
Chapter 3

The shock makes me blink at first, I try to do a double take and see maybe my eyes were decieving me earlier, maybe I didn't see clearly before. "Lucas what's happening?" I say and he gives a pleasant little laugh.

He walks over to this girl and grabs her by the waist, drawing her to himself and looking into her eyes, he glances at me and leans in to kiss her. She giggles, clearly liking all the attention she's getting and leans in back to reciprocate his gesture. A round of applause starts and I can see some people I clearly didn't notice before whooping in triumph.

The crowd joins unknowingly and soon everyone in the restaurant is clapping even though some do so unsurely. I stand there shocked and bewildered. That's my boyfriend kissing another girl, at my workplace, and making a public spectacle of it all. He disengages from her and walks back to me.

"Do you understand what's happening now?" He says smiling, "it's over between us, I don't need you anymore, I've always been the one to give and I get nothing in return. I've found someone that's better than you, someone who will give me everything and ask for nothing in return".

His little speech rips the air out of my lungs, and for a moment I can't breathe. "Lucas what are you saying?", He makes a show of looking exasperated, like he's talking a dunce who can't seem to understand quite what he's saying "I'm saying it's over between us Aderyn, you get that?". He dosen't wait for an answer and walks back to this new girl he's with, the new girl who's my replacement, the girl who'll supposedly do anything for him.

She faces me and gives me a look of  mock sympathy, blowing a kiss to me before they exit the restaurant. My eyes involuntarily follow them and I see them enter a shiny white chrome car just outside the restaurant, a very expensive car by the looks of it. His eyes catch mine as he enters the car and I can see the smile of triumph in his eyes.

The car drives off and I can see the stares of everyone at the restaurant on me. I don't even know what to feel right now, am I to feel hurt?, betrayed?, useless?. He asked me to sleep with someone I'd only met once, someone he had introduced to me at this very restaurant. He wanted me to sell my body to someone I don't know so he could get a modelling endorsement.

After all his promises about taking care of me no matter what, after all his talk of us building our future together, after all his talk of us beign together forever, this is how it ends, with me broken and him driving off with a girl whose parents have the power to get him nice clothes, nice shoes, a car. Lucas left me because i couldn't give him anything of any real worth.

I can't give him money, I can't give him a house, I can't give him new clothes, I can't give him anything that's of worth to him. That goes to say how much my love was ever worth to him.