
Chapter 7

All the knights slowly started to awaken.

"Theadosia I think its best if you and Lowell go to the carriage, besides i'll be there will you two. Its only if you want."

"Um, sure let's go." As they made their way to the carriage all she thought about was how in the stories it was her. She couldn't believe it.

When her father was going to beheaded she defended him even though he abused her. She thought that maybe if she saved him, maybe just maybe he would love her for once.

Alastor carried her on the carriage and then carried Lowell and put him in the carriage.

"I'm going to be right back. Don't worry I won't take long." He smiled and patted Lowell's head and left inside the barn.

Theadosia sighed.

"Huh, What's wrong Theadosia? Why do you look so sad?" Lowell tilted his head.

"It's nothing Lowell, and besides you shouldn't worry about me." She forced a little smile.

"I know your sad I can tell, and i'm going to tell Alastor. Hehe." He playfully snickered.

"Lowell please don't." She looked at him demandingly.

"Well you and Alastor are going to be my mother and father." He crossed his arms.

She put her hand on her face. She looked out a window hearing a noise, but when she looked it was Alastor.

He had a very mad expression. He looked as if he were a wild animal ready to kill.

She turned her head not to look at him.

"We're going to leave right now."

"Alastor are you okay? You look mad."

Theadosia looked down clenching her coat.

"I'm not mad, just a little annoyed." He smiled at her softly.

"Oh okay." She looked up at him and gave him a smile back.

"Alastor, Theadosia are you two gonna be my mother and father!" He had an excited expression. It looked like he was about to jump out and yell out in happiness.

"Yes, we are..." She trailed off feeling embarrassed that she had said that out loud.

Everything fell silent. She just turned her head and looked out the window.

Alastor broke the silence, "So is your ankle alright, does it still hurt?"

"Um there's nothing it's all better." She looked down at her ankle that had still very much hurt.

"Let me check, just to make sure." He grabbed her leg and took of her boot revealing a nasty bruise.

"You have a nasty bruise. So you we're lying to me that you we're ok." He looked up at her.

"I-I am sorry I d-didn't mean to lie. I-I just didn't want you t-to worry." She looked down, clenching her coat while having her eyes closed. She thought he was going to swing at her for Lying.

He put his hand over his face, "You don't need to lie to me." He gently grabbed her chin and made her face him, "Am I scary to you, i'm not going to hurt you."

She opened her eyes. "I just didn't want you to worry, i'm sorry." She wanted to cry but held it in.

"You don't need to say sorry, you just kept me from worrying." He grabbed her, "You really do make me go crazy." He let out a smile.

Before she could say anything his lips were on hers.

"Yay my mother and father are kissing!" Lowell clapped.

Theadosia pushed away Alastor. "Stop it Lowella!

"Hey I told you to stop calling me Lowella! Besides it's not funny." he pouted.

Theadosia lightly giggled. "I just cant help it Lowella"

"Lowella." Alastor chuckled a bit.

"Hey Alastor not you too, I thought we were cool. Hmn!" He crossed his arms and pouted.


As Night Came Upon them They halted at a nearby woods.

"We're going to stop here for the night. You and Lowell will sleep in here, where it's safe." He was about to walk out.

"Alastor are you going to sleep outside?" She tilted her head.

"Yes I am, besides there isn't enough room in here. I must go and set out camp. See you all in the morning." He walked out

Theadosia thought of how he looked as if he was in a hurry to get out. I get he had to set out camp, but he didn't even smile or anything. She sighed.

"Lowell-." She had got interrupted by his snoring.

She laid on the soft leather seat, thinking it was best of her to get all the rest she needed.


She woke up with her head elevated and her cheek cold, she rubbed her eyes and opened them.

"Good morning sleepy head. He teasingly smiled.

she sat up and realized her head was on his lap. "When did-" She leaned forward almost falling. Theadosia had felt a hand on her stomach and immediately sat up.

"Oh um sorry, I di-." Theadosia stopped and she felt the warm touch of Alastor's lips on her's.

He smiled "You say sorry a lot but do you mean it?"

"I do mean it, it's that I'm so used to saying it..." She trailed off wondering if he even would listen to what she wanted to say.

"It's okay." He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning." Lowell yawned. "You two are up already, hmmm." He raised an eyebrow, "What were you two doing, I can also see that you two are basically touching lips."

Theadosia quickly tried to pull Away from Alastor but he grasped her tighty. She got flustered and covered her face in knowing that she was red.

"You know i'm almost to sad that no one else gets to see how adorable you look when your red." He smirked, knowing that she'll get even more red.

As she buried her face in her hands, she then realized the coldness of Alastor's armor and shivered.

"Ooo you go Alastor, win her heart."

She looked at Lowell and glared.


As time flew by night quickly arose.

Theadosia looked out the window seeing the bright moon and shining stars in the sky. The moon hasn't been out for two days.

The carriage had stopped and the knights on their horses halted.

Alastor had gotten out of the carriage and was chatting with one of the knights outside.

She saw the knight he was talking to, he had dark brown wavy hair that had almost covered his sad blue eyes.

Alastor walked in and shut the carriage door with his hand covering his face.

"We're going to continue going so you two will have to stay here."

without any other word he opened the door again and stepped out.

"So it's really taking that long. I want to sleep comfortable!"

Lowell started rambling and all Theadosia could do was laugh.

"Well we might not have anything fancy but you should be at least glad the seats are soft and comfortable."

"Yeah, well i'm going to sleep peacefully, so don't bother me."

She lightly giggled and watched him slowly lay down rolling his eyes.

She laid down and closed her eyes.