
Chapter 239

I wake up on the bed.

I wake up on the bed the next morning and I am panicking right now.

Well I practically just bolted up from sleep right now and I am really really panicked.

I am actually really really panicked as I am looking around and, was I not in the hall just now??.

Was i not in the memorial hall just now??.

I am taking in my surroundings, I'm taking in my surrounding with the dangerous sense of awareness i had before because this isn't supposed to be happening. This supposed to be real.

I mean from looking at the dark hall to lying down on my bed is that normal, is that normal??.

That is the same thing I had been asking myself just a few seconds ago, that was the same thing I had been asking myself just a few seconds ago because seriously?, what's the heck about???.

Exactly what is happening to me??.

 I look around to see that I'm still in Adrian's room, I'm still in Adrian's room and Ercles is on the bed with me lying down.

He is lying down on the bed with me and I have to be surprised at this because this was exactly how we had woken up the earlier morning or was it yesterday's morning??, or is today another day?? I don't even know, I can't even remember because exactly what is happening here???.

I can distinctly remember the form in which Ercles slept.

I can distinctly remember each and every angle of his limbs, I can remember this same hand that was in his hair because I had been fiddling with his hair last night and I slept with it like that.

I slept with my hand in his hair and that was how I woke up that morning.

Is this really another day.

"Are you okay?" someone says and i turn to the voice to see Adrian looking at me.

I have to be surprised.

That was exactly what he said, that was exactly what he said that morning and he looks concerned.

He looks concerned now and I have to tell myself to keep calm.

I tell myself to keep calm because exactly how would I sound saying this.

"Is anything the problem?" he says looking at me and I nod my head.

"What is today?" I say looking at him and you can see the confusion across his face.


"What did we do yesterday?".

I ask this intently because i find that this is a better question to ask. I don't even know what today's date should be. I don't know what the date of that day was and even if I was going to ask this question, I'm just going to get more confused by it.

"What did we do yesterday??" he says looking at me with practical concern written all over his face and I nod.

He gives me an answer.

He gives me an answer that i had been expecting and I had not been expecting at the same time.

"Yesterday we went out late into the night and we practically just arrived here this morning".

This is wrong, this is wrong, this is totally wrongn.

I remember exactly how we came in here this morning. I remember exactly how we came in here that morning, he had driven us in here.

He had driven us back here in the early hours of the morning, and surprisingly we had met with no hassles along the way.

We had spent the whole morning and afternoon practically lounging about doing nothing until he finally decided to take me to the memorial Hall.

"If we came back just this morning, then why am I in bed?, why is Ercles in bed?"

"You guys are both in bed because you were both tired.

You were both tired and stumped when you got back that you had simply gone back to sleep in"

"What is the time?" I say looking at him and he checks his watch.

"A few minutes after nine".

This is wrong, this is all wrong, this is totally wrong.

We are supposed to still be driving here by now, we are supposed to still be driving here by now and I'm supposed to be complaining of exactly how much I did not like this place.

"When did we arrive here?" I say looking at him and he raises an unsure eyebrow up at me.

"Maybe around two".

"I thought you guys said that we could not come back that late"

"We could have, we just couldn't come into the house around the hours of ten and twelve"

"Nobody's told me this before?" I say looking at him and he touches my forehead.

"Exactly what I suspected. You are boiling hot, are you sure you're okay".

I have to feel my own temperature. I have to feel my own temperature and I find out that he is right.

I am totally hot I am totally hot, almost like I am boiling and what exactly is happening to me??.

What exactly is happening to me because exactly why should I feel like I am dizzy.

My temperature is high, it is surprisingly high for someone was practically okay the night before and I think that is the same thing Adrian feels.

That is the same thing Adrian feels and that is why he's wearing a slightly panicked expression on his face.

"Is there anything else wrong with me?" I say looking at him and he shakes his head.

"What did you do?" he says and I find the question weird.

I find the question odd because exactly what would I have done to make myself have a high temperature, is that even a viable question?, is that even a sensible question by any standard.

"You might want to rephrase your question?" I say looking at him and he nods his head.

"Don't bother about it, let me get you some drugs".

He walks out the next moment, he walks out the next moment with concern in his eyes and I have to lie down on the bed.

What the heck is happening?? what the heck is happening to me???.