
A Space With Angels And Demons

Arthur_Hansrod · SF
2 Chs

The Aftermath

In a constant state of confusion never truly knowing what's wrong but knowing it's only a matter of time till I jump . Arthur you're doing it again she says , I'm sorry Bella I've just been thinking lately about the past the good old days before the war back when this was a huge city full of different people from all over the Galaxy n not a death trap full of random crap trying to kill us .

It all started 500 years ago during the star age on Alpha B 15 we had just achieved faster than light travel as we reached new galaxies we encountered different species some friendly n others not so much among all the chaos there was a species the looked remarkably similar to humans but they were taller stronger faster and they could process information hundreds of times faster than a human for the first few hundred years we lived together peaceful but we're only human after all so we did what we always do and screwed up in the year 3056 our 95th emperor decided to execute one of the humanoids because he was interfering with important galactic matters in actuality the poor kid was probably passing through the wrong place at the wrong time .

At this point in time it wasn't only the human and humanoids that lived on Earth there were hundreds of species inhabiting all the plants from Alpha B15 to the sun's of Beta 2 5 2 , when word of the emperor executing a humanoid reached the leader of the humanoids Lord Vaku all the other species shunned the humans and that simple act the lose of power infuriated the emperor of man and he declared a war on the humanoids the problem with that was he underestimated them our weapons when compared to the humanoids looked like we're bringing sticks and stones to a nuclear battle when the other species saw how we we're being slaughtered some decided to help to try and even the odds ,but in doing so the entirety of the known species were divided into 2 factions those with the humans and those against but as time progressed the factions became further divided .

I am General Elijah Robert ,I am the leader of the 45th battalion from Gamma 222 our specialty is stealth , infiltration and assassination .

Our mission was simple go to assassinate Lord Kalu's daughter before she marries Lord Vaku's grandson Haku the reason is because the humanoids are trying to form an alliance with the beast men of Estfor but we were spotted half way through the mission , Help !! Help!! Come in re-enforcement help I hear something cracking as the ground splits open something comes flying out it's too fast for me to track with my eyes it flys up into the sky let's out a loud Screech I hear screaming from the beastmen I look back to see there heads one by one popping the creature flys into my chest and disappears then the beastmen and humanoids surround us and take us to Lord Vaku he is quite old he looks about 300 he asks we tried to stop the alliance he says if we tell him he'll let us leave immediately Bella starts talking the moment she's done talking Vaku lifts her by her throat and snaps it he says it's pointless keeping a solider who would betray there own master .