
Chapter 84

I avert my eyes from the sheer brilliance that is this unknown person, his eyes had long left the lock our eyes had been caught in for some time now, since he was glancing around looking at each and every person with a sort of assessing curiosity.

I find out that as much as I want to ignore him, I desperately want to know his name, that scares me. Why would I so desperately want to know the name of someone I just met, why should he be able to have such control over my thoughts even after just a few minutes of me staring at him.

It seems Adrian notices my dilemma and he turns to me with something of a rueful smile on his face.

"Do you know who that is?" he asks, obviously knowing I do not know the answer. I decline the offer to answer him back at first, but then he knows nothing of how my mind works now does he?.

I nod my head, and the shock that goes through his features almost makes me fall down laughing.

"You know who he is ?" He says again, and I nod in the affirmative once more as calmly as I could. Adrian's eyes now hold something of a silent sort of speculation, and silent anger.

I snapped out of my amusement to wonder why he's acting like this.

"Did you want to tell me who he is yourself?" I ask and his glace escapes my eyes.

"Who told you about him?" he asks and I refused to give him an answer, the smile that creep it's way onto my lips moments later at the sultry look he's wearing makes him realise he has just been played.

I shove him in the ribs laughing, and he looks silently at the sky monitoring something I actually want to know. I calm down once more and see Adrian looks at me with something of fascination in his eyes.

He gestures lightly back to the stunning guy with the golden flecked eyes and then back to me, and then back and forth again, and again.

"You know when I was talking to you on that bridge, I told you Charlotte had married someone else who laid a claim to the family's fortune" I nodded my head, as I distinctly remember him saying that she had left him for this guy who had surfaced just a year ago, and now seeks to rip Adrian off from everything he owns.

His hand gestures enigmatically to wards the guy with the molten black hair, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"What's his name?" I ask and the curt reply he gives me is, "Damianos".

I test the words on my lips and they seem to roll off of it like melted sugar, or honey that has just been freshly gotten. Adrian looks at me with something of queer fascination, and I wonder if he is appalled at my behaviour.

This stunning guy is the person I am currently battling with for the future of Adrian's family, but yet as my mind runs wild at seeing who we're up against, I cannot imagine how will we will possibly win against such a person.

It's not that I don't have faith in Adrian, I do, I sincerely do, but I'm taking a look at the facts laid out in front of me. It could be hopeless.