
A Spark Half on Loan

Shockwave has fought in the darkness for eons. Longer, in fact, than many races have existed. He has outlasted even ideologies that lasted as long as some species' existence. Now, in the darkness of exile, what waits for him? Peace at last, or war? Freedom, or subjugation? (Set in the IDW comics, Fanfic/AO3 does weird sorting for TF)

Twisted_Fate_MK2 · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Of Maidens and Mecha - Finale


Official Supporters:

Compulsive Reader, The Impossible Muffin

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Summer groaned as she came back around, blinking, bleary-eyed, and looking around the by now painfully familiar laboratory she'd been kept in. Shockwave turned as she blinked awake, looming over her while his eye narrowed and widened analytically. After a quiet moment, she met his gaze and raised an eyebrow, and he hummed in thought, turning to tap out notes on a data-pad laid on the smooth steel counter her pod was resting on.

Finally, when he didn't turn back or say anything, she asked, "So?"

"Your eye is showing no signs of rejection." Shockwave answered, "At all. How strange…"

"You sound upset."

"I am." He answered frankly, flickering her a crimson look and turning back to his notes. "I have spent all this time attempting to give you… Replacements which would not be so crude. And now, it seems, my own intellect has been what has held us back."

"Could you explain it in less of a humble-brag?"

"A… What?"

"Nevermind." She sighed, looking around and frowning. "What did you mean?"

"I wished to replace what you lost with more advanced, refined, measures. Measures which would be less…" He turned to her and cocked his head, "Unsightly."

"Oh very funny." She sighed, looking around more purposefully, now, and humming. "Weird… Having depth perception again."

"I suppose it would be." Shockwave rumbled quietly, turning to stand in front of her once again, connecting a cable from a finger to her pod directly while he tinkered with what looked like a leg on the counter beside her. After another few seconds, he went on, "Ten hours have passed. This is the normal window to begin seeing signs of rejection, from our prior attempts. I will wait two more before beginning implantation of the other-"

"No." Summer cut him off, "No… Don't wait."

"It would be wiser to wait and-"

"You said the window's already passed."

"I did." He nodded, turning to her, "And it has. Even so, it would be prudent to-"

"I want to walk again, Shockwave." She pressed, chewing her lip as the machine regarded her more fully. "To-To breathe on my own again. To fucking touch something! To see Ruby, a-and Yang, without needing a camera…"

For a long time, Shockwave simply stared at her, until Soundwave lumbered into the room, flicking a look between them. Finally, Soundwave said, "You are still working?"

"I am." Shockwave answered, "You are done making your… Journal entry?"

"I am." He answered, crossing the room to work on something further up the counter that she couldn't see, but was big enough to be another limb. A leg, maybe? She couldn't tell, but that made the most sense - assuming it was hers, at least.

But this room seemed dedicated to her, so…

"Please." She pressed when the silence started to stretch, "Shockwave, please..."

"I…" Finally, after a few dragging seconds of silence, Shockwave rumbled, "Very well. It is your body - your choice. I will finalize tuning on the limbs-"

"No." Soundwave rumbled, "I will. You install her organ implants - you are more adept at organic surgeries than I am."

"Very well." He turned back to Summer and sighed, "Putting you back under. It will take time. But once this is over, and you have recovered, I will personally Bridge you to wherever you wish to go."

"Where is my family?"

"Your daughters are at Beacon, currently." Soundwave answered immediately, because of course he already knew. He seemed to know just about anything she or Shockwave could think to ask, somehow. "Qrow Branwen's location is unknown - however, he is known to come and go from the Academy. Your husband, however, only leaves Patch to teach at a primary school."

"Signal." Summer filled in as the fog crept in, earning a detached nod from the mecha-man. "Good… He always loved teaching."

"I am sure." Shockwave murmured, "Sleep now. When you're awake, we will go through some basic…"

Her eyes slid closed before he could finish speaking and she sighed.


Netrunner's coordinates didn't lead to any kind of base, like they'd expected. Instead they lead up, through the foothills, to an old Atlas overlook - barely more than a cabin for four built onto a cliff where they could get a good view of the land. Which was important for spotting Grimm and enemy movements, she understood,looking out over the forest as it thinned towards the shrubby, more arid Eastern side of Mistral. From here, she could see most of the rivers meandering out into the sand and shrub.

And an old, long-abandoned, Atlesian outpost, set in a remote area to, once upon a time where air travel was less common, refuel and resupply patrols coming through the area.

And now, apparently, it had been taken over by a group of… Bandits, it looked like. At least, judging by the tents scattered around its old, dilapidated concrete perimeter wall. They were well-hidden enough, colored to blend into the dirt and trees growing just outside the outpost wall and with branches and shrubbery leaned up against the sides, but Kali had spent her own years out in the field like this. And knew plenty of fighters besides, all of whom had needed to use the exact same methods to keep out of Atlas' eyes.

The Cybetronian sitting cross-legged beside the main gate was new, though…

She didn't recognize them, but she knew enough to know they were more of a brawler than a lookout. There more for if a fight came, she was sure, than to spot anyone. His head was covered in a smooth, almost medieval, helmet and he didn't have any special optics she could see. His body was also stocky, covered in layered armor that was just as medieval as his helmet, and he sat with a board-axe across his lap. So, kneeling at the cliff's edge, she felt safe enough, at least from prying eyes.

"O-Oh my…" Leonardo, standing behind and over her, murmured. "He's going to be a problem."

"Only if we want to fight."

"And how else do you plan to get Blake out?"

"I don't." She frowned and stood, dusting herself off as she turned to him. "You will."

"What?" He blinked, "I don't follow?"

"They took Blake." Kali said, eyeing the facility in the distance with narrow eyes. "But she's not their target - she's just a victim of circumstance. Namely, of being my daughter. They took her because they couldn't get to me."

"Oh, Tides." The man sighed, "You mean to-"

"Give them what they want." She nodded grimly, "While I have them… Distracted, you sneak in. Find my daughter."

"You know they're liable to kill you…"

"Oh, Leonardo." She chuckled darkly as someone she did recognize finally came out, looking along the outside of the wall warily, inspecting it for weaknesses with a hand on the long sword at his waist, "They're probably going to do worse than just kill me."

"I-I see…"Leonardo sighed, laying a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly. "Blake is lucky, having a mother like you."

"If she didn't," Kali frowned, "then she'd have all her fingers."

Leo didn't have anything to say to that…


Lazerbeak frowned as he guided Soundwave's drone-body into the forest, their weapon held across the drone's chest while the rest of his team moved ahead of him, spread out in a rough diamond formation. With Yang at the front, and Ruby and Weiss in the center, they could counter most attacks from the forward angle easily enough - Weiss and Ruby could out-maneuver whatever came until Yang came to take over, and his ranged capabilities were where he was at his peak.

At least, as far as he was meant to display - and they were meant to know.

"You good, Echo?" Yang called back as they walked, navigating around a dense copse of trees as they searched for the Grimm they'd been dispatched to Hunt.

"I am fine." He answered, "Merely… Listening."

"To?" Weiss chipped in quietly.

"The forest." He answered, looking up at the trees around them and cocking his drone-head, tuning his finer sensors to the area directly around them. "It's… Rather quiet. Birds, wind in the trees, all normal."

"And that means…?"

"Whatever it means, it's probably bad." Yang hummed, flicking a wrist and extending Ember Celica smoothly. "You wouldn't mention it otherwise…"

He hummed his assent and flicked the blonde woman a look as she turned, walking backwards for a step to scan the trees before she turned back to walk forwards, suddenly all the more wary.

Yang was… An odd example of the Remnant varieties of organic, to say the least. She was boisterous and brash, flashing in and out of trouble at a while most of the time and flippantly disregarding everything from social norms to base logic as she went. On first glance, one could easily assume her to end there, as a person. Immature, rash and prone to emotional bouts, with little in the way of depth. But anyone who was to work under that impression would quickly find themselves on the back foot - as Lazerbeak and his comrades had, for a time.

Yang Xiao Long was, perhaps, the most deceptively intelligent of all the young Hunter hopefuls at the Academy.

And perceptive, too - enough to seemingly guess at the nuances between he and his comrades, no matter their acting skills. She was good enough no to press them, likely assuming something private or possibly traumatic was to blame - which was accurate enough - but even so, she had caught on. Only a little, but that little bit was enough to impress he and Rumble alike, even if Soundwave was less interested.

"Grimm don't prey on animals." Weiss pointed out, "It's likely the Grimm are simply not disturbing them."

"Ursai don't prey." He agreed, "But they do mark territory. Birds dislike them because they shake their trees. But here, they are not in distress."

"Fair enough." Weiss conceded, "Maybe we're in the wrong place, then?"

"Perhaps." He cocked his head as movement registered on his sensors, but dismissed it readily - they were humanoid, and while animal-like motion-shadows were nearby, they weren't moving as though in combat. Most likely just a pair of trainees like them, out on their own mission or just training. It was impossible to be certain,which irked him somewhat.

He'd know soon - they were moving in a way that would cross their paths.

The next few moments passed in a more professional silence, aside from Yang's humming, as they continued their search. Still, they found nothing, and he supposed they could just ask the pair coming towards them when-

Suddenly, they and the larger motion-signatures alike shot towards them and he turned ever-so-slightly towards them, wary but unable to call out. How he'd noticed them was a question he didn't have a non-classified answer for. All he could do was brace himself, and watch, until…

Someone sprang from a low branch of a tree as they passed and Lazerbeak snapped out a warning, "Yang, on your right!"

She didn't hesitate, spinning on a heel and bringing her fists up in a ready stance while Ruby and Weiss backed off - their standard formation - to give her space, so they could flank. But this was their anti-Grimm formation, he realized a micro-second too late. It was well suited against Grimm but-

"Aaaagh!" Yang screamed loudly as the man came down, leg snapping down in an axe kick that drove her head down, and then he turned in the same movement, blade-arms lashing out at both her shoulders, trailing yellow sparks and a vibrant, sickly violet that sparked along her shoulder as she staggered away.

With sparking gaps left in her Aura, growing slowly as she clutched at her shoulders, eyes wide as the man turned and leapt, through their open center towards Weiss.

"What in-" Weiss swore, suddenly, and Myrtenaster flicked, a Glyph spinning to life in front of him and tugging him down in front of her.

The Faunus landed with a muted 'oof' and rolled onto his shoulders, spinning and kicking as Weiss thrust in with Myrtenaster's razor-tip. One leg caught it and batted it aside as he turned, lining up his weapon on the man at Human levels of speed, and the other caught her under the chin, snapping her mouth closed with a click and sending her reeling as Ruby flashed between them, Crescent Rose spinning through the air to catch the man's blades as he pushed off the ground and spun in the air, aiming to claw at Weiss the way he had at Yang.

He rolled back as Weiss slipped around her partner, thrusting for his midsection but missing as the man's tail curled under him and then lashed out, hurling him back towards Yang as she finally collected herself from whatever he'd done and turned to join the fight.

His kick caught her on the arm and she hissed, arms still weakened, as she was forced to the side and the man's tail snapped out, curving over the Faunus' shoulder-

And buried its stinger in Yang's collar, barely an inch in but more than enough to earn a scream from her again.

And something in Lazerbeak burned.

Faster than Humanly possible, he shot forward, the ground behind him shattering from the force. Weapon cast aside, he wrapped a hand around his stinger and wrenched it free, then twisted, warping the man's manic smile into a mask of pain. Then he lashed out with the other, wrapping the tail around his arm and turning in the motion, tangling them up purposefully. He lashed out, arms wreathed in violet, but the blows bounced off his hardened synth-skin without finding any purchase and his eyes widened in realization.

"No!" He shouted, eyes widening and grin stretching as Lazerbeak held him fast, "You're another machine- Agh!"

He cut the Faunus off by turning, driving a leg into his side as his back twisted away, and his tail went taut. And then gave way, in a splash of violent venom and bright blood. The Faunus screamed and collapsed, pawing at the small of his back as he scrambled away and Weiss looked at him, horrified while Ruby rushed to her downed sister's side.


"No!" A woman screamed as she came down, jet-propulsion dying as Penny pressed her hands against Yang's wound. "No! Damn you, Tyrian, t-this isn't what was planned!"

"You said alive!" He laughed and sobbed and snarled all at once as he tried to stand, stumbled and collapsed, pushing himself up on hands and knees and Lazerbeak processed the words and rounded on the woman, hands ready as he reached for her.

A Grimm suddenly lanced into his side, bearing him away and into a tree with what would have been bone-shattering force. But which, for him, did little but annoy him. He turned sharply, impossible for a Human, and drove a hand down through its skull. As it faded, lances of vibrant emerald carved into him, scorching his synth-skin and burning the tree as he was forced through it. It ended suddenly and, burnt, blacked, and with metal bare across his drone's chest, he pushed free as distant alarms began to scream.

Before he could do much, two more Ursai slammed into him, a third replacing one as his backhand snapped its neck. A fourth got its claws around a leg and a fifth his head while his fist snapped out, impaling another through the its brain and ending it. But, with them all gripping his limbs, he couldn't do much when they all wrenched away from each other.

As sockets and joints screamed apart, he sent a warning call, "Soundwave - hostels."


"Echo!" Ruby called, Crescent Rose ripping through an Ursa's back as Myrtenaster punched down through its throat and then flicked as one turned and then fell away, choking on its own ichorous blood. She staggered through the smoke, looking at the ruined, twisted metal that had been her friend for a long moment as confusion coursed through her being. "No… What…"

"Ru- Ack!" Ruby spun as Weiss was bowled over by a massive Ursa Major, but it didn't kill her, even as she thrust Myrtenaster back over her shoulder and into its own. Snarling, it wrenched her up with its paws and turned, hurling her onto her back and coming down to pin her and hold her there.

"Weiss!" Crescent Rose came up-

And Ruby was hurled back by a lance of green fire.

She pushed off the tree when it died and was met by Penny, standing over Yang with swords floating over her shoulders and a deep frown. Quiety, she said, "This wasn't the plan, Ruby…."

"W-What?" Ruby murmured as another pair of Ursai flanked her and Penny lowered her arms. They didn't move, though, and Ruby flicked a look between them and Penny and asked, quietly, "W-What's going on?"

"I'm saving you." She smiled sadly, "Please, don't resist."

The Ursai both took a step forward and on instinct, she raised Crescent Rose. When she did, though, Weiss screamed, Aura flashing as the monster on top of her pressed down against her, claws and weight sapping at her strength. Ruby's eyes widened and she turned back to Penny as the Grimm let off.

"No one else has to get hurt." Penny murmured as the Usrai closed on her, heavy paws reaching for her. "Just-"

Suddenly, the world was awash in colors, and Penny's eyes widened as massive fingers closed around her and lifted her up. Past a metal bird that shot down, spinning through the air as bursts of laser fire seared down into the Ursa pinning Weiss. As it slumped, a massive metal boot snapped out, kicking it away while Ruby turned.

And stared up into the impassive face of a Cybertronian.

"W-What?" Penny snapped, terrified suddenly as she lifted up and away, held aloft by pulses of green power from her sword-formations. "Not again! No, no, no!"

The birdie spun and dove, swiping her aside as it went, landing on top of Yang and carrying her up and away, behind the Cybertronian as he turned, shielding Ruby with his own body. As Penny's lasers slammed into him.

Suddenly, her savior was thrown off his feet as something slammed into him, and Ruby went flying. A Glyph spun to life as Weiss leapt, catching them both and looping an arm around Ruby's waist, propelling them away, following the bird as it soared off.

"W-Weiss!" She gasped, "What about- We can't just-"

Ruby's words were cut off as the towering Ruin-Stalker, a Deathstalker in its primacy, was hurled aside and the machine rose, raising a small handgun and peppering its thick hide. The Ruin-Stalker backed away, shielding its face with a massive, scarred claw while two small forms pulled themselves onto its back. And then shot up and away on lances of green light, leaving the massive Grimm to turn and leap onto the Cybertronian, bearing it down by virtue of its sheer mass.

But Ruby could only pay attention to the painful throb in her chest.



"Packages secured." Lazerbeak reported quietly, once he and the others were safely away.

"Acknowledged." He reported, glad to not have to hold back now that the weak, frail little Humans were away.

His fist drove up and into the monster's sternum, shattering its bony armor and hurling it away. It screeched as it went, tail lashing out and ripping through trees before the rest of it came down and did the same, thundering and rolling through the forest. As it came up and turned, he raised his pulse-gun, firing directly into its eyes, where its bony armor exposed its eyes and the softer skin around them. Bone and Grimm-flesh melted and it screamed, pawing uselessly at itself as he straightened and rushed towards it.

Its stinger lashed out and caught him on the chest, but his armor held and his hand snapped up.

"In lessons, they tight us to sever your tails." He said as his pulse-gun leveled on the segment and melted it away. It backpedaled and he followed, holding the giant, golden stinger in his hand. As itturned, claws spread warningly, he leapt.

And brought it down on its head.

"But your tail is your hardest part." He finished, standing as the Grimm dissolved, "So a strong Hunter can use it to puncture your armor."


Hazel watched through the window as the Cybetronian instructor turned, claws lashing out and carving through Red-Rage's light armor as the supposedly-faster mercenary tried to dodge. His light race-car armor didn't stand a chance under the powerful blow, coming apart in a spray of sparks, metal and Energon. As he stumbled, the kindly old Cybertronian followed, grabbing him by the shoulder and burying his arm up to his elbow in the mercenary's chest. The machine spasmed, pawing at the larger mecha-man weakly before he went limp and he tossed him aside, dead or dying.

It hardly mattered… Either was unfortunate.

He turned away as the Cybetronian moved away, hunting for the next threat - which he found in the form of an armored Troll half his height.

While the Grimm was massacred, he watched the elevator open and the small woman step forward, wiping a cloth along her long blade and smirking thinly. He raised an eyebrow and rumbled quietly, "It's done?"

She nodded, signing, "Old man dead. Waiting to go after the other target."

"Mhm." As if on cue, his Scroll chimed and he fished it out.

'T hurt. Bad.' It said, 'Didn't get my friends. On way.'

'What happened?'

'Cybetronrian intervened.' She answered, 'One of my friends was a drone.'

He swore and turned, storming off and typing, 'Scrub the mission and get out of here. If they come back here, they'll kill us all.'

'But the plan…'

'My call.' He sent back, 'Oz is dead. Enough of a victory for now. Losing all of us isn't a win. She will understand.'


"Come on." He snarled, looking down at the woman as she caught up with him. "We get to Vale and go our separate ways. Your partner has your pay."

She nodded and, together, they made for the trees.


"Damn it!" Sienna swore as the joints and sockets of her machine connected and sparked. Outside, she could hear the sounds of fighting, but strapped in and recovering, she couldn't do much. "Juryrig, what- Agh!"

"There." The Cybertronian rattled, coming around to stand in front of her mech-head and checking it over. "B-Barely more than a protoform, but it should do well enough. Just mind the armor- Or, well, the lack thereof. You get hit, it'll come apart."

"I get it." She snapped, "Just-"

"Wait." Juryrig caught his head and then gasped, staggering back as he murmured. "No… It can't be."


His answer was to bring up a feed, funneled directly into her mech's systems and, so, projected in front of her vision. The feed was of the beach, where Menagerie's Cybetronians had been fending off the Leviathans suddenly pouring onto the sands, headed for the city. But, before they could reach Harmonex, a lance of bright violet forty feet wide seared down from the heavens, annihilating the Grimm in a wash of steam and Grimm-smoke. The 'Bot providing the feed went still, and then looked up and Sienna gasped as the light faded…

And all she could see was the moon, and a sleek purple craft arcing away.

Towards Menagerie.


Shockwave turned, banking away as his orbital array cooled down and reported in - power levels were at barely twenty percent. Which meant that he could not fire a second time. Not with the same accuracy and potency, at least - and not without risking Summer, who was only just now waking up in her pod. Still with no signs of implant-rejection, thankfully, though he was still unhappy with the compromises he'd been forced to make. That she had been forced to make, forced to settle for.

He should have been better.

"Shockwave." Soundwave spoke, voice crossing the leagues between them easily enough thanks to his lunar-link system. "The children are safe. I am a relative unknown, and so will assist Vale's defense from a distance as best I am able."

"Acknowledged, Soundwave." He answered, banking and twisting down towards Menagerie proper, pouring a high powered shot into - and through - a Leviathan as it breached onto the beach. It fell, trailing smoke and steam, as he came down and transformed, crushing another Leviathan's head under the impact of weight and momentum. "Mistral?"

"Rumble reports a more minimal presence of Grimm." He answered, "For now, they are holding perfectly well. He is running interference - confusing the Grimm as he can to buy space and time without risking discovery."

"Acknowledged." He rumbled,turning and lashing out with bursts of cannon-fire that ripped apart the Leviathans furthest from the beach. As they fell, he turned and asked, "Anything further?"

"Yes." He answered quickly, though he sounded almost… Sheepish. Or anxious. "The child of the Chieftain has been taken. Kali has gone on her own to-"

"What?" He snarled, stepping to the side as another, more Saurian, Leviathan surged up from the shallows and leapt for him. He caught it by the throat and turned, hurling it into the surf with a roar and planting his heel in its brain. Raising his arm and ending another as it surfaced, mouth frothing fire, he snapped, "When?"

"Days ago, by report." Soundwave answered, "I only just discovered this via my tracking bugs, but have already tracked Kali Belladonna to where I presume the kidnappers are."

"Coordinates." He snarled, "Now."

"In the feed."

Shockwave snapped a fist out and crushed a Grimm's throat as he turned and leapt, transforming and frying its face into molten, fetid slag as he rocketed into the sky and snapped a turn so tight his new joints groaned and stressed.


Cloud-Strike was a smaller Cybetronian than most, in spite of how arrogant he tended to be, opting for sleek, fast and powerful rather than staying power. Which suited him just fine - he had always been clever. Too clever for his own good, sometimes, but more often than not useful enough. And a ruthless fighter besides.

His alt-form was stocky but small and light, with four long legs holding it up and its wings tucked close to its body, snaky head peeking up. He was an Airicon, like so many others, but reptilian, with broad wings and a narrow, snouted face, like old legends of Mistrali dragons. Except, bright violet, trimmed along each scale in dark scarlet and with blood-red wings. But unlike those, which always had those long spines down their backs, he was incredibly smooth - the better to pick up speed.

"It's time?" He asked as Raven turned away from the cliff-edge overlooking Mistral and rolled her shoulders in an old habit of hers.

"It is." She nodded, "You ready?"

"Built ready." He nodded, just as distant sirens began to trill and Vernal clambered onto his back, head bowed and lips pursed anxiously. She'd been quiet, but then, she always was before a raid - nerves, Raven supposed. "And looks like the Leviathans are making their move…"

"Mhm." She nodded, eyeing the small woman on his back, "Vernal?"

"I'm fine, Chief." She called, "Just… Hitting a city? That's big."

"Mhm." Raven nodded, "You don't like it. Neither of you like any of this, I know, and I agree"

"No." He admitted, rearing up and wrapping a clawed hand around her, where she lay, limp and playing at being wounded. "But I do like getting paid."

"Getting paid is nice…" Vernal smiled thinly, "And it's just in and out."

Raven chuckled, "Fair."

In and out - it would be easy, she hoped.

They came down on a smaller, more auxiliary, landing pad isolated behind the storage areas and Cloud-Strike turned, leaving them to wander off and grunting, "I'll wait here, I shouldn't be noticed. But hurry."

"We will." Raven nodded, standing from his hand and turning as Vernal dropped down beside her. "Lead the way."

"Yes, Ma'am."

With the chaos beyond, the inside of the Academy was abandoned on the upper floors, away from the shelters and orphanage further down. They passed a few frightened clerks and workers, rushing to shelter records and Dust ahead of any danger - either of which could be disastrous if they were damaged - but none of them were willing to bother what had to look like a pair of Huntresses on a mission. Neither of which was too far from the truth, in all honesty, which almost amused her.


Finally, they reached the main hall, right at the top of the stairs as planned, and made their way to the not-so-hidden elevator. As they stepped onto the platform, Vernal murmured, "How on Remnant did they even find out about this?"

"Better not to ask." She hummed as her hand landed on the hidden pull-chain. "Safer that-"

"What do you think you're doing?" Raven turned along with Vernal as a woman came to a stop, eyeing them both. Vernal's hands twitched towards her hips on instinct, bandit that she was she was usually free to fight as soon as she was spotted, and the woman backed up a step, glowing sigils across her Mistrali robes flaring to life as a pair of swords sprung to life. "Who the hell are you?"

Raven only bobbed her head forward, cuing Vernal to rush the woman, drawing her weapons and peppering her.

The Huntress backed up and twisted at the waist, narrowing her profile against as many of the sots as possible, and slammed her blades together to form some sort of bow. The first arrow shot snapped out quick enough it caught Vernal by surprise, right on her shoulder, and threw her aim as it scraped off her Aura. But the young bandit ducked the next and flicked the third away with her blades as she closed.

The raven-haired Huntress danced away, flicking her swords up and down in an effort to ward off Vernal's quick assault while Raven shifted form, flying high and circling above them both in a familiar, practiced maneuver.

Then, when Vernal danced back and the Huntress' two swords came in and down, carving across her front, Raven saw her opening and dove.

At nearly the end of her dove, she shifted back, drawing Omen in one smooth move and carving it across her back. The Huntress screamed as she was driven forward, and Vernal lunged, carving across her front to throw her back. Raven stepped to the side and knelt, cutting into the woman's calves as she was sent reeling and fell, Aura sparking as Vernal mounted her, straddling her waist and pummeling blades into her head and neck until her Aura sparked and flickered weakly.

"Leave her alive." Raven warned as the woman's Aura failed. She thrust up with her sword, but Raven batted it aside and snapped a kick across her jaw, putting her out as Vernal stood and gave her a look. "A dead Academy Huntress on our heads? Not something we need."

"Fair." Vernal nodded, "Come on, we should hurry."

"Mhm." Raven nodded, catching her breath. "We should."


Adam Taurus smiled as he stepped through the main gate of their fort and found his men and women, all dressed in their royal purple, arrayed around the woman. Her hands were raised in surrender, but the hate she glared his way was enough of a threat. Kali Belladonna, the 'saint of Menagerie', looked ready to murder him outright. Which was in itself a victory over the weak little appeaser for him, but his men, he knew, would need more.

So he raised his voice and asked, "Are we certain she is not armed?"

"I searched her." A woman called from the other side of their loose formation, standing in Fury's shadow. "Didn't have anything."

"Oh?" He smirked and cocked his head, waving at the woman, "Why don't you be sure."


"Only one way to make sure she doesn't have something tucked away somewhere." He smiled wider as Kali's face darkened, "Isn't there?"

Wordlessly, the Initiate paced forward and fished out a knife, rifle hanging across her front. With it, she cut away the woman's clothes, and Adam smiled as Kali shivered, bare to the chill North Mistral winds. She was still beautiful, even now, and he heard some of his men and women chuckle and whistle at the sight. But Adam had made his point and raised a hand to quiet them all, before he stepped forward.

"So." He started, pacing around her, "How can the Cyclops' loyal help you today, Chieftain?"

"You have my daughter." She answered, "I want her back."

"Oh?" He cocked his head, "And how do you know that?"

"I hired a net-tracker to run you down." She explained, "She lead me here. I know you have her, so just tell me what you want."

"What do I want?" He scoffed, and then like lightning, struck out with his sheathed sword, striking her on the side of her head. She cried out and stumbled to the side, pushing herself up on her hands and knees, and Adam drew his sword. "I want the venerable Cyclops back, as all we Loyal do. But for no, I will content myself with taking the woman who drove him away's head."

"Drove him away?" She scoffed, looking up at him with hate in her eyes. "He left on his own! And Atlas died for what drove him away!"

"No!" Adam snapped, taking a breath and sighing, "No. You failed him. Hurt him, and so, he left us. All of us! The Faunus were ascending, and with him, we would have ruled! But you destroyed that."

"You're insane…"

"And you're dead." He sneered, "And soon, your precious little daughter will-"

A dull roar suddenly ripped through the air, shattering the silence and the moment as something came down to earth at lightning speeds. The ground quaked, and he was thrown off his feet along with most of his men. But, as he rose, he looked up into the cold red glare of the Cyclops himself, and his heart raced. The Cybertronian was different, with new, white thighs and lighter joints, and his torso was shaped a bit differently, but Adam could see it nonetheless. Could recognize that gaze from so many books and memories and pictures.

It was…

"Shockwave…" He murmured, raising a hand towards him. "Y-You've returned to us! I-I never thought I'd live to-"

"Kali." He rumbled, "What has happened?"

"What do you think?" She scoffed, "The obvious… They took Blake, and I'm trading myself for her."

"They took her?"

"We captured her, as penance for-"

"T-They fucking cut off my little girl's finger!" Kali shrieked, "Sent it to me in a box!"

"I see." Shockwave rumbled, head dipping and then turning as he surveyed them all, slowly taking it all in. "Is this true?"

"Yes!" Adam crowed, "And we were just punishing the so-called Chieftain as well!"

"Indeed." The Cybertronian rumbled, "And this is all of you?"

"Yes!" He nodded, smiling, "All the faithful who are here came out to see this justice done! To seek sins punished!"

"I see… That is very good indeed." Shockwave rumbled, ignoring them to speak to Kali instead. "I had thought to swear off violence, you know, Kali, in my exile. Against sentient creatures, at the least. After what happened, after what I did, I felt it was best to foreswear it all."

"But," Shockwave finished, "Around me, I see only beasts. Keep your head down, Kali, so you may not witness the slaughter."

"What?" Adam blinked, "My Lo-"


Kali watched the once-famed sword prodigy's upper half vanish in a splash of plasma, before Shockwave turned, peppering light, automatic shots from a snub-gun attached to his main cannon. Everyone it struck died, shouts of alarm and surprise cut off by warm 'thrums' and dulls splashes of melted Faunus.

"No!" The knightly Cybetronian bellowed, wrenching his axe up and turning on Shockwave, "How dare you-"

Shockwave ducked back and away from the blow, arm snapping up at his hip, and a brilliant violet flash annihilated the 'Bot's shoulder. As he stumbled away, Shockwave followed, snapping a powerful blow across its face that turned it bodily, and then turning and driving a heel into its knee. As it knelt, he brought the cannon up to the back of its head and, with a flash, the Cybertronian died.

As it tumbled, Shockwave lowered his arm and sighed wearily, turning towards her slowly. It was a shaky sound that rumbled through the clearing as Kali stood, covering her bare parts on instinct as she regarded her old friend, returned at last, who knelt and turned, reaching out as a flash of light scorched the earth and a heap of cloth appeared, thumping into the dirt. It was singed in places, and dirty now, but she moved over as he spoke.

"It is all I have." He said as she pulled a length of dark, thick fabric loose and found a knife to cut a wrap out of it. "I am-"

"Don't apologize." Kali hissed, surprising herself with her own venom. "Not for this. It isn't your fault."

"...Very well."

"But don't you dare leave." She snapped as he stood. He hesitated, and she went on, "You abandoned me once, when I needed you. When Sienna needed you. W-When my daughter needed you! But I know you were hurting, a-and I can forgive that. But… But I can't forgive you if you abandon us again. Not now, just… Please, Shockwave."

"Very well." He murmured, "I… Will remain, Kali, if that is what you wish."

"Good. It is." She nodded, standing and storming towards the building. "I'm going to get my daughter, and we are going home. All of us. Am I fucking clear?"

"Yes." He rumbled, sounding cowed and… Afraid, almost, which would have made her laugh at any other time. He could massacre a crowd of terrorists, and one of Menagerie's prodigy swordsmen, and a Cybertronian besides, all with no effort, and yet he was scared of her? It was hilarious. "It is clear."

"Right." She murmured, "Good…"


Salem reclined in her throne, drumming her fingers on its arm as she looked over the handful of Seers arrayed before her. Finally, she turned to the center-most one and sighed, "You dared to ask for special privileges, only to fail?"

"I-I was surprised, Mistress." The false-woman answered, "Cybertronians ambushed us. W-We had them, but they-"

"Excuses." Salem curled a finger and the machine screamed as the tendril of the Seer on her end speared out, carving through a stomach she didn't dare shield. While the injury wouldn't kill her - she was far too hardy for that - the woman moaned pitifully as Salem went on. "You failed. You are lucky I do not burn Mantle to the ground."

"Mistress, I-"

"Silence, Hazel." She sighed, "You are all thankful that the bandit was successful on her end, and that you were able to kill Ozpin as well. Your reward is your lives. Enjoy them. And girl?"


"Yours is that I won't kill all of your pathetic little friends." Salem promised, "Or blind the girl."

"T-Thank you…"

"You will." Salem smirked when the girl gasped, hope dying as quickly as it had bloomed in her voice, and explained patiently. "You will select one of them and execute them. With your own hands. Then, you will blind the girl. And be lucky I allow Pietro to replace her eyes with cybernetics. Are we clear?"

"Y-Yes, Mistress…"

"Good." She sighed, "We are done here."

As the Seers withdrew, she reclined and frowned. Not everything could go to plan, she supposed. And today had been a victory, even if that thing was back in play. Though only once she'd targeted Menagerie directly. Perhaps that could be a bargaining chip…


Blake looked up, terrified, as the door to her cell opened and-

Leonardo Lionheart himself stepped in, spotting her and smiling widely as he stepped in, quietly pushing the door to before rushing over on silent feet. Kneeling, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"N-No…" She rasped, fishing the bandaged stump at the end of her throbbing arm out from where she'd had it, tucked away behind her legs and pressed against her stomach. He hissed, pain and anger in the sound, and she explained morosely, "H-He wanted to send another message…"

"Gods…" Lionheart murmured, reaching out and taking her other hand, gingerly pulling her up and fishing out a key. "Come, then, we should be quick."

"You… Have the key?"

"Arrogant sods left it on a hook right outside the cell." He grunted as the cuff fell away and he kicked it to the side, towards the wall it was chained to. "Come on, and be quiet about it. We have to get out of here as quick as we can and-"

They were cut off by plasma-accelerator fire and Blake flinched as Lionheart dragged her behind him and brought his own weapon around, suddenly afraid.

When nothing came, though, he hissed, "Come along."


Silent as the grave, they slipped out into the hall and turned, heading up the old, grey Atlesian hallway as fast as they dared. Which wasn't very - Lionheart stopped at every corner to peek around it and check for any of the terrorists. The base itself was simple, decorated with the occasional poster, but otherwise trademark Atlas remnants - dull grey, dusty and cracked, but otherwise empty of everything except for old, run-down furniture and broken brick.

Including any of her kidnappers.

"It seems clear but-" Blake hissed and grabbed him as footsteps reached her ears, and he flicked her a look, eyeing them, and pressing them against a corner.

"Leo!" Blake's eyes widened at the familiar voice, and she pushed off the wall before the Headmaster could react, rounding the corner.

Her mom was at the end of the hall, looking away from her, and Blake felt her eyes burn as she shouted, "Mom!"

"Blake?! Blake!" The woman spun on her heel, spotted her, and took off at a run. Exhausted after everything, Blake only managed a few steps before her mother slammed into her, arms wrapping her up and pressing her face into her mother's chest as she sucked in panicky, half-sobbing breaths. "O-Oh, Blake… Oh tides, oh stars, Gods, B-Blake…"

"Mom…" She wrapped her arms around the woman on instinct and hissed as her stump pressed against her back.

"What-" Kali pulled away and held her out, looking her over until her eyes found her ruined hand and she sucked in a breath. "G-Gods… Blake, I'm so sorry…"

"I-I…" She took a breath and shook it off, "I-It isn't your fault."

"But, Blake, I-"

"C-Can we just leave?" She snapped, stepping in and sighing as her mother wrapped her arm around her. "I-I don't want to stay here."

"Alright, sweetie, alright." She sighed, looking her up and down and frowning. "Come on, I passed an old store-room. It was mostly just old Atlas uniforms, but… Better than nothing, right?"

She nodded and let her mother drag her along without another word - she didn't like the idea, but frankly, she was too happy to see her to care. And too happy to be free to, too, even if she did have enough left in the tank to complain. Besides…

She hadn't worn pants in days.

The old uniform itched and was stiff, but it was warm, and protected her from the wind as her mother lead her and Leonardo out through the outpost gate. Iron stung at her nose and she flinched, turning as a Cybertronian lumbered by, dropping the dead terrorists on top of what was left of a large Cybertronian. As it turned to them, though, she sucked in her breath and froze.

"Kali." Shockwave rumbled, that terrifying red eye roving over her mother and then swiveling onto her like the eyes of a Grimm, towering over her and promising to rip even more of her away with a cold knife and a harsh laugh. He stopped a few yards away and knelt, eyeing her for a long moment and rumbling, "She is… Wounded."

"They wanted to send a message." Her mom explained, pulling her against her side and in front of her like a mother introducing their shy child to someone. "A… Very physical one."

"I see." He snarled, hand curling and uncurling slowly as his shoulders straightened. Finally, he murmured, "I killed them too quickly, it seems. They deserved far worse."

"I agree." Her mother said, squeezing her shoulder comfortably. "But, for now… Shockwave, I'd like you to meet your god-daughter."

"His what?" She and Leonardo both hissed suddenly.

But Shockwave remained silent, flinching back as if struck while his eye focused and unfocused, and his spikes flicked and shifted quickly. Like an insect, kind of, searching for something. Finally, he stilled, but still didn't speak for a long moment. Finally, though, he shook his head and stood, turning away and sighing.

"I do not deserve such, but I doubt you will be swayed…"

"Always the smartest guy in the very large room." Her mother chuckled, "Now, can you fly us to Mistral? Blake needs a doctor."

"Of course." He nodded, turning and kneeling as his body shifted, transforming into a longer, sleaker looking thing with a cockpit that clicked open quietly. "Climb aboard and brace - I will move at all speed."

Terrified, Blake tried to back away, flailing with her good arm to get free of her mother's iron grip, but her mother pushed her forward, "Come on, it'll be alright. I promise. I know it's scary, but he won't go that fast. Right?"

"This is subjective." He answered evasively, "I will go safely fast. And am already drafting schematics for her cybernetics. What is her favorite color?"


"Purple." Kali smiled, "Lighter, but dark is fine too."

"Acknowledged." He rumbled as Blake was tugged up an angled walkway, "Lavender would flatter her eyes and hair…"

Exhausted, Blake couldn't resist, but she did whine pitifully as Leonardo backed her mother up, pushing her along. As she was shoved into the too-wide seat, she started sucking in quick breaths and her mother hugged her closer, running her fingers through her hair soothingly. It was all she could do not to hyperventilate as the Cybertronian lifted up and angled away, back towards where Blake guessed Mistral was at.


My poor sad babies…

Anyways, this is the grand finale of the "Of Maidens and Mystics" 'book'. Next chapter will be the epilogue, which will have its own story events, and then on to the planned but not named because I am INCREDIBLY PROFESSIONAL book!

Also, why yes, Blake IS traumatized by all the people tormenting her with Shockwave masks.

Take care and stay Twisted, my friends.


Kolomte :

¡Disfruta de tu investigación!

Tiendo a meterme demasiado en describir atuendos, jajaja. Además, ¿qué es un Lawliet?

¡Sienna solo murió por unos momentos! Jajaja. Y en el futuro, las personas podrán obtener ambos implantes para que sea más estable. Esto se incluyó principalmente para evitar el cliché de 'todo funciona perfectamente'.

Estos cuerpos son del tamaño de Cybertronian, no del tamaño de un rascacielos. Así que eso no es necesario. Solo una entrada neuronal más extendida para no sobrecargar los nervios espinales.

Salem está bien con el asesinato personal; recuerda, ella mata a Leo en el canon. A través de un vidente, pero aún así.

¡Espero que esta actualización te haga ping! Jajaja

Atomic Ray :

Unfortunately, they had to spread out to accomplish all goals - lol.