
Chapter 99

"When are these games actually starting?" I ask him and he raises his eyebrows up in the most endearing manner. 

"Are you so eager for them to start?". The question just confirms something I had suspected since the beginning of today, it confirms that something bad would happen to the participants of today's games.

I look around the place and see dangerous equipment laid out everywhere, a crowbar which someone could break his neck, or a javelin that could impale him, steel swords that could cut a neck off with one swipe. I wonder what exactly is the reason for doing this.

All the other guys are with their shirts off, and some are actually testing the authenticity of the blades on their skin. I doubt I would never encourage such a thing, as someone mistakenly cut himself the blade clutters to the ground with something of an amazed look in the guys eyes. I wonder if the blade is poisoned too.

I leave Adrian so he can mentally prepare himself, and take to scanning the place again for anything of a major or minor threat. My eyes go to catch the most beautiful commotion ever, like truly it really is beautiful.

The disgruntled Charlotte, and Damianos are busy whispering furtively at each other. At first I thought it was something of a conspiracy, or something of them just planning some other wild thing that would inevitably make these games more dangerous, but I see that with every twenty whispers that Charlotte brings out her mouth with renewed venom, Damianos only brings one.

My eyes catch his lips, pristinely shaped lips, and I read exactly what he's saying on them each and every time, it was a NO.

I scrunched my face up in confusion at what was happening. I thought they were married, why then are they having an argument in the middle of games that would probably define the lives of others?.

It seemed strange to me that the person that actually snatched my inheritance from me is sitting basically a thousand miles away in my parents mansion and eating my parents food, yet I was here, I'm here trying to figure out exactly why some people here act the way they do?.

"What exactly is off between the both of them?" I ask Alice, and she shrugs her shoulders "Damianos is by far the most handsome guy here" and even I have to admit that is true, I'd be understating if i said that I had seen him look like molten gold. 

"That doesn't answer my question though" I say to Alice, she simply point her hands to both of them, and I look exactly for what she wants me to see. The message is not clear at first but then it suddenly is, the difference is bright as even more when the stand side-by-side.

Damianos had somehow managed to outshine Charlotte in a way that I cannot comprehend. Suddenly she looks not the picture of perfection anymore, it seems the more she stands behind him the more of her beauty she loses, and I almost laugh at this.