
Chapter 28

The magnificently huge place makes me awed once more. How could someone build such a thing, I think as we make our way to what Adrian tells me is the kitchen.

We walk as far as hunger and desperation can carry us, and as we pass glass walls I can't help but stare at my reflection in the glass.

Pure white hair, the type that makes me easily recognisable in a crowd is thick and full now as i realize it's been a long time since I'd brushed my hair.

The image of me walking my energy off at the Ramen joint makes me see the Image of a pitiful eighteen year old, who has no parents and sure way of surviving. It strips away all the strength I'd been able to pull up from the missions I had just faced and the rest ahead of me.

I stop and Adrian also comes to a halt as we both stare at the reflection of the two people in the mirror. We look like two totally different people, as I see myself with my white hair, and fair skin and scrawny body, and Adrian is beside me like a drop of sunlight, black dark hair, with his golden shining skin, the skin of someone who knows he has spent a lot of time in the sun, and has achieved the required tan. My skin is rough from so much work, but his is smooth, he wears black and I wear white and for a reason. I can't seem to believe that we are startling different people.

I've gotten along well enough with Adrian for the time that I have spent here and it seems we are similar to each other in almost everything. I like the way we operate easily with each other, because we seem to have the same thoughts. The recollection of how easily I flowed with Adrian brings back memories of Lucas as I almost see it like it just happened yesterday, when we found out we like the same songs, we watched the same movies and would always create time in our busy hustling schedule to at least be with each other the pain from his break up is still there but I do not want to address it right now, not after it almost made me kill myself that night.

I'd have been a dead body floating in the River right now if it wasn't for Adrian. Adrian and his sweet smile and easy ways and the way he just made me put all my pain to him I realise we act as each other support system and I think that's what makes me move along that well with him.

He doesn't ask for anything and I don't ask for anything. He came and he said what you wanted to say as simple as it can be I agreed and here we are sticking to his words. I can only imagine the sort of love you must have had for Charlotte to have made him decieve his parents that much, because from the moment I've met him he's been the most honest and truthful person I can ever know. In the meaning of for a while and I instinctively hugging you sniffs my hair and relate to go and continue working towards the kitchen without a word.