
Chapter 22

I hold back the intention to laugh as Adrian and myself make our way downstairs. This is the first time that I actually have the chance to fully admire this "winter mansion" ,my eyes roam every bit and inch of the place in fascination as I wonder just how much money has been put into building such an edifice like this.

The place looks like a castle, a full-blown castle, for full-blown royalty. I have to keep it in mind to ask Adrian exactly who his family are, as for now the only thing on my mind is how to survive this lunch.

From the looks of what Adrian's mum said earlier, I doubt it will be easy. I force myself to smile and have the assurance that at least if anything is to go well today, this lunch should go well. I look to Adrian and see him staring at his surroundings with a sort of disgusted sympathy in his eyes. I can also relate to that feeling as the question reaches it's climax at the back of my mind.

With all this money and all this wealth, some people build themselves top grade houses with high ceiling domes and beautiful curving arches, and yet they are some kids on the streets that starve, kids who don't have anything to eat and don't have the assurance of getting it the next day. There are people who don't have roofs over their heads, there are people who can't afford to take care of their families, and yet some people instead of making something modest and doing something good with the rest of the money, spend it all on beautiful houses and expensive cars and the useless luxuries.

Well I can't say i really blame them, they are the ones that made the money, so they can choose what to do with it. I try to divert my attention by looking around the whole place.

A furious Charlotte storms past us In anger, and I hold back the desire to laugh. All the confidence from before has fled me now, and I'm back to being my usual timid self. I sure wish that the sass I displayed before would come back to me right now, because I'm sure I'll need it.

We stop in front of a huge door and I can already hear the little slips of chatter coming from inside. I'm guessing this is the dining area and this is where our lunch is going to be served. This is where I'm going to come face-to-face with Adrian's parents, and this is where we are going to make our first attempt at getting his inheritance back.

This is going to be the first step in this arrangement that we have come to, and I can't help but feel quite nervous at the whole thing.

The question comes back to me again, Is Adrian really sure I'm the right one for this job?. "Ready to do this?" he asks and I nod. I can see is also nervous from the way he wrings his hands together, and on impulse I offer him a reassuring smile, like I'm also not at my wits end here.

Whatever happens in there determines our fate in all this. Best we make it go well.