
Chapter 90

A little something of a commotion breaks out in this huge garden like field track, and my head immediately snaps to attention the moment I hear a high-pitched voice.

It's the same voice I had heard last night, the one I had used "back handed philosophy" to win over, and the remembrance brings something of a smile to my face.

Someone is trailing her hot on her heels, and from their pitiful expression on her face, I am sure she is not happy about it.

I don't think I have ever seen anyone actually doing anything close to harassment in this place yet, but the delighted glint in this guy's eyes tells me that is exactly what he's doing.

"Your sister was my lover" he says, and the word makes or rather incites something of a shock through my belly.

Adrian simply scoffs and looks the other way, Alice almost has tears in her eyes, almost though, I notice as her face is still in that silenct mask of hers, the same silenct mask that scares each and every other person that looks her way, but yet seems to only delight this guy as he keeps on following her.

His shirt is off, and his well-built body is perfectly gleaming with something like oil smeared all over him gleaming in the sunlight.

I can only imagine exactly what he had applied all over his body to make it have such an effect, all in all it was a real winner, but yet I doubt Alice actually had the time for such nonsensical frivolities.

She didn't deem it fit to give him an answer, and she was walking steadily towards ME. My heart went into a panic as it beat erratically in my chest.

She looks to me with something of a silent plea in her eyes, to please get this guy off her back, but yet I didn't seem to know how.

My eyes were telling a different story though, as they hardened and seemed to tell her to approach, nothing good happens while I'm like this. They told her the moment she got to me, the moment she got to me she would be safe and secure, and this guy would stop bothering her, but while she walked, my head was working its way towards a solution.

There was none that presented itself to me, and so I walked over to one of the stands and grabbed something of a wooden spike, one of the dangerous wooden spikes I had seen the other time, and I held it firmly in my hand.

The moment she got to me, I raised the spike and put it at arm's length between me and the chest of this guy. He had to move backwards a few steps to avoid being impaled, and I love the ardent fear that passed through his eyes.

A fear that was immediately replaced by anger, extreme anger which told me I had just messed up, and riled up someone who was not going to keep quiet and be docile about it.