
Chapter 92

I instinctively felt scared at this, but i let the reassuring stare of some people across the glade to make me feel ten thousand times better. It seems it isn't only the younger generation that is to participate in today's games, though I'm not really sure if Adrian's parents are participating, or if they are simply watching.

For a moment I actually think this is a decidedly kind gesture, in this decidedly cold place, until I remember exactly what is going to be happening today.

Skinny pale coloured guy, who had given up his token before is as white as a sheet right now, as he catches a pair of eyes watching him from down the hall. Eyes that hold expectation and requirements for today's games but yet he had giving the key to all those requirements out. He had given out the key to what his parents had expected of him so easily, and now he's been put in a tight spot.

Adrian's parents don't seem to be suprised at the shock all the younger kids are feeling, as his mom simply flashes me something on a steel.

A smile that tells a silent message. I can move back with that message all too well, I'm not some girl this guy can just come and start picking on just because he's bigger than me, or is huger than me, that's what he couldn't try anywhere else in this place, and so he shouldn't have to try it on me just because I'm different.

I step forward menacingly with the spike still pointed at his chest, and for a moment I was expecting him to do or carry out some form of bravado, in which he doesn't step back, but stands still instead daring me to poke the spike into his heart.

Surprisingly his bulky built back retreats with surprising speed the moment the pointed edge came into contact with his chest, it seems some people are more afraid of death than they've let on in this place, and I chuckled to myself at the action.

Something like shame passes through his eyes the moment he catches the form of a bulky walking man and his slender wife watching him.

I'm guessing those must be his parents, and i consider they are watching him get pushed around by a girl no bigger than his arm, so I feel a strange sense of pride in this, right before the flares of danger start playing that minute.

It seems this guy isn't going to let this little matter encompassingly go, as he backed away from me but the message in his eyes is also clear.

I have earned myself another enemy  this place. I saw him grin complacently and turn to look at Alice.

"I'm coming mummy" she says to me giving me a sly grin. Adrian's grin is wider though as the next minute, his full set of alluring teeth were out.

You had to just see his lips. It seems us being in so close a proximity to eat other isn't really healthy for my mental health.