
A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel

Shen Maoi was quite helpless when she found herself transverse in a strange place with a mission i.e 'SPREADING THE MODERN MUSIC' which was quite absurb so as to say. As absurb as it may sound Shen Maoi has no other choice but to comply so that she can unlock the prop which can help her in protecting herself from this strange world where fantasy magic was shrouded. As much as Shen Maoi tried not to interwine herself with the novel protagonist the word 'Man decides but God discard' really fit her entanglement with the male protagonist. Farfalla box: 'And then I hear her song, her song meant for darkness, meant for me. I have lost myself in her, falling as deep as an abyss, I thought there's no way for me to fall any deeper but than I realize I was completely wrong, I found out I can still fall deeper into her and than I did exactly that. She pave her way through the darkness that was me, singing her way to my heart and soul and capture me firmly. I don't want to break free of her shakle, I want it to hold me tighter and I will let her do that, I won't give her a chance to loose her hold on me for I will destroy the World. she must hold me on.. never letting go for infinity' ....................... ............ Please don't copy or post my work at other website or App!! If you want please kindly request and wait for an approval of affirmation

cosmos_owl_111 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2

Its easier said than done finding the so called village....

Shen Maoi has walked for two days around the not exactly barren land, Even if she has a 0-rejuvenating ability all the desire in human body is still present, So she may not be hungry but she very much want to eat some food!!

Her taste bud is hungry!!!

Shen Maoi nose twitch, a roasted meat smell pervail in the air, Shen Maoi really believe now that if you are really hungry uh.. No for her 'if your tongue is really hungry your sense of smell for food is really keen' this word she believe very much.

Maybe about 20 km apart Shen Maoi could make out a group of people hurdle around maybe a fire.

Finally people!!

Shen Maoi hurried her way to take a closer look.

Once she was close enough to see them clearly Shen Maoi saw that the fire she proclaim was although a fire but it was emit by a teenager, his hand holding a blazing flame.

Reading is one thing but seeing is another thing.

Coming across someone doing the Fantasy thing like producing an element ability, it still shock Shen Maoi.


As soon as the four people hear the noice they quickly turn towards the source of noice.

Shen Maoi nearly bite her tongue. F*ck her mouth, but as years of practice there was an impassive look on Shen Maoi face.

She don't even know whether they are a bad people or good people. Its always safe being alert when encountering unknown people especially on this kind of unknown World.

Shen Maoi looked warily at the people in front of her, even the four people watch at her warily. They check each other out.

There was two female maybe a mother and a daughter because they look really alike and two of them were male maybe also a father and son pair.

The mother quickly side glance at the younger male, the teenage who just not long ago emit a fire on his palm, the mother seem to inquire something from the teenager, the teenager look at Shen Maoi intensely one more and after as if confirming something shake his head towards his mother.

After the mother saw her son shake his head she gradually relax though still on alert but not as intense as before.

"May I ask who you are Miss?"

The mother asked, her voice pleasant to listen and her tone not too overbearing nor too weak.

Shen Maoi smile lightly after she finished Analysing them, for her reading people was her forte, as a celebrity it was within reason that she got to has a good observing quality of people's mood and intention, those photographer, producer and all the like also as someone who mingle in the upper echaleon of celebrity scrutinizing people intention is needed.

Shen Maoi doesn't feel any ill feelings from the four people so she also relax but being wary all the time is not wrong either.

"Sure name is Shen, I am a traveller coming from East deciding to travel towards the West"

Shen Maoi replied analyzing her answer quickly.

"Ahh... So that's it, its really rare to see Eastern people on the Western."

The mother said quite surprised.

Shen Maoi smile again at the woman word, maybe the author of <<infinite darkness>> was too lazy to create her own typical new world geographical and union territory. People of the <<Infinite darkness>> are mainly classified as Eastern and Western people.

Where the sun rise and where the sun set.

"May I ask who you guys are and where you are heading too"

Shen Maoi asked politely.

"Sorry I forget to introduce ourselves, This is my husband Mile Osborne, my son David Osborne, my daughter Ebony Osborne and Myself is Amille. We were on our way heading to Moonlight Kingdom"

The mother answer amialbly, a small pleasant smile hung on her lips.

Moonlight kingdom hmm....

It will be good if she can find some country to first settle herself down, familiar with this world people living condition and their world trend plus for her mission also require a lot of people.

"I'm not quite familiar with the western country and kingdom so may I make a presumptious request and travel along with you to Moonlight Kingdom!"

Shen Maoi decide to travel with this family of four uhh... that is if they agree, well letting a stranger tag along with them whom they don't know whether that person is a good or bad person is unlikely.

Surprisingly but not too much the woman after eye-signalling around her family agreed.

Shen Maoi can't help but smile a little. Its good that she met people whom she can rely a direction on.

The family of four and Shen Maoi sit together around the bon fire David made.

Shen Maoi as a veteran who mingle with a lot of different people so quite naturally was she able to talk and laugh with the Osborne family, the whole of five people was very harmonous.

Mrs Osborne, Amille is a rather outward lady, the ancient people ughhh... no fantasy ancient lady are quite reserved in their conduct Mrs Osborne though quite lively and talkative she doesn't speak any of improper word through the whole chatting.

Mr Osborne, Mile on the other hand is the opposite of Mrs Osborne, quite and stiff, though he sometimes interjected a word or two his word and the current word they are talking about are always off topic which sometimes make an awkward moment, Mrs Osborne would reprimend hushly which Shen Maoi would smile at, She felt that Mr Osborne is rather cute. So many word to say but when it was at the tip of his tongue a different word will come out. This kind of introverted but also strict man Shen Maoi has a rather good feeling for them. They are quite honest!

David Osborne was a 16 years old lively teenager much like her mother but Shen Maoi noticed that he is much more sharper than he looked. Sometimes his word when talking to her has an inquiring tendency about  her origin, what she do in life and the like . Not so obvious but how can Shen Maoi whose EQ and intelligence is rather high in this aspect be led by nose by a teenager, though Shen Maoi appreciate his sharpness very much, if he hone his mind than surely if there isn't any untoward things happened to him he will be somebody in the future.

The fantasy ancient children sure are smart and matured rather early.

Ebony Osborne this 17 years old girl an introverted but not too much who can't even say even a word like his father, Shen Maoi has quite an intimate good feelings for her. That was probably because she was a little musician.

Throughout the conversation Shen Maoi chat with Ebony the most.

Through her she learn about a lot of musical intrument thing which are really similar to the intrument in the modern world, there was drum set but it was in the form of a huge mushroom that emit a sound like a drum ,the mushroom can even glow , a guitar was the same, an electric guitar like which need energy stone to make it function....

Also much to Shen Maoi delight the musical note they refer are also the same as the note like the modern world.

There sure wouldn't be people like Guido D'Arezzo or  Pythagoras or the other historical music inventor but there sure will be people who invent the music note like in her original world but Shen Maoi wasn't really interested in knowing those people but she still inadvertently hear Ebony ramble about the origin of musical note which Shen Maoi was stupefied with, Ebony said it was presented to the human by the God Of Music. Hehe....

Fine, so very Fantastical!!

"System does the music note of this world really comes from the so called God Of Music??"

Shen Maoi couldn't curb in her curiousity anymore.

"It is" system cold emotionless mechanic voice replied Shen Maoi.

This was nothing shocking anymore, for those two days and now seeing An ability being used by The Osborne family Shen Maoi very much was calm a lot now.

Mr Osborne and David was an ability user while The two female very sadly doesn't have an ability. In this world there maybe an ability user but not all human are ability user which Shen Maoi also knows about from her reading of '<<Infinite Darkness>>'.

She was not so ignorant about this world but not too knowledgeable as well because reading is one thing but living in it is another thing.

Shen Maoi also knows the existence of those so called God but from reading <<Infinite Darkness>> Shen Maoi know they very much can die, it was only because they were powerful and their ability core evolve at a nearly immortality which make them not able to die or getting hurt so easily.

It will take a lot of power and effort to kill them. Also the more people worship them the more their power will grow as the God have that so-called Godhood.

As Shen Maoi doesn't get to read till the end she don't know how to have the Godhood nor she desire it either. All she desire now was to go back to her own world as soon as possible. Not to mention with great power come great responsibility and Shen Maoi was in no way eager to shoulder a so called reaponsibility.

This world God and her has nothing to do with her...

That was what Shen Maoi thought but in the future she will surely spit at her naive self.

"System ahh.... How did the God come about.. Are they really God??How did they have the Godhood?? "

Shen Maoi asked curiously because to her a God who can die is not really a God but just some pewerful person only.

"They are God but also not a God. Host has to fugure out why they are God and not God yourself if you are so curious and about the Godhood host level is too low to know about it"

System mechanic voice replied unemotionally.

F*ck!! Shen Maoi swear if the system has a material form she will beat the crap out of it.

Shen Maoi knowing that she can't do anything to this system and was rather too lazy to scold it continue to chat with the Osborne family and also pry more information about this world which is much more useful than talking with the crap system.

"Shen Maoi you are also a singer?? That was really great, can... Can I hear you sing... Ughh... How about I sing a song and you sing a song too"

Ebony was pleasantly surprised and shyly request. Maybe because of thinking about that Shen Maoi will feel discomfort with only her singing Ebony decide to sing as well.

Shen Maoi nod her head indicating her agreement, she was also curious about the music of this fantasy ancient world.

Ebony took aout the guitar from her backpack and positioned it on her front, she cleared her throat and when she open her mouth a pleasant sound drift out from her mouth.

It was melodious and soft, really pleasant to listen to.

It was also clear that she has a good control of her voice.

"I drank the most intoxicating wine.

Brewed under the ten thousand abyss sea....

Basked under the ancient harmony

With its enchanting breath of the fountain of youth...

All my turbulance emotion seem to tonned down..

Replaced by a Serenity of mellow emotion..


It was I who is intoxicated by that intoxicating wine"

(SnB said: Urghh.... How was my poem like song? I try to write a song that is really relateable and not poem like word but I'm not made for a 'songwriter' so, I can only do the second best thing, writing a poem... A poem like lyrics.. I have little talent on poem but zero talent on song writing. Let me make a presumptious request "Are there any one of you who is good at lyrics writing, can you share me and I will use on this novel and share your lyrics, I won't take it for myself, your name and link will be attached" pvt me if there are anyone who is interested . Thank you all Farfalla's)

At the end Ebony sigh a little maybe still immersed in her little song..

Shen Maoi felt it was really nice to listen to, as expected of an ancient song..

The music carried a trace of ancient tone even the song are poem like, leaving people in a melancholy, though Shen Maoi love ancient music very much, the song she love to sing are more open and outworldly, straightforward but also very emotional feelings though it may not be a poem based song.

"That was a really beautiful song, who wrote that song?? Also your control of your voice is really good"

Shen Maoi compliment her word not stingy at all.

Ebony smile shyly her face blushing a little.

"I... I write the song and thank you for the compliment"

"What can I say? it really was good, your song writing skills is really good"

Ebony smile again.

"Than Its Your turn Shen Maoi... I know that you are a really good singer"

"You don't even listen to my singing and already gave me the good singer label, I don't know whether I will be pleased or be pressured"

Shen Maoi laugh even the three people laugh happily.

"I'm really curious now how Shen Maoi will sing"

Mrs Osborne added smilingly, after a long conversation the way they call each other was more familiar with and less honorific.

Ebony pass the guitar to Shen Maoi.

Shen Maoi after positioning herself started strumming the guitar.


And Cut...

Sereneinbutterfly says: wht do you guys think Shen Maoi will sing..

What modern song will it be...

Guess the song(hint:Ed sheeran song)

1. Happier

2.How would you feel

3.What do I know


5.Supermarket flower