
Chapter 233

We do not need to walk very far.

We do not need to walk very far, the distance between one portrait and the next is not really short but yet it is not that long at the same time.

What am I saying??.

If you walked a few feet then you're practically at the next portrait.

The next portrait surprises me, the only reason why I'm beating around the bush is because of this portrait.

For some reason, for some uncanny reason, I feel it is directly linked to the first one.

I'm groaning internally at this.

Why am I the one who is simply discovering a mystery with each and every thing she sees, what am I thinking discovering a mystery with each and every little thing I see?.

This should be normal shouldn't it?, these are portraits, portraits of people who have lived here before but yet I am taking my time to inspect this portrait closely.

It is that of a woman, it is that of a woman and the moment my eyes simply catch on it, i run back to the first one and I check it I look at it closely.

I come back with a triumphant smile on my face.

"There's a birthmark on their arms is there not?" I say looking at the two people who are following me and they look at me with surprise.

They look at me considerably surprised and Alice is shaking her head.

"I have not noticed a birthmark before" she says and I grab her by the arm.

I drag her over to the portrait and we bend down, it is almost like the light, the lights from the crystal chandeliers up is deliberately working to conceal this little fact from you.

It is deliberately working to blend the birthmark into white flawless skin. You practically have to shield your eyes from the light that is falling for you to finally see it.

I place my hand just above her eyes, shielding it from the light that is falling and her eyes open wide in surprise as she sees it.

"Is it on the other portrait too?" she says looking at me and I nod my head.

Like excited little kids, like two excited little kids who are finally solving the mystery that they have wanted to solve for a long time now we run back to the first portrait.

We run back to the first portrait and i shield her eyes again as she looks at the same portrait.

She looks like the same life-size portrait that she has been looking at ever since she was five and her eyes open wide in surprise.

"Do you think they are siblings?" she says looking at me, and I cannot give her an answer.

I cannot give her an answer because I also do not know 

I do not know what this birthmark means, is it really a birthmark to even be precise?.

I feel there is a flaw in it, there's a flaw in how it has been drawn.

We are currently moving over to the next portrait.