
Chapter 57

My plan is simple, as much as it is complicated. Everyone behaves like they are two thousand years old, with all the subtle glances and messages that seems to convey even more meaning when you read into them. They all act the sort of people who are older than their age, and have the worries of the world all on their head, and that is exactly how everyone seems to see each other.

They all see each other as people who are older than their years, and who will do anything to secure the future of their houses. I don't see them that way, I don't think I've ever seen them that way.

Even from the first night I had been here, I had certainly never seen Adrian that way, even if I sometimes found myself falling into that particular notion from time to time.

I see the insecure and emotionally unbalanced teenagers who are here giving a shot at their future. I see these kids who seem to take hard decisions every minute or so, because they know that failing to take it would mean death at most, and danger for them and their families.

I see kids who are struggling for their lives and a future at this place. This place which seems to hold so much power to anyone who looks at it. This little continent of people I sit in the midst of are probably not more than twenty years of age, and in their heads they all act like they do not have a single emotion.

The slight tremble of lips I catch some people having when they think no one is looking assures me that my conviction is correct. They're not as old as they think, they are, they are still young and their emotions are still fresh, most of them can't handle this sort of stress and even sometimes I find myself catching Adrian take deep breaths once in a while to calm the erratic beating of his heart.

Each and every person here has one feeling they all share in thier head. They are scared to their wit's end, and they don't know what to do about it.

If you aren't brutal, you end up losing everything but if you are you put yourself in danger of losung your humanity piece-by-piece. I don't think some people would care about the humanity part, but yet those who are on the losing side still hold a little bit of power.

They hold the power to refuse their consent to ever wants to exploit them. They have the power to refuse the information that comes with the smiles some people offer them, they also have the power to make a decision of their own as the games had so clearly stated.

This game is about gaining trust, even though I'm sure the twisted ruler of this place didn't mean it that way, "but that is exactly what we will do, we will gain their trust" I say and the gleam in Adrian's and Arden's eyes seem to hold even more fascination to them at this point.

I can see Arden wipe away a tear by the side of her cheek, and she looks at me with deep passionate eyes. "Thank you" she says, "thank you for making me realise what I've been ignoring all this time". My heart positively bleeds for all of them.