



There's a problem.

A very big problem.

Actually 2 problems.

Number 1 is, I can't stop thinking about Theo despite saying I would take things

slow which I still will.

Number 2 is,my mom says I'm coming with her to get some new clothes at a

boutique, seriously mom at a day like this?

I couldn't sleep, I've been thinking about it since she told me yesterday night

after I made dinner. Maybe I could still work around her and beg her for me not

to go. I can't really cancel right now coz Theo will think I'm bailing which I'm

definitely not and I really want to go out with him.

Geez I sound like an high school love struck.

I come running down the stairs while mom is making breakfast. The thing is in my

house my mom makes breakfast while I make the other meals and other chores at

home. We don't have a maid so I and nick do them. But while I'm in school she