
Chapter 55

"Aderyn" I hear someone say, and I snap back to reality, to see Adrian and Arden looking to me expectantly. Adrian sees that I have been hurt by his hesitation, and I can see his eyes are expectant now.

At least he's giving me a chance to air my views now. I like the sort of consideration he has at each and everything I'm feeling, and I can't help but feel more confident at the expectancy of his gaze. It seems he acts as something of a conduit for my emotions, or is rather, as I seem to catch myself feeling better when I see him feeling better.

I seem to catch whatever excitement bustles in the air around him, if he's ever excited at anything. Just four days with him, and I seem to know each and every twist of his emotions, and that is what gives me even more confidence at saying what I plan to do.

Adrian can seem really simple how I have defined him, but I know that to be a lie. He's probably one of the most complicated people anyone else can ever encounter, but I seem to understand him just fine, that is because I seem to have that particular ability.

I'm not meaning to say I have super powers or anything but it's just that sort of asset that each and every person seems to have. Some people can draw, some people are very confident, some people have a hand for manipulation, some people have a hand for constructive planning, some people have the mind of patriots as they always seem to think of each and every person around them. I have the mind of a reader.

I always seem to read whatever is hidden between the lines of each and everybody stare, I always seem to grab on quickly to exactly what is happening right under everyone else's nose, and I think that's what got me into trouble at my former job.

The manager had been pilfering funds from the owner of the restaurant, and I couldn't seem to blame her at not noticing this. She's over seventy five years old, and she was the one kind enough to actually employ me.

I had unintentionally let this slip to her, and she informed me that she knew about it, even though she was surprised at the fact that I could actually grab onto such a thing. She told me he covered his tracks well, but yet she still got to know about it, and chose to ignore it because of her daughter.

He's married to her daughter, and any attack on him would feel like a betrayal to her. She commended me at this particular effort I put into seeing exactly what was wrong in each and every situation, I remember going home with a smile like no other that night, as I considered myself some sort of super woman.

There was also pity in my heart, as I couldn't fathom how it would feel as I saw a woman who employed me, but yet could do nothing about a thief right under her own nose.

It is said ability that I am relying on, and the mention of my name brings me back to attention yet again. I find I'm nervous. Really nervous.