
Chapter 62

How do you get an international spy to come to your aid I think, as I look closely towards her. She seems to have none of the confidence that I would have expected from any normal spy.

I always had that picture of them always being badass and all kung fu, and fighting styles in my head, but this lady here looks nothing of the sort.

She looks tired, and weary, I can see the band of silk she has over a hand and the way the blue so efficiently hides it.

It makes me know that she has taken her situation into carefully considered consideration. The way the blue overlaps the black silk makes it look inconspicuous to anyone else, but to me, someone who has felt grief once before in my life, I know exactly what it means.

She's grieving over the death of a sister but yet she's too afraid to show it. She's afraid to show people that they have hurt her by taking away someone who was there for her, she's afraid to show life that it has dealt a blow to her as she seems to be all alone right now.

I think I can sympathize with that feeling, as it is the same one I had felt after my parents death. I had felt lonely, and miserable, and abandoned to take on this bleak world by myself. I felt I didn't have anyone else to rely on as my parents were all but gone, and the rest of the people around me seemed to only want to exploit me.

She is so clearly mourning for a sister, and yet she so desperately hides the urge to show it. She's afraid to show the weakness that comes with mourning in a place where weakness is exploited. There is no way she would show that weakness, and wouldn't find herself following in her sisters footsteps a few days later.

I can't seem to imagine how they do it. How they all seem so strong but yet hide so much weakness. How they all seem so immune to pain but yet feel so much pain themselves. I'm guessing there's nothing as truly strong in this world, just people who manage as they go by.

You have to deal with whatever cards you are dealt, and playing it well will ensure your safety and security. I can see the tired pleas that lies in those eyes, as she gives back every intimidating stare or glance a defiant smile. She smiles at each and every person that passes are but yet she holds sorrow deep in her heart.

I think it is the notion of someone feeling exactly what I had felt once that spurs me into action.

I look to Adrian and Arden, I can see the question that lies so softly in their eyes. I won't consider her a target as she is grieving for a loved one, her sister just died this morning, I will consider her as someone who needs a friend at this particular moment, that is if she will have it.

I can practically hear my heart beating in my ears, as I stand up and make my way over to her. It's better now than never.