


/"Its a bomb sir./"

/"A bomb? For God's sake captain do something about it!/"

/"With all due respect sir, there's nothing we can do about it./"

/"We can't just let all these people die, if we let this bomb go off we die too!/"

Out of remorse I speak out of time.

/"You think I don't know that, you think I want them all to die?/" The captain

voices out.

/"My apologies sir!/" I say with due respect.

/"Don't you argue there and think of something,/" The major orders cutting in.

/"Sir, put me through with the bomb squad./" I intervene.

/"Do you know what you are doing sergeant?/" Major asks.

/"What are you doing Theo? You don't know anything about this./"

/"But, either way we're dead, its something if we try and give this people hope.

The bomb squad would be late by the time they get here, I'm willing to do it

captain, please give me the order./" I say


/"Sir put me through with the bomb squad,/" I say again.

/"Okay sergeant, captain, I have faith in alpha team./"

15 seconds left.

/"I can't see the wire,/" I say practically freaked out I might not make it and

all of these people whose families are waiting for them.

/"10sec left, god dammit, you're suppose to be a bomb squad/" Captain yells over

the phone.

/"We're trying. Okay, cut the red wire you see there,/" The leader of the bomb

squad speaks from the phone.

/"They are many red wires, we only have 8 seconds left! Tell me what to do!/" I


/"Cut the red wire at the deepest end,/" the leader says says who name is Caleb.

/"Are you sure?/"


4, 3, 2.......



I stare at her like I have never seen a woman in my life before, her dark

complexion fitting her well, her eyes still glued on mine as she averts her gaze

and goes behind stage.

I need to meet her, I need to follow her.

/"Be right back,/" I pat captain on the shoulder as I walk back to where I saw her


/"Hey,/" I say stopping her when I see her.

/"H-hi/" she says with a smile on her lips that can bring any man to his knees.

/"Nice performance, you gat a great voice,/" I say honestly.

/"Thank you,/"

/"You're welcome. I'm Theo, Theo McCall./" I say shyly giving out my hand to

shake. I've never really been the type to flirt with girls but this girl brings

my bad boy on.

/"Haula Mathews./" she says. Haula? I've never heard that name before.

/"Unique name,/" I say

/"Not around here really, I see you're not from here?/" she asks

/"Yeah came on official break, I'm from the U.S,/"

/"Oh nice to meet you Theo./" she says, giving that smile again. I watch as she

takes her head down and up every little time I stare at her. God help me I just

can't stop looking at her.

/"What do you do? If you don't mind me asking Theo,/" she raises her head shyly

hoping she didn't push it but I notice she was just trying to keep the

conversation like I did.

And the way my name rolls off her lips.


/"I work for the government,/" That's all I say. I can't tell her I'm a soldier

because I have to be discrete, I'm here on a break and not work. Also I can't

tell her because not everyone will want a relationship that I want with this

girl when she finds out I'm a soldier. So I'll just not tell her that part yet.

I know I just met her, but there something about this girl and the last time I

held back with something like this, look where it got me.

/"Like a civil servant?/" she asks.

/"Yes like that,/" I lie again. /"So what do you do, I mean apart from singing/"

/"Well I'm a medical student in my 300 level,/"

/"Wow that's good/" she just keeps on becoming more perfect if that's even


/"Thank you./" she say shining those white teeth. I've never met anyone who

appreciates gestures a lot maybe because I actually don't meet people.

/"Hey Theo we're leaving,/" I turn back to meet with captains gaze.

/"One sec/" I turn back to Haula.

/"Sorry, my friends,/" I say with a little smile.

/"No problem, go join them./" she nods gracefully.

/"Do you mind if I get your number?/" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

She laughs. Oh God, she is just too beautiful and mesmerizing.

/"Yeah sure, 080366******/"

/"Thanks, it was nice meeting you./"

/"Nice meeting you too./" she says as she waves.

And with that we go our separate ways.

God, she's beautiful!


/"Mom I'm home!/" I yell as I get home.

/"You're back,/" Nic comes rushing down.

/"Yes and I'm so tired, what of mom?/" I ask.

/"Not back yet,/" he says

/"Okay, have you eaten?/" I ask

/"Yeah, ate popcorn,/" he shrugs his shoulders.

/"I wonder when you'll stop calling that food. Anyways I'll be in my room./"

/"Its satisfying,/" Is all he says.

/"Yeah yeah,/" I say as I get to my room and fall in a slumber of darkness.

Today was nice.


I wake up with the vibrating sound of my phone and see my sister jasmine


We talk on the phone for minutes and talk about everything that happened with me

and her. My sis is working as a chef, she's really known so she doesn't have

time to be coming home but she does try once in a while.

We end the call and I scroll through my phone when a message popped up.

/"Hey its Theo./"

Oh my God its him!

I recall back to when I saw him, those beautiful orbs that shined bright and

that muscular face which relaxed every time he smiled. He is handsome and not

only that, but charming. I didn't expect him to text because I was used to guys

asking for my number and not saying anything so I was used to it.

Yes yes I know you don't need to rub it in my face telling me how we just met

and so and I just disclosed some information about myself which I shouldn't have

at first meeting, but for some reason I trust him.

Weird right, but I do. So help me God.

/"Hey, how are you doing?/"

/"Pretty good, you?/" He asks

/"I'm good/"

/"So I hope this is not too soon but I was kind if hoping if you would like to go

out with me? To get to know you better./" Are you kidding me, like yes I would

love to I can't believe this is happening.

/"ohh,/" I ask.

/"Yeah?/"Â He say.

/"Okay, where to?/"

/"Tbh I just arrived at the country 3 days ago and I don't know anywhere, but

don't worry about that I'll ask my friend about places, he's like a map here and

has memorized everywhere./"Â I laugh at his words, and his aim in trying to

impress me which I enjoy.

/"We don't have to go to any place fancy, and I could also be your map if you

need./" I say honestly.

/"Yeah I think for this first time I should make it really good and surprise

you./"Â First time? Does that mean there's more to come, I can't wait.

My mom usually says people who find interest in each other should be together

which I think is happening right now. I am interested in a guy I just met hours

ago and he seemed to be feeling the same.

/"You're very optimistic, I see./"Â I write.

/"You have no idea./" He send a laughing emoji. /"is tomorrow by 12 alright?/" He


/"Sure./" I reply.

/"Okay see you then./" He adds.

I know I shouldn't have agreed to go out with him so soon considering I just met

him hours ago and the fact that our country has a high crimnal rate didn't help

at all, but there was something about this guy that is just so intriguing and I

decided to take my chance.

So help me God.

So, for tomorrow what should I wear?