


Epilogue 1

Haula's POV.

/"Yes. Yes. I'll marry you./" I tell him as he slips the diamond ring on my

finger. Everyone claps as their phones are all in their hand recording.

Theo stands up after putting the ring as he comes in kissing me. I kiss him back

with all the love I have as we pull apart, and I stare into his blue orbs.

/"I love you./" I tell him as I lean in, kissing him again as his hands grabs my

waist tight and his neck wrapped in my hands.

/"I love you more./" He tells me as we pull apart. He turns us around slipping one

hand, holding my waist pulling me closer to him as I look around the cheering

crowd and hear a lot of congratulations coming from everyone one.

I look around smiling at everyone as I told tell thank you. I feel so happy as I

turn to look at Theo who is indeed smiling and I swear I've never seen him this
