time materializing the entire body of the person.

Or rather… The machine.

He was thin, with wiry but powerful legs and arms covered in thin looking, layered metal. His torso was short, covered by a fibrous looking cloak of layered, segmented plates that wrapped around him made up of a pair of birdlike wings, their tips each draped over the fronts of his shoulders. His body was dark black, with gray plates over it, but his wings were bright, flowing red lines and orange swirls. Suddenly he flexed and those wings spread out to either side, bearing a smooth stomach and chest, and then he raised his head.

It was the most Human part of him. Simple and round, with short, black cables hanging down around his shoulders and two wide, blue eyes set over a noseless face and a warm smile.

"Greetings to you all." He said, sweeping one arm across his waist and the other back as he bowed respectfully. As he straightened, his almost bird-like wings wrapped around him once more. "As you can see, I've nothing to hide. I am formerly an Insecticon. Now, I am an Airicon. I come at the behest of your Headmaster and Headmistress, to teach you that which only one such as myself can."

"How to fight…" He rumbled, "Rogue Cybetronians."

That sent a murmur through the assembled students, and made Ruby's heart race in her tiny chest. An Airicon, here, at Beacon?!


"I will also be partnering with Beacon's resident Historian, one Bartholomew Oobleck, to teach what is known of my kind's history." He said, raising a hand and extending one, single pointed finger. "Your first lesson - My race is, collectively, known as 'Cybertronian' for we hail from a distant world called 'Cybetron' originally."

"That comes free." He chuckled, "The rest… Well, you will all earn the rest in Initiation. Best of luck to you all… And welcome to Beacon."

As he said that, he bowed once more, sweeping a hand out to the side as his hologram died out and the windows brightened.

And, ahead of them all… Beacon Academy shined in the light of the afternoon sun, under a perfect blue sky.

And Ruby was practically vibrating with excitement!

"Yaaaang, can you believe it!" She squealed, rounding on her sister and bouncing on her heels. "Beacon Academy got an Airicon to come and teach! Ohhhh, do you think he has a particle rifle?!"

"I… Didn't see one?"

"That's right, that's right…" But she knew that some 'Bots had taken to integrating weapons into their bodies, so it was possibly that he had one somewhere. But asking for him to open up his arm, or whatever, so she could take a peek seemed… A bit weirder. "Oh! Oh! He's named Razorwing! So, um, maybe his wings are blades?!"

"That would make sense…" Yang murmured, turning and chuckling, "That guy's a bit green under the gills."

"Ohhhh, and history!" She squawked, "I've always wondered what their history was… I can't believe they're gonna teach it! They don't even have books out about it yet, but they're gonna-"

"Coming through!" A voice suddenly squawked and Ruby turned, watching a scrawny blonde shove his way past someone and stumble into Yang who caught him by the shoulders and pushed him back when he tried to shove her out of the way.

"Hey, ass, don't go 'round shoving people!"

"I-I'm sor- Girkl!"

"What- Not on my shoes, agh!"



"I can't believe I threw up on your sister's shoes…" Her new friend Jaune murmured as they walked through Beacon's halls, looking for wherever the auditorium was. He cradles his head and groaned, "Oh, Gods, I'm surprised she didn't kill me…"

"Yet." Ruby smiled, patting his back. "Yet."

"What do you mean, yet- Ah!"

The blonde knight-hopeful stumbled as he crashed headlong into a slight frame dressed all in white and stumbled, taking her down with him and rolling. They landed in a tangle with her legs over his chest and her head under the trolley she'd been tugging along, loaded down with her trunks. She grumbled a swear, Jaune groaned and cradled his head where he'd thwacked it on the railing of the trolley, and Ruby chuckled around the hand covering her mouth.

"Oh Gods!" Jaune squawked suddenly, sitting up and gently lifting and pushing the woman's legs off of him while she rolled the trolley away and sat up, glowering at him. "A-Are you okay, um…"

"Weiss." She sighed, rolling elegantly onto her knees and pushing herself up with a sigh and a sharp side-eye to her trunks. "Nothing is broken, I suppose, so… All is well, if you are well, I suppose."

"I'm fine." He laughed, standing and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly while he offered a hand. "Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue."

"And ladies love it."

"Come on, Ruby…" He sighed, "I was trying to be cool."

"I do believe tackling me threw that out the window, Arc." She sighed, shaking his hand gently and chuckling. "Weiss Schnee. A pleasure, gravity related concerns not-withstanding."

"Y-Yeah, heh…" Jaune chuckled, dropping his hands and then bobbing a head at Ruby unsurely. "This is, uh, Ruby Rose."

"Short, sweet, and the Grimm love it!"

"I… Don't think the Grimm love much?"

"Well, me and my baby never hear complaints." Ruby chuckled, patting the rifle at the back of her waist and beaming a smile. Then she chuckled again, suddenly nervous, and fiddled with her fingers. "I'm, uh, happy to meet you! Um…"


"Y-Yeah, that's, uh, your name! Uh…" She blinked, "Sorry, I'm not… Good at people."

"Ah." Weiss blinked, then smiled and shrugged, "Well, if it helps, I'm only as good as I am because of practice"

"It, uh, does… Kinda."

"Splendid." She said, grabbing her trolley and pushing it into Jaune's chest. "You may repay your oafishness by pulling this heavy bastarding thing, Arc. Then call it dealt with and drop the anxiety. Hm?"

"Uh, sure!"

"Very good." She nodded, then grimaced and murmured, "And, um, do either of you know where the auditorium is?"

"Jaune does!"

"Ruby does!" They both spoke at once, then traded glances and sighed loudly. Finally Jaune sighed and said, "I guess we're just wandering around…"

"Ah." Weiss blinked, then scratched idly at the scar over her eye. "Splendid… Come along, then, we'll find our way soon enough."


Random 65 :

Soundwave indeed! Lol.

Atomic R4y :

Yeah, but I like to TRY and keep to canon, lol.

Obsidian Nova Arc :

About that… Last bit. XD

And yeah, Shockwave has a lot of trauma built up.