
Chapter 230

Adrian smiles at me, he looks at me and he smiles almost like he can read the thoughts that are flying through my mind at this point.

I would not be surprised if he was.

When I had asked them about the truth, when i had asked them from for the truth up front they had all evaded it with smiles and pretty laughter, but right now, right now the way they both look at me, well the way Adrian looks at me, it was almost like he has a very good knowledge of whatever was flying through my mind and I smile.

I have to tell myself that this is not the time, and this is not the place for such. This is not the time and the place for me to be getting a weird feeling.

Something weird just happened and I'm sure that if we linger on even more, more weird things are bound to happen.

More weird things are bound to happen, things which I will not be able to explain and Alice simply flicks me on the head.

"Stop having so many thoughts running through your head. It's not good for the brain".

I have to cock an eyebrow up at this.

Is she trying to give my a hint?, is she trying to give me a possible pointer at what they are doing to me.

"Don't let your toughts run wild, you always stare into space whenever you are thinking".

Okay, a very a very very good observation, a very good observation because it is true.

I always tend to space out whenever I'm thinking but still.

"Come on, there's something that I want to show you".

She says this with an exasperated tone in her voice, almost like she's tired of seeing me stare into space and I realise that is what i was about to do.

Well what can I say, my mind is my safe space, my mind is my comfort spot, it is a place that i run to when everything else is crumbling around me and I smile at myself.

Ercles grabs onto my hand and Adrian hands Ercles his phone.

For some reason this looks transactionary between them, it looks like they're carrying out a transaction and Ercles nods his head.

I see him open the phone and he moves over to the applications for some games.

He holds it in his hand, practically walking as he's playing a game and I have to roll my eyes at this.

Adrian is spoiling the boy, he is spoiling the little boy.

I have not had access to any electronical device since I got here but yet he practically hand his phone over to a little boy.

"Do you want me to get you a phone too?" He says looking at me now and I have to shake my head.

Even if I had the phone what would I use it for?, what would I use it for??.

This place is making me run mad already, I doubt a phone would help my situation.