
Chapter 80

The next few hours, I spend pacing up and down the length of the living room, and listening to Adrian's detailed explanation of today's particular event.

It seems someone has let the information slip, or it had either been announced publicly, but I'm not sure that would ever be possible.

If it had been announced publicly then I wasn't there to hear it, but I'm pretty sure wherever Adrian went I also went last night, but my mind actually sounds a warning at that fact. How possible is it that I can be everywhere Adrian is?.

There's some places he surely goes without my knowledge, and I throw that thought out of my head, that isn't an important thing I should be thinking about right now.

What is important is how Adriam will come out of this game unharmed, but "why does the first event have to be athletic?", I ask him.

It seems weird and too coincidental to me that the first event of the winter games has to be something that involves throwing javelins and shooting crossbows and playing with each and every pointy athletic instruments that just happened to have a sharp edge and a dangerous gleam to it.

I even heard there was fencing, but I am not letting him anywhere near that.

"I think that's how it's always been?" he says, and I feel dread, thick and ugly sinking into my stomach.

"So today is just another day for someone to die" I ask, and the stone cold gaze that enters his eyes makes me feel sorry.

He looks at me with a sort of belated fascination, and all that is in his look is concern. I don't know why he always seems to carry out this particular action whenever there is a faint hint of danger around us, he seems to instantly forget about himself and think all about me.

That is the only thing is he seems to be showing right now, that is the only thing his eyes would always be communicating to me in that moment.

"It's not necessary you come see it" he says, and though I think the statement should sound rude and final, it seems he cannot just muster up that tone.

He cannot just muster up the tone of rudely dismissing me, or giving out orders to me, and so he's pleading with me. He's pleading with me to please not engage myself in the brutality of these winter games, and I find myself smiling at that fact.

He doesn't want me to be where there is blood, or dirt, but yet I can feel the firm resolve in my heart telling me that is exactly I will be going.

I will go to this place where the first of a decisive set of games, seven games as from now will be held.

I will go and give all the support that I can give to him, and probably help along the way if I can. I know I will help because I can, I will do everything in my power to help him, because as he said before I am his strength, and that is exactly what I'm going to be.

"I'm coming along" I tell him and he does not agree with me. I love that about him, the way he seems to always understand me but still shows resistance to my deadlier tendencies. We will kill these winter games together. As long as I'm here that is.