


Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling so happy, feeling as if you've

never slept so sound before and feeling warmth and content warm up against you.

That's exactly how I feel right now all because of one special somebody.

Theo McCall.

When he told me he loved me I was shocked, scared and not sure. I was scared he

didn't mean it but his eyes showed different, those blue orbs that explained

just how he felt told me everything I needed to know. It explained to me just

how much he wanted to describe what he felt but failed, he didn't need to I saw

it all.

The moments we share together is too good to be true, I feel so happy and full

since a long time now. Ever since my dad's death I've never really felt happy

but now I do and I hope it lasts. I really do.

I walk downstairs smiling to meet my mom making breakfast as usual.

/"Good morning Mom,/" I say going to hug her.