
Chapter 235

For a moment I would like to believe that she has stopped to consider this, for a moment I would like to believe that she has stopped to consider this because she looks contemplative at this point.

She looks like she's contemplating something at this point and I wonder exactly what she's contemplating.

"Are you sure this person looks like me?" if she says and I have to nod my head.

"I am very very sure of it. I mean look at it, look at the resemblance".

I am coming into action and I'm pointing to the chin on the portrait.

They have the same cleft chin, the same raised up eyebrow, the same sensual mouth, the same everything. They just have the same everything, it is almost like someone simply drew Alice onto this portrait but instead they gave her a very ugly dress to wear and now I have to laugh at this.

"Exactly what sort of fashion was this at that time?" I say looking at her and she simply smirks.

"Now you are just joking"

"Seriously, I'm not joking" I say looking at this lady.

"She looks like you"

"How could someone who was drawn practically ten thousand years back look like me?"

I have to open my eyes in surprise at this.

I have to open my eyes in surprised because this place has been in existence for about ten thousand years already.

"Well it's possible" she says looking at me and i am contemplating it.

I have to smile at this.

"You see what I'm saying then" i say and she shakes her head.

"It is possible because people simply look like each other at some point, it doesn't mean that I'm related to her or anything"

"But then you agree that she looks like you"nI say looking at her and she nods her head.

"Yes, I agree that she looks like me" and i smile at this.

At least I finally won one of these little argument.

This lady looks like Alice, she looks like Alice undoubtedly so and I am surprised at this.

The first one look like Adrain, and the second one looked like Alice, the third one should look like Arden right??.

I move on to the next portrait to find I do not recognise who this person is. I do not recognise who this person is but yet I have to say that the person looks quite fetching.

He looks quite fetching especially with the handsome face and my mind is working, my mind is working to place where I have seen this face before, my mind is working furiously to place where I have seen this face before and as I do not I simply decide to move on to the next one.

Adrian is still looking at the portrait of himself, Alice is still looking at the portrait of the person that looks like her and Adrian is also looking at the portrait of the person that looks like him.

I have put their minds through some trouble, i have put their minds to some trouble and I smile at myself.

The next portrait shocks me.