
Chapter 72

Our little dinner last night had gone so pleasantly well that I think that is the reason for this elation that I am feeling this morning.

I get off the bed and straighten it at the edges, making it look at least a little bit neat and not like someone had just rolled all over it throughout the night.

"You can have the bed now" I tell him, and the surprised expression he gives me makes me want to laugh. I can only imagine the irony of that offer. I give him a chance at the bed, immediately he wakes up from sleep, what will he use the bed for when he's fully awake.

A dirty thought finds it's way into my mind, and I cannot seem to marvel at the power that this little mind of mine carries. It has the power to give you a million suggestions at totally useless times, but yet the moment that matters the most, it will give you some out-of-the-box suggestion, that is exactly what I consider this suggestion as it can never work.

I wouldn't, I wouldn't even let it happen. All the same Adrian gets up from the floor and leaps onto the bed, breathing in with a contented sigh.

"Is the floor that hard?" I ask him, and he mumbled something to me, his face still buried deep into one of the pillows i used to sleep last night.

Something in my surprisingly innocent mind tells me he's sniffing my scent, and I can feel the blush that creeps up my skin once more.

What is wrong with me this morning?, is it all the hormones acting up or is it totally something else.

I'm still wearing my nightgown and sure enough it is made of a very thin silk and has flowers embroidered all into its edges. It makes me sleep comfortably enough, and yet it also keeps some amounts of fear in me.

I cannot seem to get rid of the notion that I might go to bed this evening, and in the middle of the night I feel a hand rolling all over my body. The notion always makes my stomach drop, and so I do not pay too much attention to it.

The first two days I was here I paid a lot of attention to it actually, but yet Adrian's character has proven me wrong each and every time. His easy nature, and the shy smile in his eyes, always makes me feel reassured. Adrian isn't the sort of person that would do that to me.

He isn't the type of person that would Infringe on my privacy and my dignity. He doesn't seem to be the type of person that would do something so horrible to me. I look into the handsome face that is now buried in the pillows, his mouth slightly open, and his limbs sprawled out each and every way.

I sigh ruefully as I set to exploring this little apartment he calls his rooms.